Happy Tuesday - Here is your update for today & this week! - TopicsExpress


Happy Tuesday - Here is your update for today & this week! Everyday the stories and inspiration just keeps getting more incredible, so much fun to be part of! Here are some quick updates as you take on this week and Your Ignite Phase! 1) Lets do a recap of the your journey & coaching so far.....Results are happening fast, your goals are set, youre clear on your why, your mindset has shifted to 1%, you realize your weight is only part of the equation, your body is Detoxed and now your metabolism is becoming Ignited! Youre on your way to permanently achieving your health goals. The focus this week is to dive into the Ignite Phase (unless you are just starting or are doing a second week of detox). 2) 3 main things as you take on this week - Make your food tasty (just check out all the awesome recipes in this group), Love Your Exercise (enjoy your workouts), Keep Shifting Your Mindset, remember weight is only part of the equation and all progress is great! 3) Because you are adding in high quality complex carbs and calorie dense veggies, only 1-2 times a day and they become your carb for that meal, plus exercising, you might gain some positive weight in water in your cells. No need to worry, thats a good thing, Make sure you shift to ONLY weighing yourself 1 time per week, same day each week, same time and first thing in the morning without clothes on and after you have gone to the bathroom. 4) Every Monday we will be featuring the most popular recipe of the week from this group on the NEW HLN NOW series, 8 Weeks. New Body. New Life. We will take the top 5 recipes from the group and post them on Facebook/HLN8WeekChallenge and whoever gets the most likes as the favorite recipe will be featured that upcoming Monday. 5) Every Friday we will be featuring the most inspirational Video from this group on the series, 8 Weeks. New Body. New Life. Our team will choose the top 3 videos from this group each week and then choose the one that is most authentic, touching and motivating. It could be you eating out, could be your exercising with your family, could be you sitting in your office sharing your challenges and success....we want unique and powerful videos, so start the filming! OK, thats enough updates for now, keep it rocking, keep sharing and keep tearing it up with your recipes and videos! YOU are each Leading this transformation with your actions! Massive and Atomic Hugs, Mark
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 17:32:59 +0000

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