HOW THE CIA AND NSA REMOTELY TARGETS THE BRAINS OF MIND CONTROL MONARCH VICTIMS FROM A GREAT DISTANCE HOW CIA AND DIA OPERATORS CAN REMOTELY TARGET MIND CONTROL VICTIMS FROM GREAT DISTANCES WITH DIRECTED ENERGY CIA and DIA Operatives Targeting Brain of Monarch Program Victims of Mind Control Victims Day and Night, but Primarily in their Sleep When They Are Most Vulnerable Each human being has a unique brain wave pattern that is one of a kind, just like you have a unique set of fingerprints. That brain wave pattern is known as your Specific Residence Frequency which no one else in the world has like yours. It is truly a unique one of a kind brain wave signal. Once CIA/DIA operatives entrain your brain to their RNM supercomputer via a continuous stream of electromagnetic energy they are able to lock on to that brain wave signal after they have moved close to you and then they download your specific brainwave frequency brain wave pattern into their computer which the CIA and DIA handlers, which are usually four to six in number because they operate in shifts, have for life, which the CIA DIA handlers, known as CLONES, can then mimic the natural electromagnetic emissions of your brain to induce all kinds of thoughts, emotions, cognitive abilities, physical sensations, aromas, images, sounds, etc., using directed electromagnetic energy designed to mimic the normal electromagnetic emissions of your brain. Those electromagnetic impulses are sent into the brain via Impulse Injections, to trigger evoked potentials, for the purposes of verification. This generates sounds, images, aromas, etc., via the neuronal circuits. The live continuous stream of electromagnetic energy is perpetual and is remotely triggered from great distances. HOW IT WORKS: The CIA DIA are using a fabricated or falsified stream of electromagnetic energy to interfere with your memory and thought process. Once you become dependent (ie. you believe their impulse injections are your own) on the systems output (or they believe your responses to it are consistent) they will begin to fabricate subconscious responses which they will pretend are indicators of honesty/dishonesty, positive recognition, anxiety, etc, and they will use these impulse injections to convince you that the fabricated responses are your own. If you are unaware of this constant mental manipulation the system will begin to shape your thoughts and behavior. They will use this to [attempt to] restrict your thoughts and behavior by blocking [interfering with] your memory and thought process while these suggestions (injected impulses) are being provided - the interference is triggered and can be activated at will by the attackers. Then the CIA DIA handlers use that specific brain wave frequency of the targeted individual to target you and manipulate your mind with mind control technology. This is a simplified way to explain how REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING/MANIPULATION MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY works in real time. They also secretly chip the targeted individual with tracking implants the size of a grain of sand which they can monitor by satellite any where in the world to track your location, much like how a GPS device works. They use those tracking implants to hone in on your physical location to wherever you are and once you are in a relatively stationary position the targeted individual becomes susceptible to the directed stream of electromagnetic energy. The CIA DIA handlers - once they have established your location - can then hetero dynamically lock on to your unique one of a kind brain wave pattern frequency and manipulate your mind for the purposes of mind control, and to inflict pain and trauma on the targeted individuals body and internal organs that others who are in the vicinity of the stream of directed energy dont feel or notice. The reason they dont absorb the energy or feel its effects is because that stream of electromagnetic energy is specifically tuned to the unique of a kind brain wave pattern (Specific Residence Frequency) of the targeted individual. Again, and crucially important to understand, the mind of the brain entrained targeted individual picks up the frequency of directed energy but the other persons around the targeted individual dont pick it up because that frequency of directed energy is specifically tuned to the unique brain wave pattern of the targeted individual, so the others around the target dont feel the pain trauma and other cognitive effects on their brains and central nervous systems because they dont absorb the energy. Only those with that specific residence frequency (unique brain wave patter) absorb the energy or feel its effects. As such, only the targeted individual with that Specific Residence Frequency of brain waves absorbs the energy or feels it effects such as severe pain to the brain, body and central nervous system. Because the brain controls the central nervous system, only that persons central nervous system, who has that specific brain wave pattern frequency, will have their bodily organs and central nervous system manipulated. The others around you will not feel or notice the effects because their brain wave patterns dont operate along the same frequency. When you dial a radio station on the radio and you are able to pick up the music from that station because you are able to tune into that specific frequency of radio waves that are directed into the atmosphere. Others who cannot pick up that frequency cannot hear that radio stations music because their radio recievers dont absorb the energy. Same is true for the brain of the targeted individual. Only you can feel the effects of the microwaves, etc., because only you have that one of a kind unique brain wave frequency which the CIA & DoD operatives are able to tune into. We are all literally walking recievers! That is a very simplistic way to explain how the directed energy weapon attacks work, but this is how the CIA DIA operatives are able to target the Monarch Victim in, say, a crowd of people, as that crowd of other people dont absorb the energy or feel its effects. Only the victim absorbs the energy or feels it effects. Once they have that specific frequency that can target you from great distances with mind control technology. However, because VERIFICATION is absolutely necessary they need to be close to you or to have hidden surveillance cameras up or boots on the ground to monitor you and make sure the technology is working and for that to happen they need to ISOLATE the targeted individual. CIA DIA handlers achieve this ISOLATION OF THE TARGETED INDIVIDUAL by engaging in a SMEAR CAMPAIGN OF CHARACTER ASSASSINATION AND SLANDER BASED ON LIES AND HALF TRUTHS to turn people against you so that they think they are helping the CIA & DoD third party operatives -whomever they may be - by watching you for other reasons when in fact they are just puppets of the CIA and DIA operators who have fooled them into doing the work for them. THEY HAVE DONE THIS REPEATEDLY TO ME. THE CIA NSA HANDLERS ARE CONSTANTLY TARGETING ME WITH DELTA WAVES TO MAKE ME DROWSY SO I WILL GO TO SLEEP AND THEY CAN START TARGETING MY BRAIN WITH STREAM OF DIRECTED ENERGY BETA PROGRAMMING THROUGH MICROWAVES TO RE-WIRE MY COGNITIVE PROCESSES AND TO SLOWLY DESTROY MY BRAIN SO THAT I APPEAR MENTALLY ILL RATHER THAN MENTALLY INJURED WHILE AT THE SAME TIME TURNING ME INTO THEIR MONARCH MIND CONTROL SLAVE CIA DIA OPERATORS MAY ALTER THE WORDING OF THIS ARTICLE WHICH IS A DIVERSION TACTIC KNOWN AS MISDIRECTION TO DISTRACT THE READER. I HAVE ALREADY HAD TO CORRECT THIS ARTICLE TWICE BECAUSE OF THEIR SUBTLE ALTERING OF WORDS.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 08:31:00 +0000

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