Havent heard anything recently about Grandma. I have an update - TopicsExpress


Havent heard anything recently about Grandma. I have an update on myself though: For those of you who dont know my story, my friend and I were hit head-on on 475 by a drunk driver, both my ankles were crushed under the glove compartment and I broke my right elbow and forearm. Thank God we lived, I am very grateful. My ankles were open breaks, my tibias and fibulas were broken off at the tips. I dont have much cushion in them for getting around. My right ankle has given me lots of pain and is turning inward. I have to have it fused so I am not bone on bone when I walk. I am having the surgery done on June 17th at Hurley. I went to a physical therapist yesterday. She was going to show me how to use a roundabout it looks like a Scooter type thing you rest your knee on, so the ankle can heal because I wont be able to use it. I am 8weeks non-weight bearing on my ankle, there is a grout type substance that will be put in to kinda cement it together. Well, since I cant lift my whole body weight straight up from a sitting position with my arms a/k/a T-Rexes, 😜 I will probably have to go a rehab facility like I did after initial accident. I had gone to Fostrian, the one in Flushing. That company now owns the one on Center/Leith, Briarwood. I will need lots of prayers and lots of visitors to help keep my spirits up. I will keep everyone posted as I can when the time comes. Please pray for guidance for the surgeon, its supposed to be a 3hour surgery. After the surgery and I am recovered, I should have 80-90% pain relief when mobilizing. Much love to you all.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 19:35:49 +0000

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