Hang on tight.... this is a long one ;) I just have to share my - TopicsExpress


Hang on tight.... this is a long one ;) I just have to share my heart once again with you and what the Lord has been doing in my life. Any blended families out there? Step-parents? As you know, that can be one hard job when you blend a family. Whether it is when the children are small or grown. It took years for our family to truly unite and feel like we are one. It took years for me to get step parenting, but its still a constant struggle for me emotionally. Ive been talking to God a lot about this lately and how I can be a better mom to these amazing kids He has given us. But, my heart has been so heavy and sometimes I just feel like I have no one I can talk to who would understand MY family. Not only that, but sometimes it gets tiring when you have to explain your background to people and how we all came together. Ive almost gone backwards recently with sharing not only because of Steve being in the ministry, but just because I want to simply have everyone understand that they are my family and thats all there is to it! :) ha ha Then, last night we went to dinner with pastor Rick and his sweet wife Janet. I was honestly just praying that no one would mention or ask about our story because I have been so emotional over the topic lately. And.... what do you think happens? Pastor Rick asks each pastor and wife to go around and tell their story about how they met etc... and about their family. I had this moment of ugghhh please dont call on me first. At that moment, he said Sami.... why dont you and Steve start..... Immediately, my throat tightened and my heart became heavy. Sometimes, when sharing I truly feel like I am reliving my past hurts and all the pain that my divorce brought. So of course, as soon as I start I say Well, our story is not probably your typical pastors story here tonight as I looked around the table at couples who have been married for 15-45 years. The tears flowed as I shared my heart. I tried to keep it as short as possible, but there really isnt an easy way to share it. As I finished, I ended by saying.... I know that I may never know the reason we had to go through such a hard past, but I DO know that I have been able to comfort others since in similar situations. That brings me to today... praying God would continue to guide me into what He wants me to do with my life. So, I was eating lunch at church after the service and one of the ladies brought me a letter my daughter had wrote in VBS. She was in tears saying it touched her heart and she felt that I would really be encouraged reading it since we are a blended family. I brought the letter home and read it. It was the sweetest letter sharing about how she came from a blended family and something positive about every member of the family. Of course, this momma cried.... and thanked the Lord once again for a reminder that He has it all under control. Then, last but not least.... tonight after the crusade at the alter call... I was called up to help pray for a lady who is hurting. She is a step parent in a blended family and needed prayer and support. After these last two days, Ive learned a few things. 1. I need to continue to use my testimony unashamedly. God has done so many awesome things in my life and I wouldnt be here today if I hadnt gone through the junk in my past. 2. I feel like God is calling me to continue into some type of ministry for blended families/step parents. I know in time He will reveal more, but this is so evident to me this week. Why am I sharing this SUPER LONG message with you tonight? BECAUSE ... I know that we all may have baggage or junk in our past that we want to hide or forget about. HOWEVER, thats not what God wants from us. We need to be REAL with people and continue to come to them where they are. I wont be able to reach people if Im not willing to open up. So with all of this said.... I pray tonight that you will open up your lives. Reach out to those hurting. Be honest about your past. And above all be READY.... because God WILL send people your way when we are obedient. Have an awesome night friends!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 03:44:10 +0000

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