Have I mentioned lately that my chiropractor is the best!?! I was - TopicsExpress


Have I mentioned lately that my chiropractor is the best!?! I was thinking I was going to have to give in and go to a medical doctor, which I hate doing because they pull out the prescription pad before you even tell them what is wrong, for whatever this problem is with my face. Yeah, its better, but not gone. Then I realize, a chiropractor is a doctor! Duh! When I had my wrist operated on the chiropractor had asked me why I didnt see him for it. Well, because I associated the Chiropractor with the spine, period. He let me know then that they can treat almost anything bone related and some muscle problems too, and numerous other things like head aches, allergies, etc. So, today I told him what has been going on with my jaw. He did an exam and told me the sides of my jaw were not working at the same rate. When I open or close my mouth, one side (the good side) is moving first, and the side that hurts is slightly delayed. That is also the side that cracks when I yawn. He feels I am spraining the muscles of my cheek by putting pressure on my jaw by the way I sleep. Since my neck got better I started sleeping on that side again. The dental specialist had also said the muscles of my cheek were sprained, he thought it was from grinding or clenching my teeth. (which I really did not think I was doing) The chiropractor did some deep muscle stim (OW!) and an adjustment to my jaw. He showed me how to massage it twice a day, said to put ice on it if the pain increases, and I now have a new pillow that will not put pressure on my jaw. Yep, one more problem that is probably being caused by how I sleep! I feel so much better just having someone acknowledge that there really is something wrong, and I always cope better with a treatment plan! You know, when I was young I could sleep for 12 hours, get up to the bathroom and go back to sleep for another 4 or 5....no problem. Since I have gotten older I have 1. had wrist surgery for a wrist problem that was caused by spraining it numerous times in my sleep. 2. had a neck problem resistive to treatment partially because I kept straining it in my sleep. 3. and now have a jaw problem because I keep straining it in my sleep. Who would have ever thought sleeping could be so detrimental to a persons well-being!!! The moral of the story here is pain sucks....but dont EVER give in to it! Keep looking for an answer, a way to make it better! Chronic pain can wear a person down, lead to depression, and make you think you have to live with it...but you dont! Some pain will never go away, but you have to strive for at least lessening it! Keep looking for the answer! Go out of your comfort zone....try something new....chiropractor, acupuncture, exercise, diet...try it all! Attitude plays a HUGE role in health! So, chin up and keep it moving! :D
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 16:11:49 +0000

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