Happy New Year everyone! Wishing you all a happy and healthy year! - TopicsExpress


Happy New Year everyone! Wishing you all a happy and healthy year! My advice for your new year diet plan? Avoid fads, avoid diets with names and avoid over aggressive restrictions! In fact, avoid the words diet plan and think healthy lifestyle! Think nutrient dense, real foods that will fill you up and provide the nourishment you need! Think less about how many calories and more about the quality of those calories - not all calories are created equal! Id much rather have 200 calories worth of mixed nuts and seeds which provide lots of essential nutrients, protein, EFAs etc than two slices of white bread! Make it enjoyable, food is there to be enjoyed, not endured! Make it sustainable, small gradual changes are much easier to stomach than aggressive calorie cuts that leave you hungry and reaching for the biscuit barrel after three days! Be active. Yes its true that you cant outrun your fork but if youve just spent an hour at the gym or done a 5 mile run, youre much less likely to sabotage your efforts. Plus while youre busy exercising youre not sat on the sofa mindlessly eating! Exercise also improves your mood so youre less prone to comfort eating. Those are my words of wisdom! Now go forth and be happy and healthy in 2015 and beyond!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 18:01:12 +0000

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