Have you ever wanted to be like your father, your teacher or your - TopicsExpress


Have you ever wanted to be like your father, your teacher or your friend? Did you feel like copying their actions or were inspired by them to bring a change in your own personality? If yes, then you have met charismatic people who have inspired you. This charisma is something which cannot be described; it must be felt from within. In simple terms, charisma is a part of personality which shows assertiveness and confidence with an ability to conduct effective communication with everyone you meet. Charismatic people use their body language and aura to inspire others and make a positive impression. Some have an inborn ability to be charismatic while others learn the skill over time. Here we will discuss in detail what makes one charismatic and how you can add more charisma to your personality. How to develop charisma There are many ways to develop charisma. It all depends on how willing you are in making your personality attractive and energetic. Mirroring: This is a simple technique where you identify someone as charismatic and copy their style. This person you look up to can be your father, your elder brother, teacher or anyone from your friends or family. It is advisable that you look at someone who is part of your society and culture, someone you know or can relate to. At times people want to be like a singer or an actor and lose their own self with it. Mirroring means you adapt only the way people carry themselves, for instance, how they enter a room, how they interact with people, what are their eye movements and hand gestures like and so on. Mirroring helps you in crafting your own style by looking at other’s personality as a guideline. Introspection: This is something one must always do. Sit in a quiet place in your home and let your mind go blank. Then think about how you interact with people and how you want to do it in future. This is an important step in identifying your shortcomings. A blank mind is free from distractions and lets one think with comfort. You should visualise how you want to interact with others as your thoughts and expectations will embed in your subconscious mind. Qualities of a charismatic personality Calm: An individual having a charismatic personality is relaxed and shows calmness. It is one of the biggest assets an individual can possess. A relaxed personality does not imply that one is lazy or weary, but it means that the person never lets his/her circumstances rule over him/her. People get panicky on small issues like a pimple or if the assignment submission date is closing in. Charismatic people never let their circumstances rule over them as they go with the flow and are always hopeful for the better. Confidence: Everyone wants to look and feel confident but it takes time before you can do so with ease. Charismatic people always show their confident side to everyone they interact with. Whether one has to deliver a class presentation or go on stage to give a speech, confidence is something which will help you succeed in life. Positive approach: It’s true that one has to think about both the positive and the negative aspects of things, but charismatic people don’t let negative things blur their mind. They always look at the positive side of things and have faith in their abilities. Having a positive outlook also keeps one motivated and one ends up making a positive impression on others. Intelligence: Being charismatic is not only related to having a magnetic personality, one also has to show some intelligence. Reading books and newspapers gives one the understanding about life and they can carry on a pleasant and enlightened conversation with others. In gatherings charismatic people use their knowledge to make a favourable impression on others. Self-esteem: Just like confidence is important in dealing with daily affairs of life, self-esteem is equally important. Charisma comes from within and if someone has a low self-esteem, then he/she might not present him/herself in a right way. You have to first believe in yourself before you can make others believe in you. Sense of humour: Some people want to appear witty but often end up upsetting or embarrassing others and themselves. Cracking a joke at someone else’s expense is not funny but rude. Charismatic people always keep the feelings of others in mind when saying anything funny. Thus their humour is always respected and brings a smile on others’ faces. Social magnet: Charismatic people tend to attract others in a gathering. This may not be because of what they are wearing or their status in the society, but because they have a warm personality, a smile on their face and take genuine interest in the people they meet. Charismatic people never interact for the sake of socialising; they do so with honesty and make others feel as if they are the only one present there. They talk in a pleasant way and meet others with veracity. Decent behaviour: These days many people feel they need to act weirdly, use slang or behave in a different way in order to attract attention or stand out in a crowd. Charismatic people, on the other hand, never behave in such a way and don’t use slang and words which are either abusive or immoral in nature. Their language is always decent and acceptable. Rank yourself equal: In our society, where status symbol is the most desired thing, people want to be considered superior to others and this is social suicide. Charismatic people never indulge in a status war, which is why they are looked upon with respect by their peers and colleagues. They never differentiate themselves with others on the basis of wealth or any other quality. They respect everyone and never walk with arrogance, but interact with humility. Body language: Ever wondered why world leaders and corporate icons always look so energetic? It is because they have a posture and body language reflecting optimism and liveliness. Their posture is always erect and smart, and their handshake firm. Same is the case with charismatic people, for their body language creates an impression of confidence and charm even before they speak a word. They always have an upright posture, they walk with their shoulders straight and not drooping, they maintain eye contact when conversing and they use gestures and hand movements frequently to emphasise their point. This shows their confidence and ability to be themselves in front of others. Thus, we need to focus on our body language or non-verbal communication, which makes up 60 per cent of our day-to-day communication, to improve the impression we make on others. Emotional expressiveness: Unlike many people who have an expressionless face, charismatic people have the ability to show their emotions well. Their facial expressions are enough for others to know how they feel and it keeps them in touch with reality for they don’t live a life of deception. Proud, not arrogant: There is a thin line between feeling pride in oneself and showing arrogance. When people try to dominate others they become arrogant and others feel belittled. This is not how charismatic people live because if they are proud of their achievements and their lives, they never impose their supremacy upon others by hurting their feelings. Feel from within: If you want to become charismatic then you should keep in mind two things. First, you have to practise all the above mentioned attributes on daily basis, until they become a part of your personality. But do not stress yourself otherwise you will be too conscious of all your actions and others will be able to see that you are not at ease and are not behaving naturally. Just keep these points in mind when you are at school or at a gathering.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 01:25:56 +0000

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