Hadith and the Corruption of the great religion of Islam Islam - TopicsExpress


Hadith and the Corruption of the great religion of Islam Islam (Submission in English) is an old religion, older than the prophet Muhammed. Islam (Submission) was founded by Abraham. See Quran, 22:78, 3:67-68, and 16:123.It is through Abraham that all of Islams religious practices were revealed. 2:127-128. The Prophet Muhammed was a messenger of God and the Final Prophet who brought the Final message, Quran, to the world, 33:40. God told the believers that His book, the Quran is complete, perfect and fully detailed, see 6:19, 6:38, 6:114, & 12:111. God reminded them that He does not run out of words, and if He so willed He could have given us more than one Quran , if He would have deemed it necessary, see 18:109 and 31:27 God, the Knower of all things, the Cognizant, knows that after the death of the Prophet Muhammed people will invent lies about the prophet and call it Hadiths and Sunna. God, ahead of all of them used the word Hadith in the Quran. God gave His true believers a strong start with the word Hadith and He told them which Hadith they should accept, the HADITH OF GOD ONLY. The word Hadith has been used several times in the Quran ( about 31 times in different forms, 18 of them with the exact word HADITH). None of the good hadiths in the Quran refer to what the Muslims nowadays believe is Muhammeds Hadiths. The word Sunna in the Quran never referred to Muhammeds sunna. THE WORD HADITH IN QURAN A review of the use of the word Hadith in the Quran can show any sincere believer that God wants us to follow no other Hadiths but His Hadith, the QURAN. Here is some of what the Quran says about Hadiths. The words are clear but those who insist on defying God cannot see it or feel it. [Quran 7:185] Have they not looked at the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all the things God has created? Does it ever occur to them that the end of their life may be near? Which HADITH, besides this (Quran) do they believe in? [Quran 31:6] Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless HADITH, and thus divert others from the path of God without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution. [Quran 39:23] God has revealed herein the BEST HADITH; a book that is consistent and points out both ways (to heaven and hell). The skins of those who reverence their Lord cringe therefrom, then their skins and their hearts soften up for Gods message. Such is Gods guidance; he bestows it upon whomever He wills. As for those sent astray by God, nothing can guide them. [Quran 45:6] These are Gods revelations (Quran) that we recite to you truthfully. In which HADITH other than God and His revelations do they believe? [Quran 52:34] Let them produce a HADITH like this (Quran) if they are truthful. [Quran 68:44] Therefore, let Me deal with those who reject this HADITH(Quran); we will lead them on whence they never perceive. [Quran 77:50] Which HADITH other than this do they uphold? Why did God permitted these so called Hadiths ? The answer is in next verse. [Quran 6:112-113] We have permitted the enemies of every prophet - human and jinn devils - to inspire in each other FANCY WORDS , in order to deceive. Had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their FABRICATIONS. This is to let the minds of those who do not believe in the Hereafter listen to such FABRICATIONS, and accept them, and thus expose their real convictions. Should we believe these words of God about Hadith?!! If you do not want to, my be you should listen to these two verse; [Quran 32:22] Who is more evil than one who is reminded of these revelations of his Lord (QURAN), then insists upon disregarding them? We will certainly punish the guilty. [Quran 31:7] And when our revelations (Quran) are recited to the one of them, he turns away in arrogance as if he never heard them, as if his ears are deaf. Promise him a painful retribution. IS HADITH DIVINE ?? Some people claim that the Hadith & Sunna are divine revelations. Obviously, they are not aware that the criterion of divine revelations is PERFECT PRESERVATION. Since the so-called Hadith & Sunna of the Prophet have been vastly corrupted, they can never meet the criterion of divine revelation. It is an acknowledged fact that the vast majority of Hadiths are false fabrications. Please see the section on The numbers of Hadiths. After your review of the numbers of Hadiths you will find that as much as 99% of the hadiths alleged for the prophet were lies and fabrications. Not a simple number to ignore regarding God preserving His divine revelations as stated in 15:9. Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder (Azekrra) (Quran), and absolutely, we will preserve it. Again in 41:41-42 Those who rejected the Qurans proof (Azekr) when it came to them, have also rejected an Honorable book. No falsehood could enter it, in the past or in the future,; a revelation from a Most Wise, Praiseworthy. Seeing how much falsehood entered the so called Hadiths books (99%) would make any sincere Muslim understand the reason these books were so much corrupted. One more criteria for Gods words is spelled out in 4:82 [Quran 4:82] ............If it were from other than God, they would have found in it numerous contradictions. Any reader of Hadiths books will find in them so many contradictions to make the above conclusion easily, they are not from God. The blasphemy is evident when they claim that Hadith and Sunna are divine revelations Do they not realize that God Almighty is capable of preserving His revelations? YES, WE SHOULD OBEY THE PROPHET MUHAMMED. God in the Quran clearly states that obeying the Prophet is the same like obeying Him. No one should consider himself true Muslim (Submitter in English) unless he obeys and follow the prophet Muhammed. Obeying him is to follow the words that came from his mouth inspired by God , the Quran. Without getting into more details , review for yourself the verses, 6:19, 50:45, 16:44, 16:64, 14:1, 6:155, 4:105, 18:27 .....etc. to see that Quran is the only message of Muhammed. [Quran 6:19] Say, Whose testimony is the greatest? Say, Gods. He is the witness between me and you that this Quran (Not Quran, Hadith and Sunna) has been inspired to me, to preach it to you and whomever it reaches...... [Quran 50:45] .........remind with this Quran (Not Quran, Hadith and Sunna) , those who reverence My warnings. Please read the other mentioned verses for yourself. When the prophet Muhammed died, he left behind only ONE book, the Quran. The ONLY book that the prophet Muhammed followed was the Quran. Those who follow the Quran are following the Prophet Muhammed , those who are following the alleged Hadith and Sunna are not following the Prophet but following those who wrote these books. Following anybody but Gods commandments in the Quran, is idol-worship. Idol-worship is the only unforgivable sin, if maintained tell death. Good intentions do not help, many idol-worshipers will face God on the Day of Judgment not realizing what they were doing , their intentions will not help them then, read for yourself 6:22-24. Let us follow the Prophet by following his message that God calls, complete, perfect and has detailed explanation for everything (12:111), the Glorious Quran. DOES HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF ?? The Jews, hundreds of years after Mosess death created Mishnah (hadith, sayings) and Gemarrah (sunna, Actions) and uphold them and the invented laws in them rather than the TORAH (revealed word of God). In the city of Nicene 300 years after the death of Jesus, the concept of Trinity was CREATED, and is now the primary source of a Christians belief in defiance of the Bible which advocates the absolute worship of God Alone. The Muslims 150- 200 years after the death of Muhammed CREATED another source of their religion with the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah, falsely attributed to the prophet Muhammed, and in defiance of the Quran. Today most Muslims have discarded the Quran in favor of Hadith and Sunnah. [Quran 5:65-66] If only the people of the scripture believe and lead a righteous life, we will then remit their sins, and admit them into gardens of bliss. If only they would uphold the TORAH, and the GOSPEL, and what is sent down to them herein (QURAN) from their Lord, they would be showered with blessings from above them and from beneath their feet. Some of them are righteous, but MANY of them are evil-doers. (No Mishnah, Gemarrah, Hadith, Sunna or trinity in that verse.) MUHAMMED FORBIDS THE WRITING OF HADITHS Because God knows that some sincere believers will get lost and will be looking into the Hadith books for guidance, God insisted on putting enough signs for those sincere ones to see for themselves that these fabrications are not from God and rather an idol-worship practice condemned by God and His messenger. Hadiths books have enough material to direct the sincere believer to stick ONLY to the Quran as God ordered us. We do not need the proof herein from the hadith books, but we include it here to show the how God plans to expose the disbeliedvers and the hypocrites 1. Ibn Saeed Al-Khudry reported that the messenger of God had said, Do not write anything from me EXCEPT QURAN. Anyone who wrote anything other than the Quran shall erase it. The following historical incident happened about 30 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammed and shows that the Prophet never canceled his order not to write but the Quran. The hadiths books however contained some fabricated hadiths that are considered by the same Hadiths scholars as very weak, trying to indicate that Muhammed changed his view about writing the hadiths. The readers of the hadith to follow, that happened about 30 years after the death of the Prophet, will conclude by themselves that the Prophet Muhammed never authorized the writing of the hadiths since the time he told his followers not to write but the Quran.. 