*****Happy Birthday to my lifetime best friend!....My sister, - TopicsExpress


*****Happy Birthday to my lifetime best friend!....My sister, Kimberly Spinks Burleson. There is nobody....and I mean nobody....that I have learned more from than my sister, Kimberly. She came into this world a year before me .....and let me tell you....to have someone who has loved you, rooted for you, encouraged you and helped propel you into the very best part of yourself in this life.... (And from the very FIRST DAY you came into this world).....Well, quite frankly, it is the greatest thing in this world..... it is actually something that is beyond earthly description. Kimberlys brand of character....her sense of compassion.... her love, loyalty and devotion to me and our family is the tie that binds us. Truly. After Dad died, it was Kimberly who was our rock. When we were weak, she was our strength. When we wanted to stop celebrating, she forced the party on us and we felt happy again. When we didnt feel like dancing, it was Kimberly who turned the music up louder and kept us moving to the beat of our own heart strings. Her shoulders must have been full of ethereal strength for the amount of weight and pressure that was mounted on them for a couple if years back then. My gosh, looking back, I really dont know how she did it. It was Kimberly who kept us moving forward in the direction that was best for our family. When I didnt want to do our annual 4th of July reunion/celebration here at my house, the summer after Dad passed away, it was Kimberly who said, Ill do it, T. You dont worry about a thing. Just be there. I tried to convince her to just skip one little ole year. She said firmly, but lovingly, There is no other option. No other choice, T. We HAVE to do this FOR Dad....AND, especially for our children. We must show them how important it is to move on after death. They have to know that life goes on. The party is still here on earth. I remember pausing because my throat had locked up, because I knew every word was true. Finally, she said softly and so sweetly, We are having this party and it WILL be at your house (as mine is in the middle for our traveling family members)....and it will be great. I promise. She always keeps her promises. It was the greatest one and they only get better with every year. She was right. She is always right. **She has also single-handedly taught me the importance of never, ever, ever burning bridges. Not worth it. She says. And she is SO RIGHT. It is never, ever worth it. Long post, short, she is THE VERY BEST kind of big sister to have. How I was able to live this life with such a beautiful, wonderful, loving, loyal and devoted big sister by my side is something I will never truly understand, but it is something I will forever cherish and be grateful for. Heres to you, K! Happy Happy Birthday!!!! As you say, (or sing, rather), This is the day the Lord hath made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it! *****Rejoicing today and everyday. How can I not with you in my corner.***** Love you all the way to heaven and back times infinity! ;-) XoXoXoXoXoXoXo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 02:56:08 +0000

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