Have you ever asked yourself how the western media presents such a - TopicsExpress


Have you ever asked yourself how the western media presents such a consistent narrative to support global corporate Empire? The why is obvious: They are owned by corporations that profit from war as a means of controlling the natural resources of other nations. The how is a bit more complicated. Since WWII, US national interest has been defined as that of international corporations that controll the US government and dictate its foreign policies on matters of defense and trade. These are labeled neoconservatism and neoliberalism, respectively. Together, they comprise neofascism, which is corporate control of government that aims to divide people against one another, demonize the leaders of targeted nations and justify imperialism. The CIA represents the international corporate war profiteers. Its mission has been to promote their interests by interfering with the sovereignty of any nation that does not submit to the rule of the Anglo-American-Israeli Empire. One of its functions is to wage propaganda wars. It has built relationships with the most influenctial news sources and feeds them with propaganda approved by their corporate Puppetmasters. This role has been relegated NGOs like USAID nominally under the control of the State Department,but still under the control of CIA propagandists. News agencies have become stenographers for the corporate-controlled government on international affairs. Since the corporatocracy murdered JFK for trying to end the Cold War, no President has seriously challenged their supremacy so go along with the line supplied by the corporate interests who plan foreign policy behind closed doors with the aim of global dominance militarily and economically. There is much more to the story. I have summarized a bit more of it here: soldiersforpeaceinternational.org/2014/03/the-art-and-science-of-propaganda.html Please pass this information on.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 18:01:13 +0000

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