2. From Ibn Hanbal; Zayd Ibn Thabit (The Prophets closest revelation writer) visited the Khalifa Muaawiyah (more than 30 years after the Prophets death), and told him a story about the Prophet. Muaawiyah liked the story and ordered someone to write it down. But Zayd said. the messenger of God ordered us NEVER to write anything of his hadith, 3. The famous book, Ulum Al-Hadith by Ibn Al-Salah, reports a hadith by Abu Hurayra in which Abu Hurayra said the messenger of God came out to us while we were writing his hadiths and said; What are you writing? We said, Hadiths that we hear from you, messenger of God. He said, A book other than the book of God ?! We said, Should we talk about you? He said, Talk about me, that would be fine, but those who will lie will go to Hell. Abu Hurayra said, we collected what we wrote of Hadiths and burned them in fire. 4. In the famous book, Taq-yeed Al-Ilm, Abu Hurayra said, the messenger of God was informed that some people are writing his hadiths. He took to the pulpit of the mosque and said, What are these books that I heard you wrote? I am just a human being. Anyone who has any of these writings should bring it here. Abu Hurayra said we collected all these and burned them in fire. 5. Ibn Hanbal in his Musnad book, narrates a hadith in which Abdullah Ibn Omar said, the messenger of God one day came out to us as if he was going to depart us soon and said, When I depart you (die), hold to the book of God, prohibit what it prohibits and accept as halal what it makes halal. He never mentioned the Sunna in this hadiths. 6. Again, in the book Taq-yeed Al-Ilm, Abu Saeed Al-Khudry said, I asked the messenger of God a permission to write his hadiths, but he refused to give me a permission. 7. The farewell Pilgrimage of the Prophet Muhammed is a corner stone in the Muslim history. The Final Sermon given by the Prophet during this pilgrimage was witnessed by thousands of Muslims. There are however THREE versions of this sermon in the Hadiths books. This by itself reflects the degree of corruption of the Hadiths books as this is the most witnessed speech of the prophet Muhammed. First version, I left for you what if you hold up to, you will never be misguided, the book of God and my Family. Muslim 44/4, Nu2408; Ibn Hanbal 4/366; darimi 23/1, nu 3319 Second version, I left for you what if you hold up to, you will never be misguided, the book of God and my Sunnah . Muwatta, 46/3 Third version, I left for you what if you hold up to, you will never be misguided, the BOOK OF GOD. Muslim 15/19, nu 1218; Ibn Majah 25/84, Abu dawud 11/56. First version is the version made up by the Shiite Muslims. Second version is the version made up by the Sunni Muslims. Third version is the version hated by the Sunni and Shiite Muslims alike. This is the ONLY version that agrees with the repeated assertion in the Quran that Muhammeds message is ONLY the QURAN. Many Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims do not even know that this version of the sermon exists. In reality, they do not want to know, the truth hurts, but Hell fire hurts much more. HISTORY OF WRITING OF HADITHS The writing and documentation of the Sunna is an interesting and important part of our Islamic history. In all its details, the reader of this history can find all the indications that God permitted the corruption of the so called Hadiths and Sunna of the Prophet Muhammed as He told us in 6:112-113 God repeatedly told us in the Quran that His book, is complete, perfect and fully detailed, see 6:19, 6:38, 6:114, 6:115; 50:45, 12:111, and if He so willed He would have given us hundreds of books, not just one QURAN, see 18:109 and 31:27. God knew that the Quran is enough and that those who do not find the Quran to be enough will be committing idol-worship by having people like Bukhary, Moslem, Ahmed and others as partners with God, in setting the law for this great and perfect religion ,see 9:36, 12:40, 30:43. HADITHS AND THE GUIDED KHALIFAS; The four guided Khalifas who ruled the Muslim Umma (nation) after