Hans Garseth via Mark Oftheway Yesterday at 5:12am . The - TopicsExpress


Hans Garseth via Mark Oftheway Yesterday at 5:12am . The OPPT PART 1 : The Sectional Beginners Guide to the OPPT (One Peoples Public Trust) Introduction : Understanding the OPPT A) Format As written above, this is a beginners guide to understanding the One People’s Public Trust. It is written for those who have heard of the OPPT, but have little or no information as to what it is or does; so this is offered as a relatively short summary of what the OPPT is, what it does, and, most important, how it affects you. It is presented in 8 sections, like chapters in a book, and is meant to be read in order, starting with the introduction. However, if you already have some knowledge about the OPPT, and just want to study a particular section, certainly feel free to do that. Most sections can be read in less than 5 minutes, and references are provided at the end of the sections that will lead you to further, more detailed and validating information. B) Popularity As of this writing, March 2013, it is estimated that less than 1/10 of 1% of the people on the planet even know about OPPT, let alone understand it. The effort here is to provide information, in an organized, concise form, without being overwhelming. It is intended to help those new to the OPPT to understand it enough to see the benefits to all of us from the hours and hours of work that the trustees put in to make this happen. Understanding the OPPT Introduction C) The beginning of the OPPT: In late 2012, the One Peoples Public Trust (OPPT) came out publicly after several years of hard work by some very capable, dedicated people. These people, led by Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, Hollis Randall Hillner, and Caleb Skinner, have done some phenomenal work, designed to usher in a “New Paradigm” for planet Earth. Until now, we have all been living in the “Old Paradigm” world. Of course, that has been our only frame of reference, so it has seemed just “normal,” but it has not been the way God intended for us to live. Feel free to substitute other terms for God: Source, Infinite Source, Prime Creator, Creator, Yahweh, Allah, etc. D) From old to New Paradigm The 2012 Scenario is all about the “shift” from the old paradigm planet Earth to the New Paradigm planet Earth. December 21, 2012 was not a day that some dramatic event, either wonderful or catastrophic, was intended to happen. All the hype around 12/21/12 was just that – hype. 12/21/12 marked the midpoint of a multi decade “shift” period between the old and the new. Astrologers would call it leaving the age of Pisces, and entering the age of Aquarius. Some have called it the “Shift of the Ages”. It is also a period of raising human consciousness, and some are calling that “ascension.” E) Old Paradigm is Covert Slavery Raising consciousness means that we, Earth humans, are coming into a new way of BEing, learning the truth about the way things have been in the old paradigm, and about how the new paradigm world could look. As examples, we have been used to a world with constant wars, poverty, scarcity, government control, financial instability, massive debt, etc. We have been living in a state of slavery without even knowing it. We have been deceived. F) Old Paradigm Freedom in disguise. In the US, at least, many law enforcement vehicles have printed somewhere on them the words: “To protect and Serve.” When you are driving, and see a police car approaching, do you get a warm fuzzy feeing that the person in that car is there to protect and serve you, or do you feel fear that the person in that car is watching you for some violation of some law? We have been taught in America that America is the “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave” – brave, yes; free, no. That has been a lie perpetrated on us by the power holders, the less than 1% that hold most of the power and most of the wealth. Are you in debt? Do you have to work long hours to make enough money to pay the bills? Do you feel free when you are made to go though a TSA line at an airport? We have not been free; we have only been duped into believing we are. We have been lied to, dumbed down by TV, and encouraged to buy, buy, buy stuff we don’t need. That has all been the old paradigm. G) True freedom from slavery, The New Paradigm world is one of true freedom, world peace, prosperity for all, an unpolluted world, free energy, honest transparent governments, and most important, people operating at a higher consciousness level; valuing cooperation instead of competition, togetherness instead of separation, understanding instead of fear, and freedom instead of slavery. H) Freedom to choose, Now, if you are having trouble believing all that, try seeing the above as just possibilities. You don’t have to completely believe it, but what if it is possible, what if it is true? Wouldn’t you like to learn more? This writing is intended to help you do that, but no attempt will be made to convince anyone of anything. It is intended only to provide documented, provable information. You have the freewill choice to accept it or reject it as you choose. After all, the new paradigm world is about freedom to choose. I) Tools of the OPPT ? So what does the One People’s Trust have to do with all this? In a nutshell, the OPPT has cancelled all aspects of the old paradigm slave system, and provided useable, effective tools to transition to the New Paradigm systems. What follows in this writing are further explanations of the slave system, what the OPPT has done, why it works, and how it benefits all Earth Humans. This is all quite new, and it will take a while before a critical mass of people i). know about it ii). believe it, and iii). understand it well enough to use it effectively. What is written on these pages is offered to help you move from i)-iii). The really good news is that all the hard work has already been done. Everything is in place. There is really very little for anyone else to DO. ii). understand it well enough to use it effectively. What is written on these pages is offered to help you move from i)-iii). The really good news is that all the hard work has already been done. Everything is in place. There is