HUMAN OPINIONS AND GOD’S WILL IN THE LAW OF RECIPROCAL ACTION WHEN HUMAN OPINIONS are considered, including the subject of earthly justice, one must not expect the latter to be the same as Divine Justice, or even to come near to it. On the contrary it must unfortunately be said that in most cases they are as far apart as heaven and earth! The popular expression “as far apart as heaven and earth” is truly appropriate in this connection! Often this difference could be explained as being due to the human intellect, which is limited to space and time, and which because of this limitation cannot recognise and distinguish real injustice from justice. This can seldom be perceived clearly by external means, for it really lies only deep within each human being, and cannot be sufficiently interpreted by rigid paragraphs of the law or by scholarly erudition. It is saddening that on account of this so many judgments of the earthly courts are bound to be in direct opposition to Divine Justice! We need not talk about the time of the Middle Ages, of the sad times when there were agonising tortures, as well as so-called witch burnings and other juridical crimes! Nor need we touch upon the numerous burnings at the stake, the tortures and murders which have to be charged to the religious communities! The retribution for such crimes must be doubly terrible upon those who carried them out, because they abused the Name of the Perfect God in so doing, committing all these crimes in His Name as if they were supposed to be agreeable to Him, and thereby stamping Him in the eyes of men as answerable for it. These abuses and cruelties should not be so quickly forgotten, but should always be recalled as a warning when passing judgments today, particularly since those practising such evils at the time did so enthusiastically, under the pretext of acting in all good faith and of having every right to do so! Much has changed since then! But the time will also inevitably come when one will look with similar horror upon the existing administration of justice, just as with our present enlightenment we look today upon the times mentioned above in which so much injustice was done. That is the way of the world, and gives evidence of a certain progress! If we look deeper, however, we shall find that the apparently great progress made between then and now lies merely in the outward forms. The immense power held by some individuals, which cuts so deeply into the whole existence of many a man without the one wielding it being held responsible here on earth, is still the same in many respects. Nor have men and the motives which dictate their actions changed very much! And where the inner life is still the same the reciprocal actions carrying out Divine Justice will also be the same. If mankind could suddenly become seeing in these matters there could only follow a long-drawn-out cry of despair, and horror would afflict all the peoples! No one would then raise his hand in reproach against his neighbour, for in one way or another each individual would be bound to feel the same burden of guilt oppressing him. Indeed no one has the right to rebuke his neighbour because up till now every one has wrongly judged from appearances only, overlooking all real life! If the first ray of Light could penetrate them without their being prepared for it many would despair of themselves, while others who have hitherto never taken the time to reflect would be embittered beyond words at having been asleep for so long! Therefore the time has come to urge man to serious thought and to develop his own impartial power of judgment, which will refuse to lean blindly on the opinions of others but only accept, think, speak and act according to its own intuitions! Man must never forget that he personally must take full and complete responsibility for everything he perceives, thinks and does, even if he has accepted it from others without question! Blessed is he who reaches this height and weighs every judgment he is confronted with, and then acts in accordance with his own intuitions! By so doing he will not become so deeply implicated as thousands of others who often burden themselves with heavy karma through mere thoughtlessness and love of sensation, or by showing prejudice and slandering, which will lead them into regions of suffering and torment they need never have experienced. Thus they often allow themselves to be deterred here on earth from a great deal that is really good, and thereby not only miss much for themselves but perhaps risk everything, even their whole existence! Such was the case with the senseless and blazing hatred against Jesus of Nazareth! Only a few of the malevolent clamourers knew the actual reason for it while all the others, who had never come into personal contact with Him, merely worked themselves up into a completely blind and ignorant passion and joined in the general outcry. Just as lost are all those who turned their backs upon Him because of the false opinions of others, and who did not even listen to His words, much less gave themselves the trouble of examining them objectively, whereby they might have recognised their value after all! Only thus could the insane tragedy develop in which, of all men, the Son of God was being charged with blasphemy and brought to the cross! He Who alone came directly from God and proclaimed to mankind the Truth about God and His Will! This happening is so grotesque that it shows up with glaring clarity the whole narrow-mindedness of mankind! And mankind have by no means progressed inwardly since then! Instead they have retrogressed even further in this respect, in spite of all their other discoveries and inventions! On account of their outward successes mankind advanced in conceit only, and thereby became even more presumptuous! It is just conceit that is born of and cultivated by narrow-mindedness, indeed it is a definite sign of narrow-mindedness! And it is from this soil, which has become more and more fertile in the last two thousand years, that the present opinions of mankind have developed! The effect is both decisive and devastating, the while men, without realising it, continue to entangle themselves more and more in their opinions, thus preparing their own terrible doom! So far it has very rarely become clear to anyone how many have drawn upon themselves the evil effects of reciprocal currents, that is to say, how many, often well-meaningly, have transgressed against the Divine Laws through their false opinions! Their number is large, indeed many in their unsuspecting arrogance are even proud of the fact until the day when, to their agonising horror, they will have to face the Truth, which is entirely different from what their convictions had allowed them to depict! Then, however, it is too late! The guilt with which they have burdened themselves must be expiated in a laborious struggle with themselves which often lasts decades! As soon as a man has lost his opportunity while on earth, when either wilfully or through ignorance he even burdened himself with new guilt, the way to recognition is long and arduous. Excuses never carry any weight in these matters! Every one can know it if he wishes! He who feels the urge to distinguish between Divine Justice and earthly opinions in the course of the reciprocal actions should make an effort by taking any example in earth-life and examining it to find out which side is right and which side is wrong. He will find very many every day! Soon his intuitive capacity will unfold more strongly and actively, until he finally casts off all the prejudices derived from faulty opinions. Thereby a conception of justice will arise which can depend upon itself because, in recognising all the reciprocal actions, it will absorb the Will of God, stand in It and work in It!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 19:55:45 +0000

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