the death of the Prophet Muhammed, respected the order of the Prophet and prohibited the writing and collection of Hadiths. They did believe God in his book and accepted the commandment of the Prophet. Abu Bakr at one point was not sure whether to keep what he knows of hadiths or not. He had collected 500 Hadiths during very long companionship of the Prophet Muhammed, but he could not sleep the night until he burned them. Omar Ibn Al-Khattab insisted on destroying the Hadiths collected by his son Abdullah. Islamic history mentioned the story of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab restraining four of the Prophets companions because of their insistence on telling Hadiths, these were Ibn Masoud, Abu Al-Dardaa, Abu Masoud Al-Anssary and Abu Tharr Al-Ghaffary. Omar called Abu Hurayra a liar and threatened to send him back to Yemen where he came from if he does not stop telling these lies about the prophet Muhammed. He stopped until Omar died then started again. Ali Ibn Abu Talib, the fourth Khalifa in one of his speeches said, I urge all those who have writing taken from the messenger of God to go home and erase it. The people before you were annihilated because they followed the Hadiths of their scholars and left the book of their Lord. (Sunan Al-Daramy) KHALIFA OMAR IBN ABDUL AZIZ, THE BEGINNING OF THE END; Abu Hurayra narrated more Hadiths than anybody else including Abu Bakr, Omar, Ali, and Aysha who lived with the prophet all their lives. In less than two years of being with the prophet, Abu Hurayra narrated more Hadiths than all these companions of the prophet altogether. He narrated 5374 Hadiths. Ibn Hanbal quoted 3848 of his Hadiths in his book. The Guided Khalifas, Al-Khulafaa Al-Rashedun, who ruled the Muslim Umma after the death of the Prophet Muhammed respected the Prophets wish in not writing anything but the Quran and denounced any attempt of writing the Hadiths and Sunna. Their example was followed for the first two centuries after the Prophets death. By that time, the lies about the prophet Muhammed was widespread and the people deserted the Quran to look for Hadiths, that is when the Khalifa Omar Ibn Abdel-Aziz issued an order to permit the writing of Hadiths and Sunna thinking that he would put an end to the lies about the Prophet Muhammed. In his ruling he disregarded the commandments of God in the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed and the examples of his predecessors and the objection of many of the scholars in his time. Since then Islam moved from the religion of God, the Quran, to the infamous Hadiths and Sunna that were originally prohibited by God and His Prophet. Praise be to God, He preserved and protected His PERFECT religion, Islam (Submission in English) in His Book that He insisted on calling the BEST HADITH. THE EARLY WRITING OF HADITHS; As for the notion that Hadiths were written as early as the Prophets time, this is historically correct but the prophet himself and those who ruled after him condemned these writings and looked at those who wrote these Hadiths with disgrace. The hadiths books mentioned that the Prophet Muhammed burned the collected hadiths, and was very angry at people making another book with the book of Allah. Abu Baker and Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, were also reported to burn the Hadiths collections. This prohibition of hadiths was continued until Omar Ibn Abdel-Aziz permitted the writing of Hadiths and Sunna, then many books and (Kararees) appeared containing Hadiths, e.g. Ibn Greeg, Malik Ibn Anas, Mohammed Ibn Ishaq. The most famous from among these were the book of Malik Ibn Anas, (Al-Muwattaa). that had about 500 Hadiths. At the end of the second century the books known as (Masaned) appeared, e.g. the Masnad of Ahmed Ibn Hanbal that has about 40, 000 Hadiths. In the first half of the third century the famous six books of hadiths appeared and these are the books used by many of the scholars these days. 1- Sahih Bukhary. 2- Sahih Moslem. 3- Sunan Abu Daoud. 4-Sunan Al-Termethy. 5-Sunan Al-Nesaay. 6- Sunan Ibn Mageh. In these books a new religion was written that dominated over the Quran despite the claim for the opposite. In writing these books, the authors did not care if the hadiths they are writing contradict the Quran or the other Hadiths or the common sense . In reality they fulfilled the promise of God in 6:112-113 [Quran 6:112-113] We have permitted the enemies of every prophet - human and jinn devils - to inspire in each other FANCY WORDS (e.g.: HADITH & SUNNAH), in order to deceive. Had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their FABRICATIONS. This is to let the minds of those who do not believe in the Hereafter listen to such FABRICATIONS, and accept them, and thus expose their real convictions. HOW MANY HADITHS? The number of hadiths collected and attributed to the prophet Muhammed is in the hundreds of thousands, as much as 700, 000. As much as 99% of all these hundreds of thousands hadiths are pure lies and fabrications and were rejected by the early Muslim scholars who thought they can figure out which hadith is authentic and which is not. Let us look at some of the famous hadiths collectors and what they collected. 