Have you ever felt that something was just NOT rite - read what - TopicsExpress


Have you ever felt that something was just NOT rite - read what GoD is saying today - Hello again, I am back and this time though it is Thursday and ALL; I am NOT necessarily Testifying, rather I am just sharing something which happened to mii a couple of weeks ago.. I was amazed by it but then I recalled my experience during my last trip to Charmonix, France which had mii thinking about the way our lives are truly going!! Recently, I was having a conversation with someone very peculiar that I was introduced to and I am assuming for the purpose of getting mii to deliberately state how I feel about certain topics, from the second I was introduced to this person I felt a vibe but what was more intense was the feeling I received after looking at their pink sun glasses.. So, right off of the bat I inquired whether or NOT he wore them to represent for Breat Cancer Awareness?? He stumbled for words to find.. I then recalled what I am sharing with you here.. (See attached photo) A few years ago I saw many ads for new items on the market that were video equipped that the human eye could NEVER detect but another factor about that is many times even during movies and/ or tv shows these items are revealed as a criminal is captured etc.. I am sharing this today because people you must be aware at ALL times; especially if you are living a lifestyle that can get you caught up (Hosea 4:6) or in some cases like in the one I was just involved in, people will send others to question you and try to figure out your stance on certain matters.. Apart from the carnality of it ALL - I want to share that GOD knows and sees ALL anyway as HE is Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the Very End.. GOD is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient so if we think we can hide anything from HIM then we best just think again (Psalms 147:5).. With this said and as I continue working on my checklist, I encourage you ALL to remember that GOD is everywhere so even when we think man can hurt us, dont forget the Great I Am can and will correct you harder when you are out of line as, Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.. Proverbs 13:24 Chat soon Fam and remember to Focus today as you do NOT know who is watching and listening but most importantly I cannot emphasize this enough that GOD is alwayz watching and I do NOT think you want to piss HIM off - Now do You??!!?? This was a Moment of Introspect by your Favorite CEO of Freedom Entertainment Group, Remember our Motto - Education + Entertainment (positive that is) = Excellence Like our page today - Muuuuaaaahhhhhhh
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 14:34:06 +0000

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