Had the situation not been quite so serious, the latest editorial - TopicsExpress


Had the situation not been quite so serious, the latest editorial piece from Charles Richardson would have been laughable. During the Dallemand tenure, he was all for the BOE5 to provide Dallemand a free reign with little-to-no oversight, or common-sense. In fact, the broader community had been warning the Dallemand-praise-brigade, of the impacts of over-spending, highly irregular and questionable high-dime contracts and useless high-wage appointments since Dallemand’s misuse of taxpayer funds first came to light. In true form though, Charles through his regular slants against the only board members (BOE3) working toward accountability and performance-driven-results as opposed to the conquer and divide tactics of the ‘then’ Superintendent Dallemand chose to let the BOE5 run rampant and allow illegalities, unscrupulous appointments, highly questionable salaries of supporters and deals-for-friends (and alumni) to go unchecked. Charles himself even became a headline during two such investigations by the community – one for being a recipient of Dallemand’s misuse of taxpayer funds, the other for his Wife’s hiring at the extraordinarily controversial ‘Welcome Center’ … So, now Charles decides to highlight the Bibb Board of Educations’ ability to lead and also takes a passing shot at our newly appointed Interim Superintendent Dr. E. S. Smith. I do have a question for the Chief Editorial Editor when it comes to these columns targeting the new BOE board members; Where was your concern of decent – to –good stewardship while your friend – Dallemand was in the post, with unnecessary spending like it was a bottomless well of money and so many wrongs leveled against the children and community of Macon-Bibb. Why now? How is it that so many injustices have escaped your critical gaze, but this one irks you enough to make certain you viewpoint is heard on the biggest readership day? There are still so many wrongs to be righted in the Bibb County Schools District and most of them are much more serious than the opinion piece posted of the day. Though it’s okay to criticize a move forward from the disaster that was Dallemand – as the divider is no longer able to conquer-by-divide, so it’s okay to honor his memory, I guess, to further the divide that he so successfully created – to which he was supported by some on the board, at the paper and in the political community with an ulterior motive … not a good look for you Charles. How about supporting the repair of the system that your friend Dallemand – so successfully ruined…? Read more on this shortly at “educatingmacon” macon/2013/07/21/2565752/bibb-school-board-needs-to-do.html
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 12:09:01 +0000

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