Has Obama Suddenly Gotten Religion? Don’t Believe it With the - TopicsExpress


Has Obama Suddenly Gotten Religion? Don’t Believe it With the 2014 mid-term elections fast approaching, President Obama is desperate. How desperate? In recent weeks this man who has spent his presidency pandering to Muslims, has gone out of his way to work the God of Christianity into his speeches. How odd is this? Consider. Thanks to secular humanists such as Barack Obama as well as anti-Christian bigots on the left, the only Americans who can be discriminated against without fear of retribution these days are Christians. Through the unrelenting political and cultural manipulations of the left, the Constitutional principle of freedom OF religion has been transformed into freedom FROM religion. Hardly a day goes by without reports of discrimination against Americans of the Christian faith. Now, in spite of his ambivalence toward any religion but Islam, Barack Obama is acting as if he has suddenly gotten religion; and not just any religion, but the Christian religion. Although it is not uncommon for people facing adversity to be knocked to their knees—and Barack Obama has faced plenty of adversity of his own making recently—it is difficult to accept that the president’s recent mentioning of Christianity in his speeches is anything but an act of political desperation. Even his pandering to Muslims for the past six years has been more the result of political calculation than true belief. Barack Obama has shown himself to be a politician who believes in just one thing: his personal and political agenda, which are one and the same. This being the case, he will say or do anything that supports his agenda. Attempts to remove Christianity from American life began well before Barack Obama was elected president, but during his administration anti-Christian bigotry has been given a green light. As a result, it has increased noticeably. Obama’s sycophantic pandering to Muslims at home and abroad coupled with his own secular humanistic lifestyle has empowered anti-Christian bigots to go on the attack during his administration, and they have done so with gusto. While public schools, colleges, and universities across this country rush to accommodate Muslim students who are called to prayer five times daily, Christian students are being disciplined for such offensives as carrying a Bible in their backpacks or mentioning Christ in classroom discussions. Let a Christian student refer to evolution as a theory and he is lucky if just failing his biology class is the worst of his punishment. He will probably be expelled from school and charged with a hate crime. Read more at savingourfuture/2014/08/obama-suddenly-gotten-religion-dont-believe/#GFdj1e832ldwOFqj.99
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 03:17:38 +0000

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