Have you ever thought about how your life changed, often for the - TopicsExpress


Have you ever thought about how your life changed, often for the better, because of your own circumstances? In a quick rewind to my spring semester 1974 here at Paris Junior College, I was busily working on the student newspaper, The Bat, and the telephone rang in the office. I had been a student journalist since my junior year in high school and really enjoyed writing and I was fortunate enough to join The Bat staff with a scholarship thanks to instructor, Randy Cameron. Little did I know, that phone ringing would open a whole, new world of opportunity for me. The caller was Cal Tidwell, program director for then KPLT-AM. He was looking for someone from PJC who would be willing to record (mind you on reel-to-reel tape) a 15 minute show each week about what was happening at PJC. In a nano-second, I replied, Look no further, you have your man, Id like to do that! It may have been that day or the next (as I didnt want to be perceived as too presumptuous) I visited Mr. Tidwell, met station manager and owner, Jeff Methven, and toured the facility where I would meet air personality, Jack Emory (aka Jack Palmore), and was shown the recording studio from whence I would record my updates about the happening going on at the College-sports schedules, student government activities, theater productions, and the like. After a few months, I had cut and taped my show together many times to try my best to get it right. Im thankful for the patience Cal, Jack, Jeff and others showed me. That opportunity afforded me, which by the way was a non-paying job, opened a new adventure to me which led to my educational focus in Radio-Television Broadcasting with a second major in Sociology. But this was a springboard for my own air time and being paid to spin record, play commercials, conduct contest on-air, learn to do play-by-play sports and advance my education at the same time. I even got to team-up with my friend, Dave Koelling (Cousin Dave and Cousin Derald) and share air time. This spring it will be 41 years ago that someone took a chance on me. Communications has been an integral part of the thread of my career tapestry. Some will say it began as a high school journalist--and it did. (I interviewed Charlie Waters and Cliff Harris their rookie season with the Cowboys while we were riding dirt bikes at the late Judge Jim Noble Thompsons farm and I spoke to Raymond Emmett Berry the day after he was selected to the NFL Football Hall of Fame because I called his dad, Coach Berry and asked for his phone number and he gave it to me!) Why this long epistle? I watched those graduating from PJC Friday night and saw the stars in their eyes, the excitement in their step as they walked the stage to accept their diploma or certificate and it was evident, someone-faculty, staff, family--had made the difference for them to achieve this level of success...For a brief moment, I too felt that emotion of knowing how they felt because someone gave me that chance. Congratulations Fall Class of 2014 graduates!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 16:46:55 +0000

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