Have you ever felt like youve been at a crossroads in some area of - TopicsExpress


Have you ever felt like youve been at a crossroads in some area of your life, and you made a particular decision that you didn’t really feel that great about… And once you came out the other side, you said to yourself: “Oooh, I really wish I’d followed my gut instinct on this, because I JUST KNEW things were going to turn out this way!” Maybe you made the decision based on a feeling of obligation - what you thought you SHOULD do instead of what felt right… And you had an inner knowing beforehand that this wasn’t the right thing to do, but maybe you weren’t fully able to hear it. Or perhaps you decided to ignore it altogether! Can you relate? I think it’s fair to say that we’ve all been in this situation. And really, it’s not your fault! Society teaches us from a very young age to put much more value on what we see and hear, rather than what we FEEL. As a result, a lot of us don’t have a very strong relationship with our intuition. So even on those rare occasions when we do experience that inner knowing, or feel a bit of a nudge to move in a particular direction, we often don’t recognize it for what it is… Our higher self aiming to guide us towards a happier, more fulfilling life. Luckily, there are ways that you can develop a stronger relationship to your intuition, just like working a muscle at the gym. Here are 3 ways that you can strengthen the volume of your intuition, so that you can more easily tap into it and be guided by its clarity & wisdom: TIP #1: Meditate! Meditation is excellent not only for helping you to develop a stronger relationship with your intuition, but also for helping you process emotions, reduce stress and react more positively to everyday situations. TIP #2: Appreciate Nature Each Day Take a short walk in the park to take in the beauty of the trees or flowers there, or the sun bursting through the clouds or even just the feeling of the wind blowing across your face... Even though we may not consciously realize it, when we take even just a few minutes each day to stop and appreciate nature, we subconsciously remind ourselves of our connection to Source energy and everything around us! And the more you make a regular effort to connect with Source, the stronger your relationship with your intuition will develop. TIP #3: Follow Your Intuition As I said before, your intuition is like a muscle - the more you tune into it and use it, the stronger it gets. Soon, youll begin to experience that inner knowing as less of a whisper or nudge… and more of a loud voice giving you a loving shove to move in a more positive direction. Always remember - you are wiser than you think you are! Trust your intuition and let it guide you, and youll move faster towards your goals than you ever imagined possible :)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 17:08:28 +0000

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