Happy Independence Fellow Nigerians On this day 54 years ago - TopicsExpress


Happy Independence Fellow Nigerians On this day 54 years ago the Union Jack Flag succumed to our beautiful Green-White-Green Flag, the National Anthem Nigeria we hail thee heralded the air-wave. The British colonial government handed over the affairs of our great country to Nigerians to manage. There were beautiful dreams and great expectations because the nationalists(politicians) were united, with one goal. The question now are, after 54 years have we realized these wonderful dreams? Are the lofty expectations of our people and nationalist then realized. Is the decay and rot that is the order of the day now (particularly in my state) what our founding fathers struggled for? Is the hunger and lack that is ravaging us in the midst of plenty what our nationalist planned for? Is decayed infrastructure and dirty environment that we see nowadays, particularly in my state, what our nationalists bargained for? Is the fallen standard of education which was/is orchestrated by leaders who enjoyed scholarships and free education funded with taxpayers money the dream our fathers had 54 years ago? In my state many of us that are public servants, our own independent anniversary gift is non-payment of salaries from two months upward. Yet our oga on top and other non-performers were given national awards. What an affront on our people, we are taken for granted. I believe that the voice of the people is the voice of God. We are groaning and smiling under the weight of poverty, which is a difficult task(suffering and smiling). Since I have mentioned the national awards, let me also say that some good and deserving Nigerians got it, people like Pa Akinwumi, the taxi driver(who returned a huge sum of money), the dedicated police traffic warden, etc. Let it not be that I am trying to condemn the award ceremony, but if the truth be said some of the awardees did not merit it, with due respect to Mr President and the Award Committee. I have digressed a bit, let me go back to the original subject. Where did things go wrong? Is it with the people or the leadership? Many say it is with the leadership, I totally concur, but we also contributed in the mess we found ourselves today. I said this because we are so docile, naïve and even support evil. We keep quite in the face of tyranny and mal-administration, we even sing praises of bad leaders even when it is so glaring and obvious that they are doing nothing. Secondly, I dare to say that we have mediocre leadership, those who have no other ideas than how to steal public funds. My clarion call to all our people is that we should be alive to our responsibilities of getting good leaders. We owe it as a duty to God and the society to demand answers from our leaders. At this stage in our national existence much is expected from us. Let me also say that our past leaders contributed to our present socio-economic and political quagmire. All hands must be on deck. May I wish all Nigerians happy 54th Independence Anniversary.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 08:36:26 +0000

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