Have not heard of any prayer requests this week? Either everyone - TopicsExpress


Have not heard of any prayer requests this week? Either everyone is in good shape or you are not letting me know about needs. I hope it is the former but if it is the latter please send prayer requests. Kim is continuing to improve. She has been taken off the heart medicine and her blood pressure has remained steady. She has only been allowed to chew on some ice shavings but today they may introduce water and perhaps juice. She did stand up for a few minutes yesterday with help. She is having some pain in the stomach and is still on the spinal tap thing. She is alert when she is awake and is up for visits if you care to stop by. She will remain in intensive care because they have the room and do not need to move her. She is in room 204 which is on the first floor of the hospital when you take the elevator up. The first report came back from the tumor and it was encouraging according to the doctor, although I was not in the room when he came in to tell her so I am not sure what that means but hope to find out today. The Lymph nodes report has not yet come back. We are expecting that either Monday or Tuesday. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support. Fresh from the Throne August 30, 2014 I am the Lord, I have called you in righteousness, I will also hold you by the hand and watch over you... Isaiah 42:6 When we are called by God we enter into an eternal relationship with our Creator. Because there are ...none that seek for God .. our call to God initiates with Him and is kept by Him. Jesus is the ..author and the perfecter.. of our faith. Only God knows those who will respond to His drawing and therefore He has known from eternity past those that will enter into that relationship in time for eternity future. Our standing in grace (Romans 5:2) is totally a God thing. Many are called but few are chosen were the words Jesus spoke to reveal that while everyone has received a measure of light that can bring them to Christ few choose to respond to that light. The darkness of personal choices, pride and rebellion will prevent most people from ever embracing the light that brings us into a safe or saved place. The road to hell is indeed broad and many are those that go that way. The way of grace is narrow because it leaves behind all merit and boasting in the flesh. Song of Songs is written in part to reveal the intense love relationship we are called into with God. There is an intense desire on the part of the bridegroom (Jesus) to let his bride (the church) know how He desires to embrace her and satisfy her. He sees beauty where she sees imperfections. He longs for intimacy where she at times hides herself. He wants her to be so satisfied in His love that nothing else in the world compares. At times He hides Himself so that she may learn to long after Him. But through it all the theme is one of intense desire and love on the part of the bridegroom. A perfect picture of Christ and each of us who have embraced the call into fellowship with Jesus. There is something about holding hands with the one you love that brings comfort and connection that reaches beyond the hand and into the heart. God declares in our verse today that He is holding our hand. It is derived from a primitive root meaning ..to guard, to keep, to observe , to preserve, to hide.. It is much more then just a touch. It is God coming into our world and becoming personally involved in each detail of every day. It is the all knowing God making provisions for us not only when we are aware of our needs but when we dont even know we have a need. It is the lover of our soul comforting us when we are in despair and protecting us when we are in danger. It is God taking us and hiding us under the shadow of His abiding presence when there is more work for us to do. As you go about your day today be encouraged with the thought that you have One who is holding your hand, your life and your heart in His hands. You can not do better than that.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 11:15:05 +0000

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