HUSSEIN OBAMA AND HILLARY WATCHED THEM DIE AND DID NOTHING ! PERIOD ! The Washington Times reports that contrary to what Barack Obama and Leon Panetta have said, there were 8 special forces commandos in Tripoli the night of the attack, just 400 miles away. They were made up of Delta Force, the country’s leading counterterrorism force and Green Berets. Two of the Delta Forces volunteered to go to Benghazi, along with 5 private contractors. Both have been quietly awarded medals for their bravery for turning back the attackers. Delta Force is trained as a quick response force and assuming they could be ready in an hour, they could have been in Benghazi within three hours. “They weren’t told to stand down. They were simply told not to go to Benghazi. They were told to go to the airport in Tripoli to provide security there.” QUESTION , EVEN IF THEY WERE TOLD TO STAY IN TRIPOLI TO DEFEND THAT EMBASSY , WHY WERE THEY SENT TO THE AIRPORT, SEEMS THEY COULDNT DEFEND THE EMBASSY FROM THERE ? The administration was able to hide the involvement of Delta Force using vague wording. The timeline mentioned that the relief flight from Tripoli contained ” two Department of Defense ” employees. The official State Department report on Benghazi mentioned “2 Department of Defense workers”, but conveniently left out the fact that they were special forces. The Washington Times reports that sources directly familiar with the attack, told them there was a force of eight men made up of Delta Force and Green Berets, who were in Tripoli The Pentagon claims that they did not disclose the actions of the two commandos because we didn’t have a Status of Forces Agreement in place. But the Libyan government warned of the attack and at that time was amendable to aiding the United States. That night has become famous for what the administration and the Pentagon did not do, which is to send troops and warplanes from outside the country. Retired Army Col. Ken Allard observed: “On the one hand, it is an indictment of the lack of contingency planning by both CIA and DoD, especially given the rising threat profiles in Libya that were well understood — and appropriately reported back to D.C. by agency reps on the ground. So why weren’t there more than just two Delta Force guys to send? Above all: Where were the air and naval resources that should have routinely been included in any contingency planning worthy of the name?”
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:05:03 +0000

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