HOW TO EAT HEALTHY DURING MONSOONS Monsoon diet comprises for - TopicsExpress


HOW TO EAT HEALTHY DURING MONSOONS Monsoon diet comprises for certain essential dietary rules which will give you the strength to brave the incessant showers: • It is best to avoid salty and heavy food since it promotes bloating and water retention. It is best to avoid salt that is high in sodium, which is responsible for high blood pressure. • During monsoons one should avoid too much of fish or meat. Stock your fridge with green vegetables, cereals and fruits. Also avoid fried or overcooked food since the decrease your body’s digestive efficiency. • Stick to “dry” foods. Cereals like corn, chickpea and oats will provide you with all the vital nutrition that you need. During monsoon is it is best to avoid watery meals like curried rice as they may cause bloating. • Heavy oils like Mustard and sesame should be avoided during monsoons. This in addition to increasing the concentration of Pitta also makes the body vulnerable to infections. Oils which can be used for cooking during the rainy season are dry oils like corn or light oils like olive. • Avoid salads and cut fruits during monsoons. Choose steamed salads instead. • Avoid fruits and dishes that are very sour like tamarind, pickles and chutneys since they promote water retention. • It’s best to avoid dairy based eatables like raita and cottage cheese (paneer) while eating outside. • Avoid consuming dairy foods like paneer, raita etc outside at a street vendor. • Consume a lot of bitter vegetables like karela (bitter gourd) and bitter herbs like neem (basil), methi (fenugreek) seeds, haldi (turmeric) as it prevents infection. Last but not the least feel free to feast on hot tea and spicy pakroras as long as you keep the rest of your diet healthy.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 06:39:02 +0000

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