HVC LAST CHANCE CLUB ....... GRACIE DEENEY GRACIE is TOTALLY COOL ..... Roman nose and all. She was such a trooper to let me treat her neck area without having to sedate her or do a full anesthesia ( most dogs would require such). GRACIE was a neglect hoarding rescue from the Humane Society about five years ago - she was living in a single-wide mobile with 17 other dogs. Lori adopted and has loved her since. Shes needy, sometimes anxious, has skin issues, scarred ears, her Roman nose probably is due to actual nasal bone fractures in the past that correlate with the skin scars on her muzzle and her neck area, she may not be able to smell well and I think there are some retinal changes that limit her vision. Shes also guilty of going WAY BEYOND counter-surfing - she can GET UP ON the counters ..... just ask Lori about the cake. Anyhow ..... last Thursday she started scratching her neck and hasnt stopped. Lori was headed to another clinic but hey, we had an opening this morning right after Mandy ( Loris foster). Big site called moist pyoderma and lab showed a bacterial cause which may be a resistant type of Staph. SO... clip, clean, treat, wrap - 2 kinds of topical antibiotic - and my go-to Clavamox. Throw in a Rabies vaccination update and weve got her off to GOOD START - now just need a couple of days for all to work. Good job GRACIE ..... never a thought to nibble even when it hurt ..... AND ........ good job LORI ..... for seeing Amazing Grace five years ago. REDUCED RESCUE COSTS for Lori Deeney of Keizer. Oregon WITH HVCLCC DONATION by JACOB JURY of Turner, Oregon.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 01:47:00 +0000

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