Habits That A Woman Dislikes Ogling Women hate it when their - TopicsExpress


Habits That A Woman Dislikes Ogling Women hate it when their date starts eyeing every woman that passes by or is sitting around them. It not only creates a bad impression about you, but will also make your woman feel inferior as well as embarrassed. Next time you go out with a woman, make sure to keep your eyes, and your attention, fixed on her only. Late Coming There is hardly any woman in this world who would not feel annoyed if you arrive late for a date. While she has all the right to come a full hour after the decided time, the same doesnt apply to you. You are always expected to be right on, if not before, time. Forgetfulness One of the habits that women hate is forgetfulness. They cannot stand it if their better half forgets the important things, for instance dates like birthdays, anniversary, Valentines Day, etc. Though you might be forgiven for passing over trivial issues, remember never ever to overlook things she values. Lies and Secrecy Women appreciate men who have the courage to accept the mistakes and learn from them. She will never ever appreciate it if you hide anything from her, no matter how trivial. If it has happened in your life or concerns you in any way, it is important enough for her to know it. Lack of Chivalry Almost every woman wants her man to be chivalrous, to have all the qualities of a perfect gentleman. It doesnt means following all the manners and etiquettes around her only. Rather, you should extend this to every woman you meet. At the same time, never ever be rude or mean to those around you, even if they belong to the lower social strata. Asking Her For Money Even in the present world, where women have become liberated and demand an equal status, they hate it when a man asks them for money. Never ever ask a woman for her share of money, when out on a lunch or dinner. However, if she insists on giving her half, let her do it, but only after refusing a couple of times. Taking Her For Granted It is generally seen that, in a relationship, the woman is generally more attached than the man. However, make sure that you never ever take her love for granted. Rather, every now and then, make sure to show her that you value her presence in her life as well as her love for you. Like Witty Cracks for more...
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 10:16:09 +0000

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