HRM 587 Managing Organization Change Entire Course - TopicsExpress


HRM 587 Managing Organization Change Entire Course Keller PLEASE DOWNLOAD HERE! studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15039 This tutorial includes the following: Five Part Project: Oracle and SAP Companies Managing Organizational Change Part 1 – 4 Pages Images of Change Project Part 2 – 10 Pages plus Grid in Excel Diagnosis the Change Project Part 3 – 22 Pages Communicating the Change Project Part 4– 13 Pages plus Grid in Excel Annotated Bibliography Part 5 – 14 Pages HRM 587 Managing Organization Change Project-5 Parts KELLER 63 Pages Plus Grid for Week 2 and Week 6 studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15034 Part 1: This paper aims to compare the organizational changes that the companies Oracle and SAP underwent in the last few years, particularly in terms of the mergers and acquisitions that they’ve had. In particular, Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems in 2009 (Dealbook, 2009) and SAP acquired Sybase in 2010 (Dealbook, 2010). I find this topic interesting because…4 Pages Part 2: Images of Change: Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems for $7.4 billion in May, 2009, marking the company’s entry into the hardware market (“Oracle Agrees to Buy Sun,” 2009). This deal entailed that Oracle would pay “$9.50 per share in cash for Sun” (“Oracle Agrees to Buy Sun,” 2009, p. 6), which totaled to a net amount of $5.6 billion of Sun’s debt and cash. This deal came after Sun rejected an offer from IBM. It also came as a surprise in the computer software world as this would be the first time that Oracle would conduct business in the computer hardware industry. Prior to this event, the company has…10 Pages Plus Grid Part 3: Diagnosing the Change: The Star model framework by Jay Galbraith is a framework for organization design that organizations use as the foundation on which they base their design choices (Galbraith, 2008). It consists of a series of design policies that can be controlled by the management team and that can influence the employees’ behavior. The policies are the tools that the management team has to be skilled at in order to effectively shape the behaviors and decisions of their organization. This model highlights the interconnections among its various elements, such as strategy, structure, processes, people, and the manner by which the people are rewarded (Cheung-Judge & Holbeche, 2011). As an example, making a matrix organization work requires…22 Pages Part 4: Communicating the Change: Even before the merger is announced or finalized, there are bound to be rumours about it, and this can cause the employees to come up with incorrect notions about the merger, which in turn can make them needlessly worry. Therefore, Senior Management needs to address such issues, and clarify whether they are true or not. By denying the rumors, any negative notions that the employees may have will be dispelled, and by confirming the rumours, Senior Management will be able to provide clarifications and assurances that would also dispel the employees’ wrong...13 Pages Plus Grid Part 5: Annotated Bibliography: Cheung-Judge, M. & Holbeche, L. (2011, May 15). Organization development: A practitioners guide for OD and HR. London: Kogan Page. The authors describe how organizational design can be effectively used in the present economy for the creation of organizations that maximize their capacity. The authors also offer advice on how diagnostic techniques can be used for the identification of an organization’s needs and how they can be used in various areas of the organization. This book provides case studies, expert advice, examples, and practical ideas on how an organization can be made more efficient. Dealbook. (2009, April 20). Oracle to buy Sun for $7.4 billion. The New York Times. Retrieved from dealbook.nytimes/2009/04/20/oracle-to-buy-sun-for-74-billion/ This article announces Oracle’s purchase of Sun and mentions some of the financial details concerning the acquisition. The article also briefly describes what Oracle hopes to gain from the merger. Dealbook. (2010, May 12). SAP to buy Sybase for $5.25 billion. The New…. 14 Pages HRM 587 Case Study Tyco Keller 4 Pages studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=12695 1. How did the turnaround team use Gerard and Teurf’s transformation skills (discussed earlier in Chapter 11) to overcome the frustrations of employees? 