Halvorson Sets the Record Straight Yet Again One of the reasons - TopicsExpress


Halvorson Sets the Record Straight Yet Again One of the reasons that I am running for Congress is to try to break the pattern of entrenched career politicians. We elect local people to represent us in Washington, but after arriving there, they change. They fall in love with their power and will do anything to keep it. That is why I have self-limited to three terms. Bill Shuster’s recent failed attempt to label me a racist is a perfect example. He has taken a tactic from Obama, calling anyone who dares question or challenge him as a racist. His fabricated charges of racism also follow his fabricated claims that I took farm subsidies, that I am not pro-life, and that I would vote with Pelosi and Reid. Bill Shuster has shown that he will say the most blatant untruths, and will try to deceive the voters, in a desperate attempt to keep his seat. What Bill Shuster won’t talk about is his record. Instead, he talks about what he will do in the future, but never about what he has done. He says that, instead of focusing on his failed record, we should all focus instead on the Republicans gaining the Senate and the White House. But what is his plan if the Republicans fail to gain the Senate? As an experienced leader, I do have a plan. The Republicans in the House can act decisively right now, not wait for some uncertain event in the future. The Constitution gives the House the power of the purse, which is the single greatest power in Washington, and the Republicans should exercise that power to effect change now. When elected, I will focus on four objectives. First, I will join other like-minded members of the House to change the Republican leadership. We need leadership that has a plan to fix problems now. Second, I will push for repeal of Obamacare and replacement of it with a free market, patient-centered alternative. Third, I will insist on limiting the deficit and paying off the national debt with my plan of “Cap-Balance-and-Grow.” That is, we should cap federal spending, balance the budget, and grow our economy. Fourth, I will demand that Congress support economic growth and jobs, including jobs here at home in our District, by reducing the growing mountain of oppressive government regulations that strangle small businesses and farms. In addition, I will steadfastly oppose bad ideas like the Vehicle Mileage Tax, an idea that is near to the hearts of Washington liberals, and an idea that Bill Shuster has described as the “only way” to address transportation issues. It is a terrible idea, not only because it is a new tax, but also because it punishes people like us in rural counties and is yet another major government intrusion into our personal lives. I hope that the voters of the 9th District will choose leadership on May 20th over “clout” and sleazy politics. Our nation needs a change, and we must start here, in our district, by electing someone that is more committed to the truth than to their own power. # # # It is tactics like Shusters and responses like Arts that make me proud to promote Art Halvorson as a candidate. - DD Art Halvorson for Congress
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 21:22:51 +0000

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