Happy New Year Encore! Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show - TopicsExpress


Happy New Year Encore! Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9PM EDT: Do we really have to cover more Ebola news stories? This could be an epic battle between RSB and Super Don! Who is sicker of talking Ebola virus? Tune in and find out! The CDC is sending in SWAT teams now! Who is the unprotected clipboard man helping with the patient transfer? Could he be a protocol droid sent to us a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away? More microbes? People are dying from EEE! Eeeeek! Or could it be that the virus hunters have it all wrong. Why do they insist on resurrecting the ghost of Louis Pasteur so violently? If it were only just for Halloween! Thankfully, RSB is joined by nutritional historian Christopher Barr to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Antoine Béchamp and further explore the Law of the Terrain. The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything! Why does modern medicine persistently ignore the one genius in history who could end this sorry Ebola crisis tomorrow? Jon Rappoport drops by to reveal another stunning lie by the CDC. This is a real whopper! 60 million large! Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at NaturalNewsRadio.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 00:23:03 +0000

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