Have YOU Commented on Pegge Adams TV-12 News Clip yet? Heres - TopicsExpress


Have YOU Commented on Pegge Adams TV-12 News Clip yet? Heres whats been said so far: (abc12/story/26193950/genesee-county-animal-control-makes-temporary-changes) nessie Has there been an independent study? When facilities ban volunteers and electronic devices they usually have something to hide. District Commissioner Adams states changes are to protect workers,,,who is protecting the animals, they have the most to lose in these situations? Too many volunteers, how is that possible? I am glad you finally decided to report on this situation, now when will we hear the other side of the story? Jenny Hmmmm......I have been to this shelter very recently. The volunteers speak the truth. What do you have to hide, Peggy?? Not the most sensible move the day before the election is it? No cameras/cell phones allowed? I ask you - what do you have to hide - what are you afraid will be revealed? I know violations of state statutes occur in this facility. Cages are hosed out with animals still in them - a violation of a State of Michigan statute. This move makes both you, Peggy and shelter staff looked pretty **** shifty. As for threats against staff. I laugh in your face - I do not believe it for one moment!!!!! jan Seems suspicious to me. What are they hiding? A lot, I think. Volunteers keep that place running....and a few are not afraid to speak up about atrocities. Seems to me STAFF needs to be investigated. jan They are banning electronic devices, which, of course, includes cell phones. So no pics can be taken. How about an investigation by Genesee County ?? Something is very wrong . lisa They must have something to hide if they are banning all electronic devices, and them animals need to know someone cares about them and the volunteers do, what a bunch of **** animal control start caring about them poor babies!!! Jenny Addendum: I want to make it perfectly clear regarding my initial post - I do not live in Genessee Co - I drove some distance to adopt an animal from this facility recently. The staff was not trained sufficiently to complete my transaction. I had to wait for corrected paperwork to arrive in the mail - over a month later, this included rabies vaccination verification! Kelli Funny how every time someone complains about the place stinking to high heaven and being filthy all of a sudden the volunteers get banned and no more electronic devices. Im sure they have plenty to hide since they keep dogs locked up where no one except staff can see. Dogs going into rescue from those locked wards have been reported as severely dehydrated, cant have anyone going in there to see for themselves how badly they treat those dogs, can they? Heather Peggy Adams is a liar and needs OUT of there...PLEASE VOTE TOMORROW. The volunteers are the only ones that care for all those fur babies and NOW they are being suspended...that BULLS**T....STOP doing wrong and you wouldnt have anything to hide. Are you freaking OUT because you KNOW that the volunteers ARE right...NICE way to cover everything up....piece of **** of a person Jenny One further addendum: The verification of rabies I recd was nothing more than a computer printout with the sticky labels from a vial of rabies vaccine stuck on it. There is a specific document established by the State of Michigan that is to be completed and given to the owner. I NEVER recd this. The Dept of Ag needs to investigate this facility pure and simple. This is the link to the form: nasphv.org/Documents/RabiesVacCert.pdf Cheri I sure hope this is a huge error or misunderstanding. I personally take pictures for the animals in adoption and in stray to help find them homes, rescues and also reunite lost animals. With out walking and spending time with the animals you can not expect any rescues to take animals. They need basic behavior information. The cages are way to small to expect them to sit in those cages with out being walked and given hope and to show them they matter. The shelter is too short staffed and simply can not do it all. The animals need the volunteers and so does the shelter. I personally spend hours and hours for free daily to save lives. Banning volunteers is not the answer. One thing is for sure with out pictures and walkers animals will die in droves. Kari This is a tragedy. We the volunteers work only for the sole purpose of networking and getting the word out on the dogs and cats of the shelter.. WE all want to find them homes.. The volunteers are the only ones who interact at all with the animals. The staff can not be bothered to even answer the phone or clean a dirty cage.. We the volunteers clean the cages, bathe the animals and play with them.. We want them all to get great homes.. Not allowing us in is just not fair to them. We are their voice and we are all speaking up for them. The director and all the staff need to just be replaced with kind caring people who give a **** for animals. We want nothing but the very best for them all and to get adopted into loving homes. Replace