2. What were some of the examples given in the case which led you to think those transformational skills were used? 3. Of the three types of cultural transformation (behavioral, experiential, and attitudinal), which of these types occurred in the Tyco case, and why do you think so? HRM 587 Barriers to Change 2 Scenarios Week 4 – 4 Pages studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1261 Barriers to Change (scenario 1) (Note: This case is a work of fiction.) Addition/Subtraction Company (A/SC) is a textbook publisher for math education, including 1st grade through graduate school levels. The company has been supplying textbooks to public education schools (grade – university level) for 55 years. The company has always prided itself on the loyalty it shows to its employees in that almost all of its authors are full-time employees, and very little of the work done in the organization is farmed out to independent contractors. However, over the last 10 years, the earnings of the company have taken a huge hit Emotional Intelligence/Overcoming Resistance (Scenerio2) (Note: This case is a work of fiction.) Lefty’s BBQ is a U.S. national restaurant chain which serves beef, pork, and chicken barbecue along with Pepsi products, thin-cut French fries or slaw as sides, and offers biscuits or garlic bread as well. The restaurant operates as a drive-up only, with parking lots available at most locations for HRM 587 Discussions Week 1-7 Managing Organization Change All Students Posts 279 Pages Keller studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1952 HRM 587 Stories for Change Discussions 1 Week 1 All Students Posts 22 Pages Keller HRM 587 Pressures for Change Discussions 2 Week 1 All Students Posts 20 Pages Keller studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1944 HRM 587 What Changes in Companies Discussions 1 Week 2 All Students Posts 19 Pages Keller HRM 587 Green Mountain Resort Case Analysis Discussions 2 Week 2 All Students Posts 18 Pages Keller studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1945 HRM 587 The Diagnostic Models Discussions 1 Week 3 All Students Posts 22 Pages Keller HRM 587 Force Field Analysis Discussions 2 Week 3 All Students Posts 19 Pages Keller studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1946 HRM 587 Emotional Intelligence -Overcoming Resistance Discussions 1 Week 4 All Students Posts 21 Pages Keller HRM 587 Barriers to Change Discussions 2 Week 4 All Students Posts 19 Pages Keller studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1948 HRM 587 Organizational Development Theory and Practices Discussions 1 Week 5 All Students Posts 20 Pages Keller HRM 587 nStep Practices Discussions 2 Week 5 All Students Posts 23 Pages Keller studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1949 HRM 587 Tyco Case Study Discussions 1 Week 6 All Students Posts 20 Pages Keller HRM 587 Types of Communication Methods Discussions 2 Week 6 All Students Posts 19 Pages Keller studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1950 HRM 587 Chapter 12 NASA Case Study Discussions 1 Week 7 All Students Posts 18 Pages Keller HRM 587 Cracking the Code Discussions 2 Week 7 HBR Article All Students Posts 19 Pages Keller studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1951 HRM 587 Final Exam Managing Organization Change Keller 2 Sets studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15009 1. (TCO All) For the next set of questions, you will first select ONE of the TCOs of the course. Then, you will be asked to write an essay about the project you worked on this term over your two companies’ change program based on the TCO you selected above. Select the TCO your essay question will cover: studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=12096 TCO A - Given that progressive and successful companies require their employees to embrace…. TCO B - Given the inherent reality that all organizations must experience change in order to improve... TCO C - Given external, internal and/or multi-levels of organization factors that drive change, assess…. TCO D - Given that an organization’s mission and vision will determine its strategy towards change,... TCO E - Given a selected Change Management implementation “model”, determine the causes of... TCO F - Given that both organizations and their employees commonly resist change, understand how... TCO G - Given that developing a “vision for change” and communicating that “vision” is a critical part…. TCO H - Given the organization’s goal of creating and implementing a sustainable change while….. Using the TCO you selected from the list above, which you felt was most relevant to your project this term, write an essay answer explaining how the change management you saw in one of your companies from your project this term followed or failed to follow the theory of success ingrained in the TCO you have selected. State the #1 thing you think that company’s change agent did which most contributed to the success or failure of the change and why that relates to the TCO you selected. · Include in the answer the name of the company you are discussing. · Explain/analyze why you think this way. (Points : 35) 2. (TCOs A,E) Your project this term asked you to compare and contrast two companies’ change projects or programs for change. This question will review what you learned about the change projects in a continuation of your project. It will ask you to apply course information to your project companies. For your answer, be sure to reference the names of the companies you studied in your project this term to help your instructor determine the score of your response. A. Define specific (at least 2 each) external and internal pressures that will (or did) affect... (10 points) B. Name two strategies of handling these pressures that you would (have) suggested to the... (10 points) C. Defend your positions with details about why you feel your strategies…(15 points) Total (Points : 35) studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=12097 3. (TCOs E,H) Your project this term asked you to compare and contrast two companies’ change projects or programs for change. This question will review what you learned about the change projects in a continuation of your project…(Points : 35) studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=12098 4. (TCO All) This question does not address your course project. This change scenario is envisioned instead, for this question. First, the scenario, and then the question. Scenario: You have been asked to handle a project where the company is going to close…(Points : 35) studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=12099 5. (TCOs C,D) Your project this term asked you to compare and contrast two companies’ change projects or programs for change. This question will review what you learned about the change projects in a continuation of your project….(Points : 35) studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=12097 6. (TCO A) When JetBlue left their customers sitting on the tarmac for hours on Valentine’s Day, and their CEO was ultimately terminated as a result, the company was responding to…(Points : 7) 7. (TCO A) Which of the following best shows forces for change vs. forces for stability? (Points : 7) 8. (TCO B) Which of the following best defines the “congruence” model of diagnosing…? (Points : 7) 9. (TCO B) During the diagnosis for change period, it is important to analyze the stakeholders for their readiness to change. Using the power-interest matrix….(Points : 7) 10. (TCO C) The Burke-Litwin model states that there are four transformational factors of change. Identify the answer below which contains at least three of those factors. (Points : 7) 11. (TCO C) “This organization is running like clockwork!” This statement by a company leader is likely to result in “no change” because(Points : 7) 12. (TCO D) The art of a leader managing the meaning of a vision for followers and aligning it with his or her values is called (Points : 7) 13. (TCO F) The Emotional Intelligence domains and associated competencies are used to help us determine when a potential change agent, or person, is ready for…(Points : 7) 14. (TCO G) One day, while on the company elevator, the head of HR is talking to the CEO and doesn’t realize his speaker phone is on when the CEO asks, “Do you think that…(Points : 7) 15. (TCO G) Toxic handlers, as related to change management communication, do the…: (Points : 7) 16. (TCO H) A sign that a change is “sustained” could be seen as.. (Points : 7) 17. (TCOs G,H) Review this story and pick the best answer based on your understanding of change management practices: Company X,Y,Z establishes a vision for change where “cutting costs…(Points : 8) studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=15006 HRM 587 Final Exam Set 2 Keller (TCO A) The organization is planning to make a substantial change to the compensation and benefits program for the next fiscal year. This change will impact all branches of the organization throughout the U.S. Eight thousand employees will be required to move from the very popular existing total rewards program to the new system. A compensation study determined that most employees will need updated position titles and salary bands. (Points:30) (TCOB) You are the Director of Change Management, and it is expected that you can read the corporate change “tea leafs” and have a model for change and…(Points: 30) studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1912 (TCO C) Put this scenario into the context of an organization where you work now or did in the past. Your organization has recently (past two months) hired a new VP of Marketing and…(Points: 30) studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1914 (TCO D) As the change expert for the State Department of Natural Resources in a large state with thousands of acres of forests, lakes,…(Points: 30) studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1915 (TCO E) The organization is going through sweeping changes that will lead to layoffs and a situation where several “managers” will now be reporting to their former “direct reports.” (Points: 30) studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1916 (TCO F) There are many approaches to diagnosing change in an organization. In the end, the change agent must use the best practices of various models of diagnosis and apply them to... (Points: 30) studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1917 (TCO G) It’s no secret that having a vision for change and being able to communicate the change project are critical to success. However, that all requires a communication plan... (Points: 30) studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=1918 Multiple Choice Questions (TCO G) Choose from the list of statements below the items that are considered to be part of a strong change communication strategy. (Points: 30) (TCO F) Choose from the list of statements below those items that are considered to be part of an effective strategy to diagnose organizational change. (Points: 20)
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 04:29:37 +0000

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