Happy Monday! OY! What an oxymoron that took everything I had to - TopicsExpress


Happy Monday! OY! What an oxymoron that took everything I had to say it..lol Sleep was not plentiful for me last night. Too much unusual commotion in the area that I live in. But alas.. I am up, Ive answered all the email and PMs (36 this morning) and ready to hit the day head on. This will be a really tough busy week for me as I will be moving my daughter, the grandchildren are visiting, closing my store, putting all my belongings in storage and preparing for my new Eat Pray Love journey (for lack of a better way to describe it). Prayers for strength and endurance appreciated! Although I would trade all of my new adventures for part of what I already had, I know that God is taking a bad situation and making it a good one for me on this journey and he has his arms around me. Although I know that God is my savior, I pray that I will always know exactly what his will is for me. To find that, I have to look into his Word. But, sometimes, even though we read it, understanding it can be hard. I never want to stray. At this time in my life, he has blessed me by placing wonderful people whose heart are for him into my life but that can never replace the one who has your heart. To dwell on that is not what God would want for me so I do not allow my mind to go there. God sends us the bad times to see how we handle them before he gives us the good times. If you quit, then you will never advance further than you are right now. I received a text message that said... Remember this: If they cant love you in the bad times, they sure as heck arent going to get the chance to love you in the good times. Someone else will. =) Now, although a good text.. and true.. I have NO CLUE as to who sent it. I do not recognize the number and have tried to find out. Hmmm, divine intervention? Put on a smile, hug someone you love, send a praise up to God and Have a great Monday!!!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 11:05:09 +0000

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