Hail satan! Well,since Ive started to post some of my experiences - TopicsExpress


Hail satan! Well,since Ive started to post some of my experiences about my spiritual life, then Im gonna keep going....the next thing Im gonna talk about is my ufo encounters and how satan showed to me to motivate me because he knows my passion for ufos and to make it clear that extraterrestrial life does exist in the universe and he created them...... Well,all my life Ive been passionate about ufos,space,the mysterious, paranormal, secrets of the world and universe, the supernatural,religion, etc....well I had asked satan to showed me the ufos. I knew that they were his creation and that they were under his power.....when I did my covenant , on that night satan had told me in a dream ,SINCE YOU SPOKE FROM THE HEART IM GONNA GIVE YOU WHAT YOUR HEART DESIRES ..... now I knew he ment everything from small to big, but I never thought that he would do the impossible, because for satan nothing is too small,too big or impossible. He can do anything and will do anything for us...... well on the first month of Satanism even after what he said and several other experiences, I began to doubt....let me tell you something, I dont care how long youve been spiritual, how much you know, what your position is,there comes that moment when you begin to have doubts....faith is lost a bit and its usually from personal problems, processes that we sometimes are taken through, waiting on something and it doesnt show or happen,etc.etc..etc.... every man and woman has that moment that you hit the,SPIRITUAL THE END WALL......but everything happens for a reason And father satan always shows up on time,,,,.... I had gotten to that point where I said, ENOUGH OF THIS SATANISM SHIT! I had gotten tierd,worn,impatient, faithless, non-motivated,sadness,loneliness, etc..... so,I remember going from Phoenix to vegas and the next night I was going back to Phoenix. I remember taking exit71 to U.S.93 from I-40 Kingman,AZ and Im driving around 1am I look to the right off the highway real quick and I see some moving around and lights at a VERY close and low range. I didnt think much of until I see it a bit better ;) a couple more miles down>>>>>>>BOOM! I see the most unbelievable shit of my life My dream come true! In front of me about 100yards in front and about 200feet in the air, I see 3 UFO spacecrafts. .....they were so low and close that my hairs stood up....one was going up and down, the other was going up next to that one and a third one came from behind a cloud. They lit up on and off like a bulb,,..they were huge and amazing. Thats all I talked about for the next 3days. Hail satan. The reason for that was to motivate me and to show me that for him nothing is impossible and that he is always on time.... that he will always mean what he says.....now another time about a year later, I went into another SLUMP spiritually :( mainly because of my divorce of my first marriage. That hit me hard.... so! Guess what happened again?! ;) satan,to remind me sends me a message through a young satanic high priest from Florida who Satan had put on my side for like a year and a half to help me out with and be my spiritual adviser and counselor, the early days of Satanism. I get a text from him saying, SATAN SAYS TO LOOK UP THE SKY HES GONNA SHOW YOU SOMETHING WITHIN THE NEXT FEW MINUTES .... I said, ok....Well I looked and looked and saw nothing. ...but satan was letting me know that he was about to go deeper into doing the impossible for me ;) so nothing happened that night. A few days later I was in Peru,Illinois it was freezing and night. I get another text from the high priest saying, SATAN SAID TO LOOK AT THE SKY AT 10:00pm tonight . I freaked out because that area was populated and it wouldve caused serious panic and chaos from city to nation wide...I begged satan not to do it because it was gonna affect the entire nation. But satan was gonna go on with the plan to remind me his TRUE WORDS and that hell do anything For his servants wether man or woman.... we are also Satans children..... so I kept begging and around 9pm I fell into a deep sleep. I woke up around 11:30pm and was like, oh shit! And quickly looked out the window.....satan was just letting me know never to doubt his words and power...that he would do anything for us.....even if he has to have a nation shutdown and have everyones rights suspend. For father satan, theres nothing impossible. Well,a couple weeks later he did bring them down again in Arizona again...this time around Tucson, AZ off I-10....2 ufo spacecrafts floating off a field, very low. ......hail satan! Satan would do anything for us,but everything is in his TIMING....... 666
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 00:27:09 +0000

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