Happy New Year People!!! Yes, a joyous 2015 in holiness and - TopicsExpress


Happy New Year People!!! Yes, a joyous 2015 in holiness and righteousness! Through God’s authoritative power, I welcome you all in the New Year. It’s through His loving nature that He had made us all to cross-over. Glory be to His holy name. From everlasting to everlasting! Hallelujah! This is Edition-4(four) of LOOKING THROUGH THE BIBLE. Welcome everyone. Now, let us pray: Gracious and pure God, we say thank you for ushering us in this New Year. We are grateful also for the past year (2014), amidst its own highs and lows, it was good. And we know that 2015 is a better year in total fulfillment. We bless you Lord, for your unfailing love, for the crown of your creations. It’s prudent enough to use this time to ask for your mercy, for wherever we have sinned (consciously or unconsciously) or may had fallen short of your commandments. Have mercy Lord. Please forgive us; as we strive to live a pure and holy life. Thank you so much Holy One – as we won’t just see the New Year, but to end it too, fruitfully. And with your unfailing love, we will see many more years in pleasant health. As we continue the unstoppable heavenly race – with your Divine guidance. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. TOPIC OF THE MONTH (JANUARY 2015): HOLINESS – The Way To God TEXT OF THE MONTH: Hebrews 12:14 QUOTE OF THE MONTH: “His holiness is the reason for our holiness. God dwells in perfect light. He is perfect truth, perfect righteousness, and perfect purity.” – Pastor Paul Rika – SONG OF THE MONTH: Holy Is The Lord {Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir} BOOK (CHRISTIAN LITERATURE) OF THE MONTH: Divine Revelation Of God’s Holiness And Judgment {Michael Thomas Sambo} TARGET GROUP (s): Believers and Unbelievers REFERENCES: Leviticus 11:44, Matthew 5:6-8, I John 5:3, Romans 6:21-22, Hebrews 13:8, Judges 13:5-8, Proverbs 16:25, I Samuel 15:22, Psalms 99:5, Hebrews 4:12 & 7:26-27, John 17, Hebrews 10:11-14, Genesis 17:1 & 35:2, Exodus 19:6 & 22:31 & 28:36, Leviticus 19:2, Deutoronomy 13:17 & 18:13 & 26:19 & 28:9, Joshua 7:12-13, Job 28:28 & 36:21, Psalms 4:4 & 15:1-5 & 24:3-5 & 32:2 & 37:27 & 73:1 & 94:15 & 97:10 & 119:1-3, Proverbs 11:23 & 12:5 & 16:17 & 21:8, Ecclesiastes 7:1, Isaiah 4:3 & 32:17 & 35:8 & 51:7 & 60:21 & 61:10, Zephaniah 2:3, Zechariah 14:20, Luke 1:74-75 & 6:45, John 1:47 & 5:14 & 15:19, Acts 24:16, Romans 6 & 12:1-2, I Corithians 3:16-17 & 15:34, II Corithians 6:14-18 & 7:1 & 10:3-5 & 13:7-8, Galatians 5:22-26, Ephesians 1:4 & 4:20-24 & 5, Philippians 1:11 & 2:15 & 4:8, Colossians 1:22 & 3:5-10, I Thessalonians 3:13 & 5:22, I Timothy 1:5 & 4:8 & 5:22 & 6:6-11, II Timothy 3:16-17, Titus 1:15, Hebrews 10:22, James 1:21-27 & 4:4, I Peter 2:1-5 & 3:3-10 & 5:4-5, I John 1:6-10 & 2:5 & 3:7-9, III John 1:11, Revelation 14:4-5 & 19:8. NOTE: Once more, I urged you to please read from the Authorized King James Version Bible. DISCUSSION OF TOPIC Holiness in concept, is a way of Godly life. It is a life of consecration to a special-religious ethic. It is to obey God’s word in total obedience without any selfish precondition. As our main text (Hebrews 12:14) says it all: “FOLLOW PEACE WITH ALL MEN, AND HOLINESS, WITHOUT NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD” – God’s unchangeable standard for heaven is HOLINESS, RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUTH! If only we obey Him, serving Him in truth and holiness, we shall gloriously laugh at last! Why is His standard unchangeable? Because, as Hebrews 13:8 emphasizes, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever”. So, we see here, not for any race, people, or generation, will God change His standard for – God is not a ‘respecter of person’. Reason being, holiness is that spiritual currency all believers must trade with, to gain eternal life at the end. Take a candid look at the parable of Jesus Christ about trading with the kingdom of God. Seeing through it, we’ve learned that holiness is not just anything we should handle with levity. He who toys with it is on the track of destruction. As such, should better embrace it, live in it, wear it as garment, and love its commanding rules and principles (Isaiah 48:17-20, I John 5:3). Why seek after Holiness? It’s a good thing to crave, to live a blameless or spotless life. Why? Because, without Holiness, Righteousness and Truth, you cannot see Heaven. There’s no defile thing that God sees. Reason is that, the triune God (God Almighty [Father], Jesus Christ [son], and the Holy Ghost [Spirit]) is holy, the angels are holy, the heavenly saints and true prophets are holy, the rocks, flowers, gates and chariots too, among many uncountable others in heaven are holy; then where will you carry-go