Had an absolute cracker of a session with Paul Price in the Yaks - TopicsExpress


Had an absolute cracker of a session with Paul Price in the Yaks today. Headed out to Lake Kurwongbah early and it was on. Paul was first on the board with a small but very angry Bass trolling a Stump Jumper on the way to our first location. No luck for me on the way started trolling the bay we planned on working to find the fish and it wasnt long till we found a nice school all little peckers though, so moved on to find the bigger girls. Travelling around into the next bay landed another small guy trolling the Blackjack Hardbody from Adrenalinfish in Orange, brown and white. Released and kept on trolling away when bam got smoked on the Blackjack again pulling the rod holder back and braid started cutting into my leg quickly pulled it out and started fighting. After a good fight netted a nice fat 40cm Bass got a few pics and swan away healthy with plenty of kick. Moving around to the tip of the bay we found a very nice school of slightly larger guys 35cm odd with me and Paul landed 2 each both double hook ups mine on the Blackjack again and Paul on a Spinnerbait and Atomic Fat Dog. Worked it for another 30 mins landed another 2 same size all healthy and clean looking fish. Things starting to heat up headed for the bank for some lunch a chat and regather ourselves :). Back out on the water things were a bit quite now the sun beaming down Bass going lower so moved up to a deeper hole we knew held fish on most occasion just a matter of tempting them to bite :). Wind howling now chucked a deep diving Poltegist and trolled over the hole with no luck when just as i was starting to retrieve the Lure ZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZ and it was off pulling line at a dramatic pace. Adrenalin starting to pump i was in for one hell of a fight taking plenty of line and some big head shakes wasnt sure it was a Bass yet was thinking Yellow. After an intense battle caught a glimpse of the fish a very nice fat Bass :). Didnt want to loose the fish so played it slow got her in the net with a sigh of relief on 6lb leader, few pics and off she swan. Smile from ear to ear paddled back up chucked the Poltergist out and drifted back over the hole and it was on again this time pulling far more line staying deep and very very angry lol. Stood up and commenced the battle whilst getting pushed by 20 knot winds fish running in the opposite direction didnt think it was going to end well. Managed to turn the big girl and she quickly swam to the yak and in the net very tired and exhausted. Didnt want to keep her out for long as the fight was long enough so quickly got a snap and let her free swimming off strong. Was a very good session with Paul finishing on 10 for the day Biggest 38cm and a Spangled Perch and me on 14 biggest 3 went 40, 43, 45cm to the fork, some cracking lake fish good weather and great company what more could you ask for. Hope you all got out over the long weekend and nailed a few as well, cheers James. The BlackJack Hardbody from Adrenalinfish did most the damage today slow worked and trolled the Bass were all over it, check these Lures out definitely my go to Adrenalinfish Lure on many occasions. *NSF&
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 05:54:22 +0000

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