Haiti - Pour Into the Darkness To Stop the Ruling Psychopaths - - TopicsExpress


Haiti - Pour Into the Darkness To Stop the Ruling Psychopaths - Ezili Danto open.salon/blog/ezili_danto/2014/07/02/pour_into_the_darkness_to_stop_the_ruling_psychopaths via Ezilis Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) https://facebook/pages/Ezilis-Haitian-Lawyers-Leadership-Network-HLLN/168582209840189?fref=nf Haiti - Thousands of Peaceful Anti-Martelly Protesters March before being shot at with Live Fire. June 10, 2014. Grassroots footage. https://facebook/photo.php?v=793184520699763&set=vb.484017601616458&type=3&theater Janl pasel pase Jun 10, 2014 youtube/watch?v=xg2gpeYyeQo Violence Erupts as Haitian Police Break up Peaceful Protests youtube/watch?v=XypE7Nlo3cI Haiti Must have Elections now, and they must be Free & Fair. https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.751261214892094.1073743732.484017601616458&type=1 Haiti: Police unleash tear gas, live fire and stun grenades on Peaceful Anti-Martelly Protesters. 11 June 2014 youtube/watch?v=iiQrCWOdh3Q Elections in Haiti have been suspended since Nov 2011. ****************************************** Haitians show Martelly the Red Card - Demanding Free & Fair Elections now! Haiti: Anti-government protesters call for President Martelly to quit now End the US occupation of Haiti. Stop the US colonial army called MINUSTA stealing Haiti lands, beaches and resources from Haitians. Free all political prisoners, free Jean Lamy Maltunes! https://youtube/watch?v=fVLTwaoTHUU Further Police Repression In Haiti during Anti-Govt Protest March In Port-Au-Prince. Jun 5, 2014 Thousands of angry protesters marched through the streets of Port au Prince calling for the ouster of the US installed Martelly regime. Protesters blocked roads with burning tyres when attacked by police firing tear gas, stun grenades and possibly live fire. Protesters are demanding the removal of the corrupt US backed regime and are calling for free and fair presidential elections immediately... youtube/watch?v=1_NgVS8fQNQ Haiti - Anti-Martelly Demonstrations, June 5th, 2014. #StopMINUSTAH https://youtube/watch?v=_rR8HeRaJDA via Ezilis Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network https://facebook/pages/Ezilis-Haitian-Lawyers-Leadership- Network-HLLN/168582209840189?ref=stream&fref=nf Haiti Must have Elections now, and they must be Free & Fair. Washington Post. Elections in Haiti suspended since November 2011.. March 3, 14. Down with Martelly! We want the US government to seize Martelly and take him away from the presidential palace, shouted Maxon Mérilan, a supporter of Former popular President Jean-Bertrand Aristides Organisation Politique Fanmi Lavalas party. The US government has imposed Martelly on the Haitian people, today we ask them to take him away, if not well overthrow him, opposition Senator Moise Jean-Charles told HCNN as he walked with the crowd. caribbeannewsnow/topstory-Thousands-march-on-US-Embassy-in-Haiti-18876.html Obama please stop supporting Martelly https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.700276659990550.1073743285.484017601616458&type=1 ********************************** Anti Martelly Protests in May 2014 1. Excellent Footage of Haitis Anti-Martelly Protests. 1 May 2014 Haiti Gwo Manifestasyon, Premye me batize, Operasyon pote boure, 1 May, 2014 . Palecho Breaking News Haiti youtube/watch?v=QoCqDSLb3cw 2. Haiti: May Day Protests shake Port-au-Prince. 1 May 2014 youtube/watch?v=VlqcRnp4Jo8 1 May 2014 - Haitis Elections have now been delayed for 2 and a half years. (Since Nov 2011) 3. Haiti: Port-au-Prince in Flames as Anti-Martelly Protest Erupts. Apr 28, 2014. youtube/watch?v=ZhF_d7tO50o 4. Haiti - Massive Anti-Martelly Protests in Cap Haitian. (Good Non-Mainstream Footage). 27 April 2014 youtube/attribution_link?a=z6U8NJsEM4g&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D23G_SDd2cTw%26feature%3Dshare 5. Students clash with police in Haiti. May 8, 2014 presstv.ir/detail/2014/05/08/361773/students-clash-with-police-in-haiti/ 6. Manifestation 1 Mai 2014 https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.664152290299618.1073741999.100001145594339&type=1 Haiti’s Doctored 2010 Elections, Seen from the Inside: An Interview with Ricardo Seitenfus. February 24, 2014 dissentmagazine.org/online_articles/haitis-doctored-elections-seen-from-the-inside-an-interview-with-ricardo-seitenfus Together with the U.S., Canada and France, MINUSTAH fixed elections that excluded 80% of the Haitian electorate and brought a Duvalierist, Michel Martelly, into power in May 2011. sfbayview/.../10-steps-to-dictatorship-why.../ ************************************ Strategic denial of Oil in Haiti? youtube/watch?v=QqIWqLylZj8 Back to Dark Duvalierist Days in Haiti? March 11, 2014 - t.co/mnxqQZHgR4 In 2010 the US/UN Occupation force installed a Neo-Duvalierist Government that have suspended Elections for 3 years. Leading a to new US Dictatorship in Haiti, this time behind US/UN Guns UN Massacres Unarmed Slum-dwellers in Cité Soleil, Haiti https://facebook/photo.php?v=744869465531269 The Suppression of Democracy in Haiti 1. The U.N. Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) has suppressed both electoral democracy and free speech in Haiti by organizing fraudulent elections and shutting down peaceful protests, which has helped to exclude Haiti’s poor majority from participation in the electoral process. 2. Recently released WikiLeaks cables reveal the official U.S. view that MINUSTAH has turned out to be an “indispensible… financial and regional security bargain for the USG [U.S. government]” and that the “Aristide [m]ovement [m]ust [b]e [s]topped.”[1] 3. This systematic suppression of democracy has contributed to Haiti’s status as a “‘leta restavek’, or child servant state,” serving foreign interests.[2] coha.org/leta-restavek-the-suppression-of-democracy-in-haiti/ Report below proves reviled Duvalierist President Martelly was Fraudulently Elected in 2010. Therefor the Baby Doc protecting regime is completely Illegitimate with no mandate from the population. Haiti’s Doctored Elections, Seen from the Inside: An Interview with Ricardo Seitenfus. February 24, 2014 dissentmagazine.org/online_articles/haitis-doctored-elections-seen-from-the-inside-an-interview-with-ricardo-seitenfus Haiti must have Elections, but they must be Free & Fair. Elections in Haiti are 3 yrs Overdue. March 3, 2014. washingtonpost/opinions/haiti-must-have-free-and-fair-elections/2014/03/02/b9f58914-a0a0-11e3-878c-65222df220eb_story.html Destroying Democracy in Haiti: The 2004 US -Canada -France Coup DEtat. I am deeply Ashamed globalresearch.ca/destroying-democracy-in-haiti-the-2004-us-canada-france-coup-detat-i-am-deeply-ashamed-of-canada/5370029loaed
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:26:25 +0000

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