filthy-rag-sin? Absolutely, no way! Without a holy life (God’s standard), you cannot see God. Since He is holy, He wants all of His creatures to be holy. Thus it is written, “Be ye holy, for I am holy”. Inasmuch, to learn a great lesson, God destroyed the very first world (generation) because of unholy living (Genesis 6:5-7). It was only the lone-righteous-man, Noah, who found grace with God and perished not (Genesis 6:9). More, besides, Holiness is that outcome of a new birth in Jesus Christ (i.e. born-again) – that fruit of genuine salvation (Romans 6:21-22). Moreover, Holiness is that incomparable power which light and illuminates God’s children. Everyone needs to have this light; which without, we cannot see God’s face. No matter what (because it is clearly evident, that the devil does not want anybody to see God at the end – as he contends this issue tirelessly – degrading the need for holy living), we have to remain and abide firm and resolute in the faith; to exercise in fullness, the sum of the fruit of the Spirit. Is Holiness a thing of the past? Absolutely not! God does not change. There are many who holds to the erroneous saying that “Holiness is for the people of old; not for this present age or generation.” TRASH!!! I’ll reference this statement in similar fashion to those atheists and agnostics who says that “there is no God”. They are living-dead, indeed (Psalms 14). Look, people, let no one fool you by saying “Holiness is a once upon a time thing in Christendom”. That is totally contrary to what the word of God tells us: Holiness is the key to the kingdom of God! The power of the Lord belongs to sons and daughters of Zion that are holy (Matthew 16:19). And don’t allow no one to mislead you, by telling you that there’s no holy or righteous person. Although one may argue from the standpoint of the truest definition of Godly holiness and righteousness, but the scripture, profoundly make clear that anyone who exercises a God-standard holy way of life is indeed holy! Without this purifying establishment (not seeing it as a bondage), we cannot see God (I John 3:7-11). Components of Holiness Holiness in its wholeness, has two cardinal working-together segments: INWARD HOLINESS and OUTWARD HOLINESS. What are they? Let’s delve into them. INWARD HOLINESS is that inner-purifying of heart through God’s spiritual circumcision-cleansing. It is the heart which contains and brings forth issues of life. Whatever the tongue says, and whatever the eyes keenly looked at, or whatever the hands and feet do, among others, these pour from the heart. So to speak, a holy heart is a holy soul. Because whatever a man thinketh… you know the rest. Thus outward holiness won’t be achieved if we have not that inward holiness (a circumcised heart) – which garners us to meditate on God’s word and for us to have that Godly fear to avoid anything that would defile us. Because the scripture reveals that even from our thoughts (not only our actions), judgment would take place (Genesis 18:12-15, Luke 1:18-20). Hence inward holiness affects the outward. OUTWARD HOLINESS is the visibly shown kind of holiness which every believer needs to show the world that indeed, ‘I’m that New Creature’. But twist it not, you may have the best outward holiness, if your inside is not clean (pure), it’s futile. Nevertheless, our outward appearance is important to God. Ranging from us not exposing our sensitive body parts to decking-out ourselves with bodily ornaments and adornments, designs and seductive dressing styles that do not conform to God’s word for His loving children (I Corithians 3:16-17). For example, many people (particularly women) outrageously dressed in fashionable attires of seduction (showing their breasts, thighs, buttocks, hips, and other sensitive body parts) showcasing immoral lifestyles. Thus leading many to hell fire (Proverbs 7:10-27)! Also, it’s quite common to see women (including men) gravely painting and marking (make-ups, lipsticks, mascara, tattoo, etc.) their faces, nails and bodies for modified-sensual-beautification. Utter nonsense! If you continue in such habit, your soul is vulnerable for hell fire! That is an act of Jezebel [satanic] (the queen of harlots and rascals) to paint your face and mark your body (II Kings 9:30, I Corithians 3:16-17, Leviticus 19:28). Another ungodly thing so common nowadays, among women, is the wearing of men’s clothing (eg. trousers, manly shirts and under-wears, etc.); and the wearing of women’s clothing (eg., lappa, etc.) by men. To emphasize, the scripture didn’t mince any word about this fiasco; Deutoronomy 22:5 says: “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.” Now, many would be grieved, vainly argued, and go in dis-belief about some the things the word of God is saying