Happy New Year to everyone!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ I decided - TopicsExpress


Happy New Year to everyone!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ I decided to pull out of the New Years 12-hour endurance race early even though I still could have kept running because there was lots of time left on the clock. I ran a 50K and decided that was as epic as it was going to get, despite feeling determined to complete more. So I called it a night. My body simply could not take anymore, even though my mind said otherwise. It was a bit presumptuous on my part to think I could pull off another 50-miler just three weeks after running my last one. Even running a decent 50k was asking too much. But I pushed my body and ran 32 miles and then pulled out. When ones running begins to resemble Frankensteins monster slogging it out on the trail, its time to be merciful to ones body and call it a night. So I did. Ive been suffering quite a bit with my back for about two weeks and I had a fever just two days before the race. Even though I felt good on race morning, I was pushing it a bit to ask my body to perform at its usual level. I am grateful however for every mile I was able to run last night. Grateful I got to spend New Years Eve doing what I love with people that are as crazy as I am, and equally grateful for all of you who listen, support and inspire. Im also extremely grateful for Stephanie, Vanessa and their friends Johnna, Chelsea, Alice and Joey who showed up with hot soup, hot chocolate, and sandwiches for me when I was at a real low point. They stuck around as I ran my last 6 laps. Im also grateful for those of you that call me crazy behind my back. 😜 So, I got my 50K medal and my glass of champagne and bid that course adieu last night. I was reminded of a few things and I discovered a few others as well. 1. I have a very strong mind. I can push past pain and keep going. This is both good and bad because I could have kept pushing myself last night and then suffered the consequences for it later. I need to always listen to my body and know when to save my beastliness for another day. 2. I hate running in loops, especially very short loops which seem to torture and taunt me. Give me hills any day. 3. I hate running in the cold. Ill take heat any day over running in biting cold. 4. I can do anything I set my mind to, even run in the cold; which is something I value both in life and running. 5. Im a sucker for a nice view. Despite the awful, biting cold and the tortuous loop, the view I had of the Bay and of the Golden Gate Bridge was pretty phenomenal and helped tremendously to help pass the time as I ran loop after loop. 6. Im stronger today than I was yesterday and thats never a bad thing. Heres to an EPIC 2015!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:14:44 +0000

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