Has Modi Stepped Up Indias Covert War in Pakistan? India has - TopicsExpress


Has Modi Stepped Up Indias Covert War in Pakistan? India has always used Afghanistan as a second front against Pakistan. India has over the years been financing problems in Pakistan. US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel Chuck Hagel should know what hes talking about when it comes to intelligence. He served on the US Senate Intelligence Committee before he became the Pentagon chief. How does India finance problems in Pakistan? Here are some of the ways it does so: 1. Indias intelligence agency RAW uses its long and deep ties with the Afghan Intelligence KhAD (Khadamat-e Aetelaat-e Dawlati, also known as the National Directorate) staffed by openly anti-Pakistan agents who are known to support the Pakistani Taliban (TTP). There are reports that the current TTP chief Mullah Fazlullah is being protected by KhAD agents in Afghanistan. Last year, US troops snatched former TTP chief Hakimullah Mehusds deputy Latifullah Mesud from Afghan intelligence agents. Apparently, Latifullah had been traveling back and forth across the Pak-Afghan border to coordinate attacks inPakistan with the Afghan agents. 2. Before writing and promoting an anti-Pakistan book in India, American analyst and author Christine Fair said this in 2009: Having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity! Moreover, India has run operations from its mission in Mazar (through which it supported the Northern Alliance) and is likely doing so from the other consulates it has reopened in Jalalabad and Qandahar along the border. Indian officials have told me privately that they are pumping money into Baluchistan. Prominent Pakistani Baloch insurgents like Brahamdagh Bugti are also being sheltered by the Afghan security and intelligence establishment along with RAW. 3. Another US analyst Laura Rozen explained India-Taliban nexus as follows: While the U.S. media has frequently reported on Pakistani ties to jihadi elements launching attacks in Afghanistan, it has less often mentioned that India supports insurgent forces attacking Pakistan, the former (US) intelligence official said. The Indians are up to their necks in supporting the Taliban against the Pakistani government in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the former (US) intelligence official who served in both countries said. The same anti-Pakistani forces in Afghanistan also shooting at American soldiers are getting support from India. India should close its diplomatic establishments in Afghanistan and get the Christ out of there. There are signs that India has stepped up its covert war against Pakistan since the election of the Hindu Nationalist government of Prime Minister Modi. The first sign is the appointment of an anti-Pakistan hawk Ajit Doval as Modis National Advisor. As a key part of his long service to Indias intelligence establishment, Doval says he served as an undercover RAW agent in Pakistan for seven years. Given all the circumstantial evidence of Indian support of Baloch insurgents and TTPs war against Pakistan, the Pakistani security and intelligence establishment can not rely on counterinsurgency operations like ZarbeAzb alone to stop the civilian carnage on Pakistani streets and schools. The overall counterinsurgency strategy must include serious efforts to cut off support and funding for the TTP and the Baloch insurgents from both domestic and external sources, and disruption of the Indian intelligence network operating against Pakistan from Afghanistan. It will require superior intelligence and significant counter-intelligence operations, as well as an effective narrative and powerful diplomatic offensive to put pressure on India to stop its covert war being waged on Pakistani soil.Game playing in Balochistan. I actually on discussion/ admission of it in piece in Indian journal! This article published in India’s official “Defence Review” confirms that the creation of Bangladesh was the result of an Indian military operation and that the “Mukti Bahini” largely comprised Bengali soldiers from Indian army. India hopes to replicate that ‘success’ with a war all along the Indo-Pakistan frontier with the BLA beefed up with “volunteers” and Pakistan’s nuclear deterrent neutralised with the help of the USA. That should wake up the political strategists who think that trade and films would rid India of its imperial ambition to block/flood rivers and to balkanise Pakistan. The conclusion is very apt; there is no need to pretend and play “quest for peace” or find excuse for covert operations; the two countries have been at war for 65 years. lisauk/lisa/how-to-make-proxy-war-succeed-in-baluchistan-by-dr-amarjit-singh.html How to make Proxy War succeed in Baluchistan by Dr Amarjit Singh According to the London Institute, the joint CIA/RAW/Russian operation (which now operates numerous secret training camps) has been a source of new wealth for poverty-stricken Balochistan. According to the Institute’s local informants, BLA militants are paid $200 ($300 for section chiefs). Evidence of this cash influx is seen in the flashy new SUV’s many BLA activists drive and the luxurious homes going up in Baloch cities – as well as in lavish local weddings, where dancing troupes of “eunuchs and cross-dressers” are raking in massive mounts of cash. open.salon/blog/stuartbramhall/2011/03/11/the_cias_strange_bedfellows_in_pakistan The CIA’s Strange Bedfellows in Pakistan Sardars only rise up when someone is supporting them. last time it was KGB. https://therearenosunglasses.wordpress/2010/03/21/the-stunning-investigative-story-on-the-birth-of-balochistan-liberation-army-mar-1-2005/ canarytrap.in/2012/05/10/kgb-activities-in-india-pakistan-and-afghanistan/ Balochistan is theater also where Jundullah is and apparently some former senior member of LEJ joined Jundulla-which focusses on Iran only! moneyjihad.wordpress/2013/03/03/saudi-arabia-funds-lashkar-e-jhangvi/ Saudi Arabia funds Lashkar-e-Jhangvi By 2009, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, or Pakistani Taliban, a coalition of militants operating out of the tribal areas of Pakistan, was carrying out lethal bombings throughout Pakistan; several former Lashkar-e-Jhangvi leaders had assumed important positions within its ranks. newyorker/news/news-desk/the-shiite-murders-pakistans-army-of-jhangvi The Shiite Murders: Pakistan’s Army of Jhangvi thedailybeast/articles/2010/12/16/iran-suicide-bombing-is-the-us-still-funding-jundallah.html Is the U.S. Still Funding Iranian Suicide Bombers? rense/general89/nabs.htm Iran Nabs Top NATO Terrorist With Pakistan Help Jundullah is one of several groups that have been conducting bombings and other violent attacks against Iran’s Islamic regime with the aim of knocking it off balance. In a July 7, 2008, article for The New Yorker magazine, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh quoted Robert Baer, a former CIA clandestine officer who worked in South Asia and the Middle East for nearly two decades, as saying that Jundullah was one of the militant groups in Iran benefiting from U.S. support.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 07:16:56 +0000

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