here. Some may even be thinking, if so, then why there are so many notable women around the world, in ‘Gospeldom’, preaching in trousers (for example)? Well, my standpoint here is not to defend the gospel; but to proclaim it. Look, dear, I judge no one, but Matthew 7:21 clearly says it all: “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven”. Please listen. Listen folks, do not mind what your pastors or spiritual leaders say or do; do what God’s word says. Try to know God for your very self. Read His word daily; and obey in full. He will enlighten you. Do not be misled or carried away by the many charismatic preachers or teachers who unfortunately encourage or permit their many members and you, to wear ungodly clothing! Some of them know the truth, but don’t want to say it to you; because they may forfeit those attractive tithes, offerings and gifts, etc. they get from you. And knowingly (some ignorantly) leading many to hell (Isaiah 56:10-11)! Friends, the good old Lord had made our lives enjoyably simple! Why are we complicating ourselves?! Let me also emphasize here, that, the using of PERFUME, PLAITING OF WEAVE-ON and ATTACHMENT, JERRY-CURLING and HAIR-COLORING, WEARING OF JEWELRY (such as bracelets, rings, nose rings, ear rings, ankle-chains and bodily-chains in general, necklaces, etc.), and all other bodily decorations and adornment, are of the world and not of God. To adorn yourself with these things are not only an abomination to God, but smoothly paves your way to hell! Don’t feel that many of what society generally say or do, is of acceptance to the Almighty God. God has His own standard. Just as the Heavens are far above the earth, so are His ways far-yonder different from our ways. You may even win a judicial case here on earth, but may lose that case in the after-life. Because God’s standard is TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS and HOLINESS to make heaven. Reading this with unbelief, resentment and absurdity, just won’t help you. It would be a useless thing to do. Help save yourself from eternal damnation and give, rededicate and conform your lives to God’s true word (I Timothy 2:9-10, Isaiah 3:16-24, Psalms 50:21-22, I Corithians 7:1). Lest you forget, there’s no repentance beyond the grave. If you are found or involved in those unholy behavior, please invite Jesus’ presence and try to do away with them. I beg you, with God’s love, please do… before it’s too late! Some of you may personally testify to this one: RIDICULOUS HAIRSTYLES and HAIRDOs like AKON’s DJ, BALOTELLI and other top influential artists, athletes and celebrities, who showcase their demonic hairstyles (even changing their natural looks) are of the world and from the pit of hell! Doesn’t even social etiquettes and common sense portrays this outlandish and mind-disturbing enterprise? Think about it. And let God’s Holy Spirit help you out. Hence OUTWARD HOLINESS is very important too, in the Christian race. Although if you lack Inward Holiness (for example, if malice, bitterness, envy, destructive-jealousy, greed, unforgiveness, etc. lurks in your heart), but yet is practicing Outward Holiness (by doing away with bodily adornment and decorations, etc.), is meaningless and a waste of time. Inward Holiness and Outward Holiness do work hand in hand. If you ever forgo one, you are out! You cannot come to God with one leg in and one leg out; but both. God standard is unchangeable: you cannot serve Him and mammoth. No man serves two masters with the same heart-level. God’s word remains forever (Hebrews 13:8, Matthew 5:18). There are many in the Bible who did try to change God’s standard in their own selfishness or lust; but met their downfall. Read about Samson, Saul, Solomon, Balaam, Miriam and Aaron, among many others. It’s just good to obey God and totally submit to His righteous will (I Samuel 15:22). God’s holiness from the viewpoint of the sinner is terribly frightening and impossible; but serves as a wonderful comfort for believers. All because, the unbeliever sees it odd, uncomfortable, and unwelcoming to live a holy life; and the conscious known fact that God cannot tolerate, ignore, or excuse sin. Therefore they find it fitting to exist (not live) here perpetually in sin and give their souls to satan. But, for believers, God’s holiness gives comfort. As we worship Him, we are lifted from the mire of sin into the buoyancy of everlasting life. As we believe in Him, we are made holy and pure (Psalms 99:5). HOW TO BECOME HOLY Unbelievers and/or sinners cannot live holy lives. Only Christ’s followers do. You have to your life [born-again] to Jesus before you can become holy. A follower of Christ becomes sanctified (set apart for sacred use, cleansed and made holy) through BELIEVING and OBEYING the word of God (Hebrews 4:12-16). He/she has already accepted forgiveness through Christ sacrificial death (Hebrews 7:26-27).thus the daily application of God’s word has a purifying effect on our minds and hearts from the fiendish-machinations of satan. That’s why in John 17, Jesus prayed that God would keep His chosen believers safe from satan’s power; setting them apart and making them pure and holy – uniting them through His faith! What great joy! Thus, through this continuous process, the believer becomes ‘perfect’ and being made ‘holy’. How? We have ‘been made perfect’, yet we are ‘being made holy’ through Christ’s death and resurrection – once for all, made His believers perfect in God’s sight. At the same time, He is making us holy (progressively cleansed and set apart for His special use) in our daily pilgrimage here on earth. However, we should not be surprised, ashamed, or shocked that we still need to grow. This growth process can be enhanced by: - Applying scripture to all areas of our lives - Accepting the discipline and guidance Christ provides, and by - Giving Him control of our desires and goals (Hebrews 10:11-17) HOW TO LIVE AND MAINTAIN AN HOLY LIFE In his book, ‘Divine Revelation Of God’s Holiness And Judgment’ [An account of three supernatural visits to heaven and hell], Michael Thomas Sambo, profoundly throws light on how to live and maintain an earthly holy life. He said, “The holy life is one that does not commit sin, one that loves God wholeheartedly, loves fellow men sincerely and keeps God’s commandments totally. Holiness begins at the salvation of the soul, deepens at sanctification of the heart and is established by personal discipline and diligence in keeping God’s word. Hence the holy life requires the unified actions of both God and the believer. The believer submits himself to God to make him holy and diligently exercises himself to obey and practice the word of God. To obey God regularly requires faith in God and regular prayer for His grace (Ezekiel 36:25-27, Ephesians 5:25-27, I Thessalonians 5:23, Psalms 51:5-10)”. He even went on further to tell us, “SEVEN (7) THINGS TO DO TO KEEP YOUR LIFE HOLY TO THE END”: I. Study and meditate regularly on God’s word and obey promptly (Psalms 119:9-11 & 60). II. Associate with holy people and learn the sound doctrines of God’s word that will establish you in scriptural holiness (Psalms 119:63, Malachai 4:16-17, II Timothy 2:22) III. Have a firm determination to keep yourself from all kinds of sin: in marriage, in family, in the church, in the Christian ministry, in your business career, educational pursuit, workplace and everywhere (Job 27:3-6, I Thessalonians 2:10) IV. Employ all means of grace to resist sin, satan and the influence of the ungodly world in your life and bring your body under subjection so that you may win the crown of life (Romans 6:12-14, I Peter 5:8-9, I Corithians 9:27). V. Preach and teach holiness firmly and consistently .This will make your family, church and companions holy and serve as a means of strengthening and preserving you in the holy walk (Psalms 40:8-11, Genesis 18:18-19, Colossians 1:28-29). VI. Give more attention to holy living than to success and achievement in life. Make sure all your success and achievements are gotten in holiness. Be determined to forgo any gain in this life that would take holiness away from you and be prepared too to suffer any reproach or persecution that comes against you as a result of your holy life (Matthew 16:24-26, Philippians 3:7-9). VII. Read books on holiness and listen to the tapes of [true] preachers. These will deepen your understanding and conviction on the doctrine and discipline of holy living (Romans 10:17, II Timothy 3:14, I Timothy 4:13-15). Yeah, that’s it people, through God’s gracious inspiration, here you have an huge insight on how to become holy and live a life in holiness (Jesus) – the only way to seeing God and enjoying heavenly bliss. Try to do your best to conform everything you are, to God’s standard for a heavenly life. Don’t overlook or ignore this warning. This could be your last chance. Make use of the opportunity while you have it now. Don’t feel comfortable in listening to only prosperity-message sermons and despise the piercing and saving truthful message on holy and righteous living. Give your soul to Christ and stay and abide with Him to be blessed. Cos, it’s “better to be slapped with the truth than [to be] kissed with a lie”. Hope youd receive and accept this message wholeheartedly. With Christs love, I willingly look forward to your responses, questions, and injections, etc. Until then, holiness all the way... Holy yours, Matthew C. Madeh
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 21:50:43 +0000

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