“HOW TO OUTGROW YOUR PAIN: WHEN RELATIONSHIPS COLLIDE… EVEN CHRISTIANS COLLIDE” (Part 2) by Pastor Troy Wynn, Sr. – Sunday, July 28, 2013; 11:30 a.m. Scriptures: Luke 10:38-42 Sermon Notes: • Out of the goodness of her heart, Martha extended an invitation to thirteen hungry and tired men to her home for dinner (see Luke 10:38). o How many times have you jumped out there to do something really nice for someone, and got mad when the person didn’t respond the way you thought they should have responded? o You have to learn to give without expectations of receiving anything in return. Otherwise, your motives and heart won’t be right. • In the Bible days, women didn’t have the right or privilege to study the Word or walk up on a man of God because women weren’t viewed in the same manner as men. o Mary was considered an “independent woman” back in her day… She owned her own home, which women didn’t normally do back then. • Martha has the position of labor while Mary has the position of learning… What do you do when it seems like all you’re doing is working? • Mary is sitting at the feet of Jesus because Jesus is in the house (in her presence) (see Luke 10:39). o When Jesus is in your presence, it should change your priorities. o Mary is less concerned about being in the kitchen cooking because she understands that Jesus knows how to feed himself. Therefore, instead of cooking, she is busy listening. • When you are in the presence of Jesus, there will always be a problem in your presence. • Conflict can happen even in the house of God… Learn how to deal with it. • Many people are easily distracted, as was Martha (see Luke 10:40). Distractions can mess you up and cause conflict between you and others. • To stay out of conflict with people, learn to stay out of other’s business. • Feelings are a choice… Choose your feelings carefully. Sometimes you can get to feeling a certain way, and it will cause you to act a certain way. o You have to let your light shine in spite of what people have done to you. • For divorced people: Why continue to invest yourself emotionally and mentally on someone who you’re no longer connected to? o How much more of your life will you spend being tied to someone you are already legally separated (divorced) from? o Some people are still in conflict with an ex because of what they did/how they did it… • Do not spend your whole life in conflict with your ex… Learn to free yourself!!! • On the surface, Martha looked like she was upset about what Mary wasn’t doing, but Jesus called her out by saying that she was upset about many things (more than just Mary) (see Luke 10:41). • When we’re in conflict, we tend to not talk to the person we’re in conflict with… Martha walked right past Mary and addressed Jesus about Mary (see Luke 10:40). o Martha thought that Jesus would get Mary straight… However, Jesus ended up getting Martha straight. o Jesus told Martha that she wasn’t in conflict about anything that was necessary. • When you have obligated yourself with responsibilities, do not get mad when things are harder than what you think they should be. • The best way to stay out of conflict with people is to not give them what they ask for, but to instead give them what they need. o You should not help people because you feel sorry for them; your sympathy will cause you to do something that you’ll later regret. • Conflict is real, but I gotta deal with the real. • Whatever you’re going to do in life, learn to be at peace about it even if nobody helps you. • To whom much is given, much is required; and to whom much is required, much is given. • Come against conflict in the church.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 19:13:35 +0000

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