Have any of you ever see or heard the Mississippi Squirrel Revival - TopicsExpress


Have any of you ever see or heard the Mississippi Squirrel Revival by Ray Stevens? If so let me tell you about my morning. Woke up this morning and was going to go to church, but Chads throat was real sore and he was losing his voice so I decided to just keep him at home and read from the bible. So...We are sitting on my bed reading from the book of Matthew. When all of a sudden a big bug falls from the ceiling and lands on Chad. I did not see it fall but all of a sudden it was like the Mississippi Squirrel Revival all over again! (See Chad is terrified of bugs, whether it be something as small as a tiny flea to anything as big as a spider, if it has legs and crawls and qualifies as a bug he goes beserk...LOL) Anyway, he threw his bible, and was dancing all over the bed and Im thinking this kid has really gotten the spirit of God...Hes screaming and dancing and its total chaos...LOL Then I realize because hes yelling is it on me, is it on me that it was a bug of some sort. He jumps off the bed still dancing around and Im pulling covers, tossing bibles, highlighters, pillows and everything aside looking for a bug. The next thing I know hes yelling its on me! its on me! and I look and a cricket is crawling up the front of his sweatshirt. So I say just stand still wrong choice of words because that only make it worse. Hes screaming, get it off, get it off and Im trying to get to him to knock it off and he just flings it across the room and I had to get to it and kill it before he totally passed out. Then I went into a tirade of how he should have been still and I almost lost it due to him freaking out. Going into how there are bugs everywhere it was just a cricket and getting more wound up by the minute about how he needs to just not freak out and stay calm. How ridiculous it is to be so scared of every tiny insect....blah blah blah. When he says mom we were reading about how God knows our every care and he will take care of us and he said At least I was saying Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, at least I was calling upon his name So I started laughing so hard I thought I was going to cry. From all that I gather that God gave me my lesson for today. Dont take things so seriously, find the humor in all situations and always call upon the name of God!
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 17:37:40 +0000

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