Have You ever supposed that cranberry fruit can treat - TopicsExpress


Have You ever supposed that cranberry fruit can treat You? Glass juicy blueberries cranberries provide 3.2 g of fiber (as much as apple) is up to 30 mg of vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, minerals: calcium, phosphorus, copper, and iodine, tannins, tannic acid and citric acid and malic acid. They give the fruit a characteristic sour-sweet taste. Cranberries contain a lot of benzoic acid - a natural preservative. With it stays fresh for a long time after breaking the fruit. The fridge Store up her six weeks in the freezer for up to a year (But remember that vitamin C and many medicinal substances is sensitive to freezing, intermolecular bonds can break and only fresh or dried cranberries can keep substances expected by us). When is the cranberry medicine? Scientists confirm that cranberry is one of the top super foods product. It has long been used in natural medicine for the treatment of kidney and bladder. Cranberry tart berries contain a lot of citrate, which may limit the formation of calcium-oxalate deposits. Therefore, regular drinking lots of cranberry juice helps prevent the formation of kidney stones and dissolve them. Cranberry is antibacterial and can fight urinary tract infections. Cranberries inhibit E. coli adhesion to the cells wall urinary tract, reduces proliferation and facilitates their excretion. There is also some proof of influence on the work on the bacteria Helicobacter pylori responsible for the formation of ulcers and microorganisms that cause tooth decay, gum disease and periodontitis. Substances in the tart cranberries act upon the teeth as Teflon. They form a coating hinders bacterial adhesion to enamel and gum infection. But thats not all. Cranberries also bring relief to women in menopause. ©Copyright: A.M. Zborowska, please be aware that all the using content presented on this website without written permission of the author is a crime and you can not use the content. Promuj po
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 20:07:47 +0000

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