really very little for anyone else to DO. J) BE-ing & DO-ing Notice that I have capitalized “BEing” in a paragraph above, and “DO” here. BEing and DOing are very important concepts which will be explained later. The OPPT : New Series : PART 2 : The Sectional Beginners Guide to OPPT : The Slave system explained. A) Old Paradigm Slavery system: In the introduction, the term “slavery system” was used. Some people know how that term applies to the current reality, at least before OPPT. For others, the term slavery system might seem too strong. As mentioned earlier, we have been living in this old paradigm world all our lives, and we have been led to believe that this is just the way it is – normal. If you are in the former group, and can say, “Yup, I understand why you are calling it a slavery system,” feel free to skip this entire section, or you can follow up with any or all references provided at the end of this section. B) The Scepticism of slavery system: If you are in the second group, and your “skeptical meter” has moved up into the yellow or red with the term slavery system, then you are encouraged to keep reading, because it is important that you come to understand and believe the term is appropriate. Of course everything is relative, and relative to the way the Negro was treated several centuries ago, our current slavery is mild. That being said, I believe that after reading this, you will agree that We the People have been enslaved to a greater degree than we believed. C) 1700′s British in the United States: In the late 1700s, the British colonists living in the original 13 colonies of North America, were fed up with British control. People began to recognize that they had value, and they wanted to share that value with others. They saw their liberty as their property, and to protect their liberty they had to ensure that all others had the same right to that liberty. They viewed this as a “God given Trust.” The people rose up and separated themselves from England. To do so they created and declared a set of principles to the entire world to ensure that America would never be enslaved. D) Independance: These principles are clearly outlined in the Declaration of Independence of 1776, which declared them to be One Free Equal People, with “un-a-lien-able rights,” meaning that no one can put a lien on those rights. The Declaration of Independence was written along with the Constitution For the United States (note the word for not of). Several significant principles were established at that time for this country: “…. that all men are created equal; …they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights….. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” E) We the People Power It was further stated that the government derives its power from the people, and the people have the right and responsibility to alter or abolish the government if it does not serve the people. The United States was originally set up as a republic with a government that was designed to serve We the People. F) Sovereign People: When we get to explaining the OPPT, you will see that the principles of the documents that the OPPT wrote are the same as the principles that the founding fathers of the United States saw as important. Simply, we are sovereign beings, with rights endowed by the Creator. G) What Happened and not just USA ? The above two paragraphs relate only to the United States. All other countries of the world have a much different early history, but recent happenings are common for all countries. H) The Controllers; We’ll start by identifying the “Controllers.” There are many other names for the controllers: cabal, illuminati, power elite, new world order, secret government, powers that be, etc. You are probably familiar with some of these terms already; they all refer to the same people mostly. They are motivated by money and power, and their agenda is world domination and control. Those at the top are small in numbers, but their tentacles reach deep into all aspects of society. Another term that has been used lately is “bankster”, because the banking industry is the “head of the beast.” I) Famous Quotations ( The warning signs ) “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.” - Thomas Jefferson “Give me control of a nation’s money, and I care not who makes its laws” - Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothchild (a powerful controller of the banking cartel) “It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford J) The Extent of the Control System; Long ago the controllers learned the power of fraudulent, but difficult-to-detect, banking practices to increase their power and wealth. Today, they “own,” literally in most cases: All the world central banks, all the large national banks, all the major news media (controlling the information also gives great power), all branches of government, energy industry, healthcare industry, education, and religious institutions. K) The Apex of Control; Until very recently, they were well on their way to achieving complete world domination – their New World Order. Now this is not to say that all people working for any of those organizations are corrupt. Many are good honest people doing their jobs without knowing that they too are being controlled. The real power brokers are mostly only at the top. Author’s note: Now, if this is getting depressing, stay tuned, because “the good news” is yet to come in that I will explain later why the controller’s reign is over. L) All Contries wre turned into Corporations; One of the things that was done to all countries of the world, was to turn the governments into corporations. In 1871, Washington D.C. became THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES, chartered in London, and a new constitution was written: THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES,in all capital letters. Remember from above, that the original constitution was the Constitution For the United States. M) What is a Corporation? A corporation is not designed to serve any people except its shareholders, and it is designed for commerce, not service; hence a significant aspect of all of our problems. If this is new to you, there is a plethora of information from many sources on