HOW TO PERMANENTLY HEAL YOUR DEPRESSION DEAR FRIENDS- When you are struggling with the despair and darkness of depression here are two fundamental things that you need to do. And in fact everyone needs to do them- to come fully alive and free their ability to be truly happy- whether they are currently depressed or not! FIRST, you must learn to unconditionally love and believe in yourself, totally accepting everything inside you and everything you feel and are. It is all-important that you end the painful and soul-corrosive habit of criticizing yourself and free your spirit from the guilt and shame you were taught as a child. Why? Because it is impossible to permanently heal the doubt, despair and inner darkness of depression when our good feelings about ourselves are under constant assault by an enemy we can never escape- our self criticism and self-blame! Learning to love the precious person that you are- truly, madly, deeply- means awakening the kind of emotional warmth and compassion for yourself that you would instinctually give to a helpless and vulnerable child. You learn to care for and about yourself with the devotion of a Loving Mother- always encouraging, always understanding, forever patient and devoted. The healing power of this self-devotion wakes you up to see the unique, stunning beauty and total worthiness of YOU! I promise you that chronic depression and the kind of nurturing, inspiring Self-Love I am describing cannot exist simultaneously in a person. Just as surely as the rising sun releases the Earth from the longest night, the Inner Sun of Self-Love will drive away the shadows of your depression as it rises within you. My ongoing posts about Unconditional Self-Love- and especially exercises like THE FOUR DECLARATIONS and THE EYES OF LOVE (available in my NOTES section)- will be a major path to waking up the depth of self-acceptance, self-kindness and self-celebration that rolls away the stone of depression and changes your life forever. SECONDLY, depression comes from the stress on our bodies and spirits from powerful blocked emotions- primarily anger, fear and sadness. The more depressed we are, the bigger the signal we are getting that we are carrying powerful emotional pain that needs to be steadily and systematically released. So everyone, and especially those of us who are depressed, need to get INTO- not run from- these painful feelings, completely expressing and releasing them. COME ALIVE EMOTIONALLY- admit and share your fears, cry your deepest tears, scream and shout out the truth of your anger! Find a therapy- like Core Energetics or Bioenergetic Analysis- that is centered around the full expression and release of the stored-up emotions you are carrying. Talk therapy, EFT, yoga, meditation and other practices are all helpful- but they will never be enough to permanently dissolve the tendency toward depression at its primal roots. Depression is essentially emotional deadness and numbness- the result of childhood conditioning that forced you to suppress and deny your most valid and important feelings. SO TURN YOUR EMOTIONAL LIGHTS BACK ON! You need to become aware of your stored-up pain and trapped aliveness- and LET YOUR FEELINGS OUT! The more you do this, the more your depression will lift. I absolutely guarantee it. And for a while you will need a talented and experienced therapist to teach you how to systematically achieve this thorough emotional liberation. NO ONE can do it from scratch on their own- a period of caring and expert support is necessary. My friends, you were born to FEEL GOOD! And to flourish and be happy every day by embracing and expressing everything that you ARE! So if you are currently struggling with the totally undeserved pain of depression- and if you want to thoroughly release the self-defeating conditioning imposed upon you during childhood and discover what lasting joy and inner freedom truly feel like- love yourself enough to get into motion with these two core tasks. I promise that as you do this blessed and healing work you will surely and certainly be on your way to feeling better- permanently! LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 11:33:05 +0000

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