1. Malik Ibn Anas collected about 500 hadiths in his famous book, Al-Muwattaa 2. Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, collected about 40, 000 hadiths, in his famous Musnad.He chose these 40, 000 hadiths from among 700, 000 hadiths. In other words he thought 660, 000 hadith were un-proven, lies and/or fabrications and the others may be authentic. That is 94% lies and fabrications 3. Bukhary collected about 600, 000 hadiths and accepted 7275 hadiths and considered 592, 725 hadiths to be un-proven hadiths, lies and/or fabrications, that is almost 99% of what he collected . 4. Moslem collected 300, 000 hadiths and only accepted 4000 of them, and refused about 296, 000 . that is almost 99% of these collected hadiths . This will give you an idea of how much corruption entered or tried to enter Islam from the back door. Now we should understand why God promised to preserve, protect and safeguard His book, the ONLY authentic hadith, the ONLY acceptable hadith, the BEST HADITH, the Quran. NO such guarantee was offered to the fabrications and lies of the fabricators and liars who tried to improve on Gods book, and called the Quran incomplete, undetailed and imperfect, and claimed that the Quran needs clarification by another book ABU HURAYRA AND SO MANY LIES: Abu Hurayra, came from Yemen in the seventh year of Hijra and converted to Islam. He stayed in the company of the Prophet Muhammed less than two years. He narrated more than 5000 hadiths, actually 5374 hadiths, from this less than two years company, (Compare this with the relatively few hadiths narrated by Aysha, Abu Baker, or Omar, for example, after very long company of the prophet) . Most of his narrated hadiths are called the Aahad hadiths, i.e. hadiths only witnessed by one person, this one person was Abu Hurayra himself. Some of the Prophets companions (Sahaba) and Aysha, the Prophets wife, accused him of being a liar, telling lies about the prophets just to make up hadiths and gain some status. Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, the second guided Khalifa threatened Abu Hurayra to send him to exile if he does not stop telling hadiths about Muhammed, he did stop until Omars assassination then started again. He kept telling hadiths to please the Khalifa of the Muslims then, including the time he lived in the Royal Palace of Muaawiyah in Syria. Abu Hurayra told his audience that he is telling them hadiths that if he ever mentioned when Omar was alive, he would be given several lashes. Abu Hurayra’s narrations become doubtful because in some cases he claims to have been present where he was not actually present for undeniable reasons. For example, he said: I called on Ruqayya, daughter of the Holy Prophet (S.A.), the wife of Usman while she was holding a comb in her hand. She said, The Prophet of Allah (S.A.) has just gone from me, after I combed his hair. He said, How do you find Abu Abdullah (i.e. Usman). (sic) I said, All right. He said, Accord him honour as among all my companions he is the most similar to me in manners. Hakim has related this tradition in his Mustadrak, volume 2, page 48 with the remark that the sources of this tradition are correct but its text is unbelievable because Raqayya had died three years after Hijra at the time of the victory of Badr while Abu Huraira accepted Islam after the victory of Khyber in the 7th year A.H. The same remark has been made by Zahabi in Talkees-ul-Mustadrak about this tradition. (Abu Huraira, Syed Abdul Husai Sharafuddin Mossvi, p. 89, Peermahomed Ibrahim Trust) Abu Jaafar Al Iskafy mentioned that the Khalifa, Muaawiyah, chose some of the people, including Abu Hurayra to tell fabricated stories and hadiths about Ali Ibn Abu Talib, the Prophets cousin, to degrade him. Abu Hurayra lived in Muaawiyahs Royal Palace then and served him including serving his political views. He produced some of the hadiths that demean and insult Ali Ibn Abu Talib, and make him in a lower grade to Abu Baker, Omar and Othman, only for the pleasure of Muaawiyah. During Muaawiyahs rule, many hadiths, with the help of Abu Hurayra were invented that support the view that the Imam or Khalifa, should be obeyed just like God or the messenger, contradicting the rule of the Quran that all the matters should be democratic by consultation.