Adams, replace the director who is NEVER around and the staff as well. START FRESH with caring people. the animals need us.. PAWS UP...We do NOT GIVE UP. Steve Bila Im a volunteer at Animal Control, and yes there is a lot of things that need to change, but what Ms. Adams did here was just a power thing! I no of no one that has threatened any staff member, because if that was true Im sure it would have been dealt with on the spot. Now all the animals are going to suffer because of a power trip! Rebecca Oh Pegge Adams....I hope this is the last nail in your careers coffin. You need to be ousted now! I wish I lived in Genesee County, I would LOVE to vote to help remove you. Not allowing volunteers or electronic devices just proves that you are trying to hide something. GAC wanted to put my beautiful shepard/husky mix down because he was considered unadoptable because he was scared. I only pray karma is real and that it bites you in the a**! ResidentofGen... Didnt this happen a year or so ago when volunteers spoke out about how animal control was run? Nothing was ever pursued after the initial claim. Its their way of closing up so people cant SEE what goes on there because they cant defend the things they continue to do there anymore. The staff has looked for a way to get rid of volunteers and turn the public eye away from AC for years. Pegge says they have a large number of volunteers? There are few who will repeatedly go in there to the way theyre treated by staff and the stressful, distressing, depressing conditions the animals must live in. I bet there are only 10 max who go there more than a few times. GCAC has been the shame of Genesee Co for years. Finally there are enough residents who will NOT let these things continue! Donna To be kind, I think your reporting staff is very gullible. I have been in the shelter. It is not nice. Its kill statistics, readily available from the Michigan Dept. of Agriculture, are not nice. I regret that I live just outside the county so will not be able to vote and influence the operation of the shelter. Our Livingston County shelter had problems too, but it has been reformed to be a model shelter. Most of the bad shelters in the state have undergone similar reform. There is a large body of information and help available to do that in Genesee. It is sad that GCAC is one of the worst shelters in Michigan and no one in county government seems to care. The volunteers are the only comfort the animals have and now that is being taken away too. I bet the mostly male staff at the shelter is just terrified of those mean female volunteers. sabendt Just cant believe what goes on at this shelter and it never CHANGES!!!! The volunteers are the only hope for these animals to get loving homes. If it wasnt for the volunteers the dogs would sit in cages 24/7. This is not humane!!!! I adopted 2 dogs from AC and was horrified at the conditions and small cages that these dogs are shoved into. And now Pegge Adams is going to make it impossible for these poor dogs to get outside and get much needed exercise? Maybe ABC 12 should make some unscheduled visits to AC and see what it is really like. Any normal shelter relies on their volunteers and are a crucial for the welfare of the animals. Sure hope the people of Genesee County wake up and VOTE for change tomorrow!!! Linda First of all, TV-12 News, you should be ashamed of yourself for covering this Cry Wolf story when you wouldnt cover a Newsworthy Rally held in downtown Flint, MI with over 250 people in attendance one week ago today!!! Every time the Animal Director and now a County Commissioner wants to punish the dog pound Volunteers, the first thing they do is suspend the program and ban them. The next thing they do is use the Threat Card. And then theres the no phones and cameras allowed order and you must show ID rule. If someone didnt know any better, one might think this place and its staff were White House Celebrities, in their minds eye. Back to reality. This is nothing other than a ploy to do 3 thing... to be continued Jenny I assume 12 news will be doing a follow up story, going thru the facility in a week or so after there are no volunteers there? Lets get the true picture to the taxpayers Linda continued.... 3 things..... 1. Punish the Volunteers who dont suck up to Lazar and Adams, 2. Continue to Abuse & Kill animals with no witnesses around and 3. to try and get some sympathy votes for tomorrows election, although Im quite sure that no one is going to fall for their Threat Card Trick again, this time. Well, except TV-12 News that is. Now I know there are Leadership at all levels in Genesee County who must have animals. Dont you think its about time you get involved in this and try to do something? Stop leaving all this dirty work for the Volunteers to try to resolve. Do something for these animals. They are the innocent victims of 2 out-of-control women. Stand Up, Speak Up. Hurry Up.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 00:36:57 +0000

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