the internet to back up all that is said here, and references are provided at the end of this section. That being said, there is also much disinformation put out by the controllers, because they really do not want We the People to learn their dirty secrets. N) Debt based financial system: In the Introduction section of this writing, the term “old paradigm slave system” was used. It is now time to give some examples to demonstrate why that is an appropriate term. The biggest enslavement tool used by the controllers is debt. They have created a debt-based financial system where they reap the profits, we pay the debt; but the truth is that it is all a fraudulent ruse. Space here doesn’t permit a full explanation of how it all works, and few people really understand the details, but I am confident that all would agree that debt is a big problem for most people. We are slaves to debt, but it goes deeper than that. O) Your Birth Certificate; When we were born, a birth certificate was written and issued. That birth certificate is actually a document of the corporation that made us all chattel of the corporation. We are literally “owned” by the corporation. Of course the controllers are smart enough to understand that if people really knew the truth, they would rebel in a heartbeat. They also know that they have to give the people a certain measure of freedom, and promote the premise that we are free. They can do that easily through their controlled corporate media, and their control of the education system. In reality, we have never known real freedom because our only frame of reference has been the “slave system.” P) The good news: With the current raising of consciousness, more and more people are awakening to what is really going on. We are seeing evidence of that all over the world. No, it is still not apparent through the mainstream media for obvious reasons, and one has to use trusted, alternative, internet media to find it, but it is there. There is also a tremendous pushback by many groups, and although progress is slower than many would like, progress is being made in removing the controllers from power. Q) Arrests and Progress There have been literally hundreds of recent resignations within the upper echelons of the banking cartel, along with many behind-the-scenes arrests. The recent resignation of the Pope was the result of actions taken by the International Tribunal for Crimes against Church and State, [ITCCS]. The latest term for the controllers is “The Powers That Were!!” The Next Section: Part 3 The UCC files go here : In the next section we will get to the “meat”, and learn how the One People’s Public Trust has become the real “game changer” in our transition from the old paradigm world to the New Paradigm world. The OPPT : New Series : PART 3 : The Sectional Beginners Guide to OPPT : The U.C.C files: The Uniform Commercial Code : A) The Uniform Commercial Codes (UCC): So now it is time to get into learning about the One People’s Public Trust itself, henceforth referred to as OPPT. Before we can do that, we need to learn just a bit about the UCC, Uniform Commercial Code. B) The power of Uniform Commercial Code: The UCC governs the laws of global commerce. It governs trade between all corporations anywhere in the world, and it is meant for corporations, not people. The UCC is not bad or harmful by itself, but like many other things in this world, it has been used fraudulently as a tool to promote the slave system, and advance the agenda of the controllers. Remember that all governments of the world are corporations. C) The secrets of UCC: The UCC is the “bible” of commerce; it precisely dictates the manner in which international trade and commerce should be enacted. The entire commercial system pivots around UCC law. UCC law is not taught in law schools, but remains exclusively within the domain of corporations and their operatives, who train their legal-department employees in UCC law as required – thus keeping the knowledge of this important mechanism “in house.” Therefore it is not surprising that very few people understand how UCC works, and fewer understand how it has been used fraudulently to keep the people of the world enslaved. D) Enter the OPPT Trustees – Heather Tucci-Jarraf, Heather was professionally involved in UCC law for some time, and learned how the “Powers That Were” (PTW) manipulated the UCC to control the world financial system at a very high level. The trustees also did extensive research for several years, and were aided by a few “insiders” that were fed up with the slavery system too. E) Other OPPT Trustee’s Calab Skinner, and Hollis Hillner: The OPPT trustees published a report, the “Paradigm Report,” with their findings, which concluded that the corporations operating under the guise of the people’s governments and financial systems were committing treason against the people of this planet without the people’s knowing, willing or intentional consent. Now that the OPPT trustees had the evidence, they went to work on documents that would use the UCC, itself, to foreclose the entire slave system. The term “foreclose,” as used here means: “to shut out, close, exclude, or bar.” F) Going Back to the Creator ( You the ‘One People’ ) The OPPT was created when the Trustees bonded themselves to – and as a result resumed – the trust that was framed in the original US Constitution; the constitution that was abandoned when the United States government was incorporated. The OPPT then bonded every individual on the planet to this Trust as the Beneficiaries in equity, known as “the One People, created by The Creator.” G) The Trust and the states of Being: By doing so, the Trustees framed a Trust that has a superior claim to any other – the Trust between the Creator and the “states of being” of Earth. The “states of being” of Earth are the beneficiaries of the Creator as the custodians of the Creator’s manifestations on Earth. Lawfully speaking, there can be no higher claim than that of the One People’s Public Trust… except for one made by the Creator. The extensive use of the term “Creator” and its implications will be explained later in the next section. H) OPPT Beneficiary’s ( YOU) In 2012, the Trustees lodged a complex series of filings with