(Do not forget that Abu Hurayra was living in the Khalifas Royal Palace at the time.) Many of the hadiths that were narrated by Abu Hurayra contradict the other hadiths, including his own narrated hadiths and other peoples hadiths and contradict the Quran and contradict common sense. Abu Hurayra narrated hadiths after Kaab Al Ahbar, who was a Jewish convert who tried to explain the Quran by using the corrupted books of the Jews. He produced some of the most outrageous hadiths that is full of contradiction to the Quran, taken from false stories in the Torah. The Islamic historians told the story of Abu Hurayra after given the governorship of Bahrain, got very rich in two years, so Omar called him back and told him You, the enemy of Allah, you stole the money of Allah. I made you the Emir of Bahrain when you did not even have a pair of shoes, Where did you get all this money (400, 000 Dirham)?? The history indicates that Omar took 10, 000 Dirham from him.(Abu Hurayra admitted for only 20, 000 Dirham) Abu Hurayra was the one accused most of fabricating hadiths. Aysha, the Prophets wife always accused him of telling inaccurate or incomplete stories and of fabricating hadiths that she never heard the prophet saying them. Abu Hurayra is well known for his prejudice against the women and the dogs. He produced some of the most insulting hadiths to Muslim women, and hadiths that call for the killing of the dogs . If we apply the rigid criteria claimed to be used by the Scholars like Bukhary and Moslem, for accepting those who narrated hadiths, Abu Hurayra will be the first one to fail the test and his hadiths will be the first to be counted among the fabrications. AYSHA AND ABU HURAYRA, ON THE ODDS; In the famous book Taaoueel Mukhtalaf Alhadith by Ibn Qutaiba Al-Dinory, the story of Aysha (the Prophets wife) telling Abu Hurayra; You tell ahadiths about the prophet Muhammed that we never heard them from him He answered (as Bukhary reported); You (Aysha) were busy with your mirror and make up She (Aysha) answered him; It is you who were busy with your stomach and hunger. Your hunger kept you busy, you were running after the people in the allies, begging them for food, and they used to avoid you and get away from your way, and finally you would come back and pass out infront of my room and the people think you were crazy and step all over you. In a commentary on one of the posts in the Islam section in AOL, a gentleman volunteered these informations about the number of Hadiths collected by Abu Hurayra in comparison to Aysha, Abu Baker, Umar and Ali. Taken from a book entitled Hadith Literature: Its Origin, Development, & Special Features by Muhammed Zubayr Siddiqui: 1. Abu Hurayra 5374 4. Aysha Umm al-Muminin 2210 10. Umar Ibn al-Khattab 537 11. Ali Ibn Abi Talib 536 31. Abu Bakr al-Siddiq 142 First number indicates rank ...second number indicates number of Ahadith (sayings) given. Compare the numbers of Hadiths given by Abu Baker by that of Abu Hurayra while keeping in mind that Abu Baker accompanied the Prophet for about 23 years, while Abu Hurayra accompanied the Prophet for less than 2 years. BUKHARYS SAHIH, THE EXAMPLE OF CORRUPTION Many of the Muslims in general talk about the Hadiths collection with a respect that matches and sometimes exceeds that of the Quran. While the Quran does not leave any doubt as to where God wants us to look for the guidance and perfect happiness, those who do not believe God in His own words usually find in the Hadiths and Sunna a refuge that has been condemned by the Quran repeatedly. God already informed us in the Quran that His book is the BEST HADITHS 39:23,and that we should only seek His Hadiths (Quran) 7:185, and wonders why the people are not satisfied with His words, 45:6 !! Imam Al-Bukhary or Bukhary for short, is just one of several scholars who decided to collect the Hadiths and Sunna despite the clear prohibition by the Prophet Muhammed himself and all the Khalifas who followed him of collecting and writing anything but the Quran. Many of the Muslims today look at Bukhary with a respect he did not deserve or earn. His elevation to the level of a Saint by the Muslims and Scholars who came after him made of his books of Hadiths and Sunna a second Quran . While modern Christianity is the product of Pauls corruption and hallucination , traditional Sunni Islam as practiced today, is the product of corruption of the true religion of Islam by people like Bukhary. As soon as the Muslims deserted the Quran in favor of the Hadiths