HOW TO KNOW GOD PERSONALLY - PART 6 Romans 1vs18: For the wrath - TopicsExpress


HOW TO KNOW GOD PERSONALLY - PART 6 Romans 1vs18: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. They have stifled the truth God naturally reveals to all people in order to believe anything that supports their own self-centered life-styles. God cannot tolerate sin because His nature is morally perfect. He cannot ignore or condone such willful rebellion. God wants to remove the sin and restore the sinner - and He is able to, as long as the sinner does not stubbornly distort or reject the truth. But His anger errupts against those who persist in sinning. Make sure you are not pursuing a fantasy rather than the true God. Dont suppress the truth about Him merely to protect your own life-style. Does anyone have an excuse for not believing in God? The Holy Bible answers an emphatic NO. God has revealed what He is like in and through His creation. Every person, therefore, either accepts or rejects God. Dont be fooled. When the day comes for God to judge your response to Him, no excuses will be accepted. Begin today to give devotion and worshop to Him. In these verses (Romans 1vs18-20), Paul answers a common objection: How could a loving God send anyone to Hell, especially someone who has never heard about Christ? In fact, says Paul, God has revealed Himself plainly in the creation to all people. And yet people reject even this basic knowledge of God. Also, everyone has an inner sense of what God requires, but they choose not to live up to it. Put another way, Peoples moral standards are always better than their behavior. If people suppress Gods truth in order to live their own way, they have no excuse. They know the truth, and they will have to endure the consequences of ignoring it, in the lake of fire after The White Throne Judgement (Revelation 20vs15). .....TO BE CONTINUED.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 03:35:15 +0000

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