Hanuman returns back from his search of Sita. Lets assume there - TopicsExpress


Hanuman returns back from his search of Sita. Lets assume there is a dialogue between Hanuman and Rama Rama: Hanuman any news about Sita? Hanuman: Yes, I saw her? Rama: Where? Hanuman: across the see in Lanka! Rama: is she fine? Hanuman: She is safe no problem. Rama: is she…….(Rama would want to know if Ravana has caused any dishonor to Sita- but would be embarrassed to ask such question to Hanuman) Rama surely needs to know if Hanuman has seen Sita, where Sita was and is also concerned about her honor and safety. In Ramayana of Valmiki – Hanuman is proactive and before Rama asks he says ‘I saw Sita’ (‘Drishta Sita’). But you should read Kamban’s verses to understand his greatness, —– ‘கண்டனென், கற்பினுக்கு அணியை, கண்களால், I saw, (0f) chastity- jewel,with (my) eyes தெண் திரை அலைகடல் இலங்கைத் தென் நகர்; clear-twirling-wavy-sea-lanka-south-city அண்டர் நாயக !இனி, துறத்தி, ஐயமும் celestial god – hero (0f)! from now-relinquish, uncertainity பண்டு உள துயரும்’என்று, அனுமன் பன்னுவான்; many-with you- sufferings- told-hanuman-will talk (elaborately).. — ‘I saw , the jewel of chastity, with my own eyes in the southern city of Lanka on the clear twirling wavy ocean, lord of gods from now on relinquish doubts and all your sufferings.’ said Hanuman and continued with his details. — This one of the greatest verses to show Kamban’s intelligence . The situation is Rama is very anxious and impatient to hear news about Sita. Hanuman assessing the situation utters first word as கண்டனென் ‘I saw’ , clarifying he saw Sita Without letting any discomfort set in Rama, Hanuman uttersகற்பினுக்கு அணியை ‘the jewel of chastity’ , now he clears doubts Rama has about Sita’s Chastity i.e whether she is safe , unharmed and faithful. Finally he says கண்களால் ‘with (my) eyes’ to clarify any remaining doubt in Rama’s mind. He then goes on give the geographical location – south city in Lanka across the sea, indicating that they had to cross the sea and go south to reach the place where Sita was. Finally he saw you dont need to worry about anything meaning Sita would be safe till we go to Lanka and get her back. He gives this very very concise answer to Rama to clear all his doubts and goes on to explain everything in detail. This shows the Psychological depth with which Kamban has analysed the situation and has given a beautiful verse for the situation. If you ever wondered why Kamba Ramayanam(Ramavatharam) is considered a better work than the original, you should have got an answer by now.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 13:28:27 +0000

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