and Sunna books, their true Islam was corrupted beyond belief and their practice of Islam today is but a reflection of the Islam of the Scholars like Bukhary, Moslem, Nesaay, Termethy, Abu-Daoud...etc. and not a reflection of the Islam (Submission in English) presented to us by the Prophet Muhammed. While those who defend Bukhary praise him for his methodology of collecting the hadiths for his book known as Sahih Al-Bukhary. They only reflect ignorance with what Bukhary actually collected in his book . Not only did Bukhary broke the rules that he claimed he used to ensure the authenticity of the hadiths but his own personal feelings, political alliance and hatred to people like Ali Ibn Abu Talib affected his choice of what hadiths to list in his book and what hadiths to refuse. He cared less about the content of the hadiths itself . He listed many hadiths that contradict the Quran, contradict other hadiths , contradict common sense, insult God, insult the Prophet Muhammed, insult the Prophets wives and his family . The position that Bukhary took regarding Ali Ibn-Abu Talib Vs his position towards Muaawyiah is but a reflection of the political corruption of Bukhary and his bias in listing the Hadiths that put down Ali while making of his ardent enemy Muaawyiah, a pure and righteous man despite his known corruption and defiance of the simple Islamic laws. Bukhary narrated Many Hadiths in his book that the public call Sahih (Authentic) for people who were considered liars, corrupted and untrustworthy. Muslim Scholars who came after him were afraid to expose the truth and the shortcoming of Bukhary and other scholars of Hadiths and Sunna like him. As a simple example, in the famous book Al-Mustadrek, the author states that Bukhary listed Hadiths taken from 434 persons who were not accepted by Moslem for his book Sahih Moslem as good trustworthy people. On the other hand Moslem accepted for his book 625 persons who narrated Hadiths ,who were refused by Bukhary. The corruption of Islam by Hadiths and Sunna started right during the Prophets life and soon after his death. This collection of the so called Hadiths and Sunna was condemned by God, the Prophet and the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet). This act reached its peak by the end of the second Hijra century when the famous six books (references) of Hadiths were written. God Almighty predicted this corruption and told us in 6:112-113 why He permitted this corruption to happen and also told us ahead of time that the messenger will complain to Him on the day of Judgment of the Muslims DESERTING THE QURAN (not deserting the Hadiths and Sunna). See 25:30 BUKHARY AND SAHABA, CLEAR CORRUPTION Many of the Muslim brothers and sisters talk about the companions (Sahaba) of the Prophet Muhammed as if they were a different breed of people or a different race. They made them flawless who are unable to make mistakes. They made them worth the respect and love that only the Prophet Muhammed deserved for what he was, the messenger of God and the last prophet.. While we can witness many people defending the Sahaba (companions) of the prophet irrespective of what they did, many of those actually do not know what the word Sahaba means or how it was or should be used. The student of the Muslim history will be shocked to know the different definitions of the word Sahaba (Companion) of the Prophet. Knowing such a definition make it easy for us to talk about our history, our religion and our books. In general the Muslim scholars disagreed on the definition of : who should be counted as one of the Sahaba (companions) of the Prophet ?!! Studying these definitions will clarify for us the position of many people like Imam Al-Bukhary who used his definition of the word Sahaba to accept many of the false and fabricated Hadiths that were included in his book, Sahih Al-Bukhary. Here are the definitions considered by the Muslim Scholars: 1. The definition of Imam Al-Bukhary : Bukhary defined the Sahaby (single of Sahaba) as the one who was in the company of the prophet Muhammed or just SEEN him. Ibn Hanbal who also has a book of his own collecting more Hadiths than Bukhary accepted this definition and clarified it by saying ; The Sahaby is anyone who accompanied the Prophet for a year, a month, a day or even an hour or even just seen him. 2. The definition by Abdullah Ibn Omar Ibn Al-Khattab anyone who has seen the Prophet Muhammed even for one hour as long as he reached the puberty, and is a known Muslim who understood his religion and accepted it. According to this definition all the children (who had not reached puberty) who witnessed the Prophet cannot be counted as Sahaba. 