Happy Wednesday and welcome back to Lena & Johns Really Rockin - TopicsExpress


Happy Wednesday and welcome back to Lena & Johns Really Rockin Reading! Today our esteemed return reading guest is our beloved WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART. Lena: WOLFY! And I only call you this because you requested I call you this the last time you joined us here. WOLFY: That is correct, Lena, and it still stands! HALO, JOHN!: John: WOLF, good lad! Cheers on this fine day! Lena: Last night you requested another Celtic Cross reading with us today, and were all ready for you. Weve prayed and drawn cards. But I want to share something that John spilled the beans about last night... John: I told her about Pee Wee Herman, Wolf. WOLFY: (braying with laughter) I KNOW YOU DID, I WAS THERE! Yaaaa-haa-haa-haa! LET THE TRUTH BE KNOWN! Lena: Yes, APPARENTLY Wolfy is A HUGE Pee Wee Herman fan! I dont know why I find this so hilarious, but I do. WOLFY: John told you about my Pee Wee Shrine! John: He has it all set up with media screens and candles and Pee Wee dolls and what-have-you. Its quite amazing. Its quite astounding, really! (laughing. Both guys are just laughing their ass off) WOLFY: Its my proudest guilty pleasure! And theres no guilt, really. This man is a genius. He is GOD-LIKE in his ability to entertain! I tell you, once you get me started on this man, you will never get our reading done. I will just sit here and talk about Pee Wee until the COWS come home! Lena: (to John) Hes serious! John: OH, hes SERIOUS, alright! Did you think I was joking? This is for real! He ADORES Pee Wee. He literally worships him! WOLFY: Well, worship is a handy word because todays reading will actually be based upon worship and worshiping false idols. Altho worship is a strong word for what I feel for Pee Wee. LOVE and ADORE cover it nicely, thank you. Worship? I only worship one Lord God and the Mother for my money! John: Yes, I know. I just wanted to give your reading a succinct lead-in! WOLFY: Well done in that case, my good friend! (slaps John on the back) Lena: So were ready to begin! WOLFY: Absolutely! Lets, shall we? THE CELTIC CROSS on the topic of IDOLATRY! And John knows something about this topic. Both he AND I have been idolized and canonized and what have you, based upon our popularity... Lena: I like it. Lets dive right in with the cards! #1 – Our Significator: Alright, KING of SWORDS. Theres our ONLY true head honcho worthy of worship, Lord God and Mother. # 2 – The Issue: Five of Swords – DECEIT. To worship any other, no matter how humanly popular they may be, is self-deceit. Its foolishness. Were all people. We all shit behind two shoes, as Lena likes to say on occasion. I dont care HOW talented or beautiful or whatever you are. The only reason we possess any gifts at ALL is because they have been bestowed upon us by a Higher Power! John: Yes, and if I may add. People are STILL cashing in on us both, Wolf old chap. And worshiping us in very idealistic ways. And while its all very well and nice to be APPRECIATED for ones talents and achievements, it does seem somewhat overblown to me on some scale... Lena: Well, come on now Johnny. Both of you had incredible achievements. You brought and continue to bring so much joy to people thru your art...thru your very BEINGS... WOLFY: Yes, but its...now that weve crossed... John: Right, in the GRAND SCHEME of things, its overblown. Its obscene in some way, to use...is “obscene” the proper word? WOLFY: Obscene works. So does RIDICULOUS. (laughs) Lena: Im not sure I agree. Is this false modesty or what?.. But go on. John: (laughing) SOME false modesty could be involved here, yes. But in honesty, the worship thing becomes uncomfortable for me. At times, it made me VERY uncomfortable while I was on Earth trying to have some kind of a … spiritual life, I suppose you could say. A simpler life. It was impossible for me to do so. WOLFY: Yes, John had it a little more microscopic than I did. His life was really under a magnifying glass a lot of the time. So, before we digress any further... # 3 – Forces that will help the cause: JUSTICE. Hmmm...Being able to find a balance. A proper, healthy balance. People go too far. And, I mean...just LOOK at what happened to John BECAUSE of his popularity. He was assassinated on his DOORSTEP! #4 – Our Unconscious Desires: FOUR Cups – To be able to RELAX and also not take ourselves too seriously. And not take others for granted, either. Dont assume you KNOW everything about someone just because theyre OUT THERE and popular. Lena, even YOU can relate to this. Lena: Yes, Ive had some stalkers and weirdos in my life. For sure. And Im certainly not an entertainer on the grand scale of you gentlemen. #5 – Past events that brought things about: SEVEN of PENTACLES. Chasing – and working toward - this very popularity which ends up being a double-edged sword! # 6: The Near Past - TWO of CUPS – Partnerships. Lena: Like The Beatles, Ill say. And like your sort-of partner, Wolfy, Mr. Antonio Salieri. WOLFY: We werent exactly PARTNERS, but yet, there was something of a relationship. A business type of arrangement. And also a competition, not always a healthy one. Much like Johns relationship with his writing partner, Paul. # 7 - The Near Future – EIGHT of SWORDS – The need for meditation. And also for FORGIVENESS. Past is past. Apologies are always nice, too, when sincere. # 8 - Yourself (Ourselves) – THE LOVERS. The need to be loved. The desire to please and to entertain and be...well...LOVED. Many if not all entertainers are driven by the need for LOVE which they possibly did not receive as children. Lena: Boy, do I hear THAT one, big time. John: I know you do, honey. We love you. WOLFY: Yes, we do indeed mlady. Lena: Thank you, Johnny. Wolfy. # 9 – Your environment: KING of WANDS. Thats Johnny. Also, a kind and compassionate male energy who make life more enjoyable to whomever he is around. #10 – Your hopes: QUEEN of WANDS. Thats Lena. And the hope for continued healing. # 11 – The Likely Outcome: SEVEN of CUPS! Our final card and this represents many choices, exciting ones coming up NOW and in the next 7 days! Lena: With the Full Moon tomorrow, I definitely feel POSSIBILITIES all around for all of us, dont you? John: I do! I do! WOLFY: Yes, and also the reminder to treat everyone as equals. It just seems that theres TOO MUCH CLASS separation in the world. I know its an old story, but the intolerance is simply INTOLERABLE. Who do these judgmental people think they are? The shank of them have done NOTHING to help ANYone in the world, much less themselves! GET A GRIP as John recently told someone. Yes, I overheard it and yes it was very funny but he was right. GET A BLEEDING GRIP, PEOPLE! Lena: Okay! Well, another good reading. Another great visit from our friend, Wolfgang. And I love the idea of a Pee Wee shrine, somehow its perfect for you. You have such a great since of humor and it makes total sense. WOLFY: YES! Come visit and Ill show it to you in detail some time soon! John: We would LOVE that! Lena: We sure would! Okay! Everyone have a rockin day and well see you tomorrow! LOVE! Lena & John & Wolfy
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 16:23:07 +0000

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