Have you heard it? Have you? The Sound of Breeze When You are - TopicsExpress


Have you heard it? Have you? The Sound of Breeze When You are sitting somewhere all alone, Outside the concrete Jungle, Somewhere there are Just The Plants, The Sunlight and Mountains. It tells you something, it speaks to you, It takes you to the point where You don’t think, But you know. Have you heard that? It Is One of the reasons I believe In God, Because they both explain the meaning “Sometimes somethings cannot be seen, but they are Just Felt” , The Breeze Flows Heavy through my windows, Through my broken windows. This breeze is here with me, I cannot understand how it made it through the walls, the boundaries, through all the Cruel Self Destructing Man Made Creations. I Wonder How! I have my laptop in front of me, So that I don’t feel my time is wasted, to save me from Boredom, because I am a Teenager, The Generation which loves things. Oh sorry! I sometimes wander off topic, not a great asset when you’re a “Writer”. I am watching Malgudi Days, I love them, They are so True, they are not commercialized, they are real. I am about half way through my episodes, I take a rest and lie back on the bed this is the witness of my Joblessness, and I think it hates me! .Mainly because I have been lying on it watching Malgudi Days since 15 Hours. So I take a break, go out and have a smoke in the balcony, I see a large slum area on one side, and on the other side I see tall buildings with glass facades , Big Banners, Flyovers , Shops and Lights !.But these two sides though different from each other with respect to their form, their glamour, their aesthetic quotient but still the basic D.N.A that resides in the people that Habit these sides in its most basic form is same. Malgudi days which is a compilation of stories back in the old times, times before we were a Free nation, the times when one Rupee was Valued, and treasured, times when we were Just Snake charmers to the world. The reason I love Malgudi days so much is because every story presents to you the View into People’s Beliefs, their gods, and their faith, their inner Monsters, Fine sketches of what their Soul is made of. What’s the one Quality that makes Malgudi days a Masterpiece for me is, R.K Laxman has somehow managed to predict the Future Of Humans, Let me explain! The Human Emotions such as Love, Care, Faith, Hope, Hate, Fear and Millions of Other Non termed Emotions that we feel on the daily Basis ,are still present rooted in Us,strong like the roots of a trees making its way through a concrete pavement, We Still Believe in self-proclaimed Demigods , Still We Haven’t figured out the difference between Religion and Faith, We still feel a Girl Child is a Burden, We still are Living our lives like anyone of the Characters from the masterpiece. I am still the swami, And You know who you are. I guess we haven’t evolved, not even a Bit.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 16:44:41 +0000

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