HOW MANY UNIVERSES ARE THERE? Christians have always been - TopicsExpress


HOW MANY UNIVERSES ARE THERE? Christians have always been taught the Biblical view that there are two realities at the same time. This means two planes of reality that life exists on and is played out on: 1) the worldly one of the flesh/bodily existence tending toward sin, and 2) the spiritual one of the converted heart, the Holy Spirit, God, and angels. This Christian view of existence I think is essentially correct and being increasing borne out to be the case over time. Lets look at the evidence in modern terms and in the modern world for there being two worlds, the physical and spiritual. That is, as I call it, it is true that there are at least two planes of existence or separate, interacting universes or realities. According to the Bible, you are born into each one (the physical world and spiritual life) similarly, though separately. And some people are never born into the spiritual world. That is why they are called lost in the sense of being lost and wandering souls. Are you that today? Pray to God calling on Jesus name! Jesus is the way to new life and plane of existence! Physicists are themselves caught between two realities currently, so to speak. That is, they represent two proponent views of reality or theories being held by physicists now. The old view was the one universe view, i.e., that our physical reality is the only existence. Most of the people believing in evolution even think intelligence and consciousness are only physical and not truly mental. That is, they believe thinking is only made up of physical components and can be reduced to the interactions of atoms (not even photons). Some intelligent design proponents believe they can prove through functionalism there are two worlds, the physical and mental; I agree with them. But particles/waves at the subatomic level dont behave logically and sequential like atoms and molecules. They are less reliable and predictable, thus called only probabilistic by most scientists. Quantum physics is not unlike religious activities in this sense... The worlds premier astrophysicist, Stephen Hawking, now even believes in the newer view. It is called the multiuniverse view. The multiuniverse (also called multiverse) view sees the many possibilities that we call the future all becoming real separately (diverging in time) due to the fact of organisms alternative choices and most random physical possibilities/alternatives actually taking place. Each one diverging creates a different physical universe. One reason for the multiuniverse view is that Albert Einstein (and other physicist) observed light photons that were split moving different directions, but still connected somehow as if there there was some real, unobservable physical connection or medium between them. (This is one reason why I say that animism or a spiritual existence or mind to some degree in everything is a very real possibility.) Einstein reported that when one photon that had been split (by half-transparent mirrors) was later existinquished by an observer, so were the others at the identical same time at a great distance. The physical reality of connected-though-separate photons has been confirmed many times and is now making faster than light communication possible at great distance through controlling the process. Yes, machines are being designed and tested to actually control photons pumped through multiple fiber optics that have been separated to great distances for radio/TV/internet purposes as we speak. All of this is based on the fact that light photons may know what other physically related photons are now doing! They may be more knowledgeable of each others actions so-to-speak than human beings are of their family members! (This is a little joke.) But the truth is that scientists do not know what is this underlying, connecting medium in the physical world of light. Well, Christian may. They have been saying things like this about light for centuries. The connection/cause may well be at the quantum (smaller than the microscopic) level as scientists are saying, and not obeying Newtonian (logical, sequenced-based, observable...) laws of physics. FAITH DOES THIS! Thats why I think that if physicists actually believe this is the case, theyve merely finally discovered evidence for the spiritual world or plane of existence - thats all! Evolutionists maintain there is no physical evidence for God. Most theologians agree. However, the UPCI knows of two cases of its members (one was a whole family, and the other - an individual) being rescued from high speed auto crashes before impact by a huge while hand. Simply the name of Jesus was called out. This glowing shaped cloud of light (according to the participants inside the hand) lifted the vehicles out and away from their perilous circumstance and deposited them softly and providentially to one side of the scene. I say that God did it and this is documented, physical proof of His existence. And controlled photons may have been involved. Faith in Jesus was able to access the process NOW. Yes indeed, there may be more than one universe, plane of existence, or dimension of time and space/place. Religious people have been saying this for centuries, however. Christians should keep saying that THERE ARE ACTUALLY TWO UNIVERSES, NOT JUST ONE, even though the term universe has displaced the term world. Physical and spiritual universes have always been interacting in this sense and in some cases, clashing. And through faith in Jesus name, you can access both powerfully using sculpted control and instantaneously.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 00:39:04 +0000

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