HOW TO GET RID OF THAT DOUBLE CHIN: The Ultimate Face Fat Workout - TopicsExpress


HOW TO GET RID OF THAT DOUBLE CHIN: The Ultimate Face Fat Workout Routine This workout routine is scientifically proven to help: •Get rid of your double chin. •Turn a triple chin into just a double chin. •Reduce the size of your chubby cheeks. •Create a more chiseled jaw line. •Produce more prominent cheek bones. •Give you a thinner face. Sound good? Cool, so let’s get down to the details. Face Training Frequency & Split As with any other body part, the ideal training frequency to lose face fat is twice per week. So, I’d recommend training your face on any two non-consecutive days. For example, Mondays and Thursdays or Tuesdays and Fridays would be perfect. Since your face does not get trained directly during exercises for any other part of your body, you can do these face fat workouts on the same days as you do your usual workouts for the rest of your body. You can just as easily do them on your off days instead if you prefer. Either way is just fine. Face Training Workouts & Exercises The Ultimate Face Fat Workout Routine involves two workouts: Workout A and Workout B. They are to be done as follows: Face Fat Workout A 1.Blinking 4 sets of 15 reps. 30 seconds rest between sets. 2.Seated Up-And-Down Nodding 4 sets of 15 reps. 1 minute rest between sets. 3.Incline Eyebrow Raises 3 sets of 8-10 reps. 1-2 minutes rest between sets. 4.Decline Eyebrow Raises 3 sets of 8-10 reps. 1-2 minutes rest between sets. 5.Standing Side-To-Side Nodding 5 sets of 10-12 reps. 1 minute rest between sets. 6.Standing Barbell Curls 10 sets of 10 reps. 1 minute rest between sets. (Use a weight heavy enough that it causes you to make a strange looking face where all of your facial muscles tighten.) Face Fat Workout B 1.Unilateral Blinking 4 sets of 18-20 reps. 1 minute rest between sets. 2.Back-Foot-Elevated Bulgarian Split Nods 5 sets of 5 reps. 3 minutes rest between sets. (Be sure to get a good stretch in your double chin on the eccentric portion of this exercise.) 3.Reverse Mouth Open & Closes 3 sets of 8-10 reps. 1-2 minutes rest between sets. 4.Gum Chews 4 sets of as many chews as possible in 90 seconds. 3 minutes rest between sets. 5.Lateral Smiles 2 sets of 10-12 reps. 1 minute rest between sets. 6.Kettlebell Fish-Face Swings 1 set of 36-40 reps. (Just like normal kettlebell swings, only while sucking in your cheeks and making a “fish face.”) And there you have it… The Ultimate Face Fat Workout Routine. It combines all of the most proven face exercises with the most proven amount of facial training frequency and volume to ensure you lose your double chin, tighten your chubby cheeks and increase the leanness of your jaw line as fast as possible. Enjoy your results! Oh, and one other important thing… Everything You Just Read Was A Joke! Sorry... but to break the news to you.... losing weight is the best way to get rid of that double chin.... :-(
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 11:50:15 +0000

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