3. The definition of Al-Tabaey Saeed Ibn Al-Museeb; Only those who accompanied the Prophet Muhammed for a year or two and fought with him in a battle or two should be considered Sahaba This is a definition accepted and encouraged by Imam Al-Ghazali From the above three definitions, any sincere and guided Muslim can sense the corruption and confusion of Bukhary, a reason for him to get all these corrupted hadiths included in his book. With these corrupted Hadiths, the Muslims after Bukhary changed their religion from the religion of the Prophet Muhammed (the Quran), to the religion of Bukhary and his likes (the fabricated hadiths and Sunna). Let us look at the definition by Bukhary; and reflect on its corruption: 1. His definition that anyone who seen the Prophet is a Sahaby has no support from the Quran or even from the Islamic history given by other Muslims of the early life of the Prophet and his companions. The Quran is full of the stories of the hypocrites and the wicked people of Medina where the Prophet lived who seen the prophet and listened to his message and his ceremonies and they cannot be considered his Sahaba (Companions) as Bukhary did; Among the Aarabs around you, there are hypocrites. Also among the city dwellers, there are those who are accustomed to hypocrisy...... 9:101 And in 63:1 When the HYPOCRITES come to you they say, We bear witness that you are the messenger of God. God knows that you are His messenger, and God bears witness that the hypocrites are liars, And in 33:60 Unless the hypocrites, and those with disease in their hearts and the vicious liars of the city (Medina) refrain (from persecuting you) we will surely grant you the upper hand, then they would not be your neighbors within a short while. All these hypocrites and wicked people witnessed the Prophet Muhammed and listened to him. They are according to Imam AL-Bukharys definition, SAHABA. His corrupted definition of the word Sahaba definitely played a role in the collection of Hadiths form such FAKE Sahaba. 2. Again the corruption of Bukhary appears in his acceptance of children who witnessed the Prophet as Sahaba, and he accepted their narration of Hadiths despite the fact that they were too little to realize what was going on at the time. Bukhary had many hadiths narrated by Abdullah Ibn Abbas who was a young child during the Prophets life. He was never documented to accompany the Prophet as one of the Sahaba, but Bukhary made him one. Other children who narrated hadiths and accepted by Bukhary are Al-Nuaman Ibn Basheer (8 years old), Mahmoud Ibn Al-Rabee (5 years), Abdullah Ibn Al-Zubeer (9 years), Al-Hussein Ibn Ali (7 years), Al-Hassan Ibn Ali ( 8 years), Omar Ibn Aby Muslima ( 9 years)......etc. Who would accept to take his religion from these children ??!!!!! 3. Because Bukhary identified himself with the Abbasyeen and politically was against the Talibeen (followers of Ali Ibn Abu-Talib), he gave in his book many pages to the hadiths of Abdullah Ibn Abbas, the grandfather of the Abbasyeens with whom Bukhary identified. Here we witness politics influencing what hadiths to report and what to omit (those praising Ali Ibn Abu Talib). Some of the Hadiths narrated by Ibn Abbas contradict the laws of the Quran , e.g. the laws of inheritance. To witness the political corruption of Bukhary in reporting hadiths that would serve his views and please his masters (Abbasyeen then) is to witness the corruption that God described 6:112-113 in action. 4. The position that Bukhary took in elevating people who were hypocrites and wicked to the level of Sahaba by his corrupted definition helped nothing but to corrupt the book that he called SAHIH (Authentic). His personal disregard to the TRUE SAHABY (Companion) of the Prophet, Ali Ibn Abu Talib only reflects his misguidance and underachievements. Those who refused to believe God and accept His assertion that the Quran is COMPLETE, PERFECT AND FULLY DETAILED will only fall to the false lords of religion who decided to improve on Gods book and add to it by collecting all kinds of lies and fabrications and put them in a book and allege them to the Prophet. Those who seek to obey the messenger and follow the steps of the Prophet can do such that by following the book that was never fabricated and was definitely given to us by God through His Prophet, the Quran. Those who seek to follow the Prophet by following Bukhary and his likes are just following Bukhary and his likes and the messenger will complain to God from them on the day of Judgment that they deserted the QURAN . See 25:30
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 03:27:01 +0000

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