the UCC on behalf of its Beneficiary, the One People. Full details of the OPPT’s filings with the UCC can be found on their web site: i-uv . Be warned: it is very heavy legal reading and designed for the purposes of legal noticing and disclosure, not for communicating OPPT’s actions or their implications to the general public. UCC filings are public records, and follow standard administrative processes. I) Rebuttals According to UCC rules, when facing a claim, an entity, in this case “the Debtor” is given the right of rebuttal. If a rebuttal is not received within the required timeframe, a default action then applies, followed by termination of that entity; in this case, on the grounds that it failed to rebut charges of treason by “the One People.” J) In UCC Un-rebutted is LAW: The important thing to understand here is that a UCC filing stands as law if it remains un-rebutted. In this case, the OPPT Trustees ensured they created a legal situation in which the individuals and entities that form “the Debtor,” mainly the corporate banks and corporate governments, had no ability to rebut. How could they? The claims of slavery are true. Of course, no rebuttal was received. The “Debtor” is therefore guilty of treason. K) The following are the results of the OPPT filings: All corporations are foreclosed and their assets re-claimed. The wealth of our planet is returned to “the One People”. All debt owed to corporations is erased. “The system” is terminated. The public record shows it. The UCC filing stands as international law. By the system’s own terms, it no longer exists. We are free of the slave system!! L) A New Paradigm AND THEY KNOW IT: Thanks to the OPPT, the old paradigm system doesn’t exist any more, and we are moving into a New Paradigm of being. This is a transition time, part of the shift. The “Powers that Were” DO KNOW what has happened, but are powerless to do anything about it, and are, at the time of this writing, [March 2013], pretending that nothing has changed. The visible changes will evolve slowly over the next several months. M) Mainstream Media will have to come clean: Eventually the mainstream media will begin to tell the truth, and it will be like opening the flood gates. It will also take the people of planet Earth a while to learn about, and accept, the changes. There will be those who will come on board quickly and easily, those who will take longer, but will readily “OPPT-IN”, and there will be those who will fight the changes. That is human nature. N) The New Paradigm reality has the following characteristics: • People live together peacefully with kindness, caring, compassion, understanding and respect for each other’s differences. They solve problems peacefully through cooperation. There are no wars. • Governments are run by people who really do serve the people. They are honest, ethical, and transparent (no secrets). • People respect and love all life and take care of the planet. They understand that all life is connected. • People understand that we live in a universe that is abundant, not one of scarcity. • People are evolved enough to use energy responsibly. Armament manufacture is unnecessary, as is a military. Even money will eventually become unnecessary. • Greed, the lust for power, and even competition, are no longer a part of society. • Natural, healthy foods will again become available, and people will be far healthier and live much longer. O) Higher level of Consciousness Author’s note: I came to realize something important just a few years ago: All the problems we face right now could be solved within a decade if humans would simply function at a higher consciousness level. Well, guess what, that is what is happening right now. That is part of the shift of the Ages. So to see the above characteristics of a near future society here on Earth as really possible, is not that big of a stretch. Furthermore, I know we have help from above! More about that is written in the next section. P ) Freewill choices; Under the slave system, we are used to “doing as we are told,” and often not encouraged to think for ourselves, or to make our own choices to any great extent. It has been part of the education system for a long time. Remember, everything is relative, but think for a minute how often you have been told what you “should” do, should think, should feel, should say, etc. Our choices have also been limited by all the rules, laws, and bureaucratic “hoops” we have had to jump through. Q) Personal responsibility Being free of the slavery system means that we have the God-given right to exercise our freewill choices to live life the way we choose. However, with freewill choice comes full personal responsibility. Everyone has freewill, and a part of Universal law of freewill is that no one has the freewill right to interfere with another’s freewill right. One may exercise their freewill choices, so long as those choices do not do harm to anyone else in any way, including causing fear, perceived threat or danger, or even causing discomfort. This is going to take some getting used to; it is also going to take a raising of consciousness, and some time before it becomes the norm, but it is already starting to happen. R) BE’ing ; Earlier, the terms BE’ing and DO’ing were introduced. Those two terms are used extensively to denote important values of the OPPT, and a New Paradigm way of Be’ing, so it is important, before we leave this section, to spend some time explaining these terms. BE’ing is first about awareness of what you value, what type of person do you want to be. We are so used to “wearing masks, hiding behind facades”, keeping secrets, not showing who we truly are. BE’ing is about knowing and BE’ing our true authentic self, without shame, or guilt. It is knowing and living our passion, as opposed to being who or what we have been told we “should” be. It is about waking up to our true selves, and BE’ing that true, authentic self. DO’ing is whatever reflects our BE’ing. As an example, if you are passionate about teaching, but are not teaching something to someone, then your DO’ing is not reflecting your BE’ing. www/i-uv
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 13:54:00 +0000

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