Having lived and worked in Vietnam as a missionary, it amazes me - TopicsExpress


Having lived and worked in Vietnam as a missionary, it amazes me that the church in America is so ill informed. Jailed, fined, confined, threatened and then evicted, barred from returning, I can tell you stories but, read this. The couple survives through subsistence farming, and they have three boys aged 10, 12, and 14. The husband is afraid they will lose their land and have no way of supporting their family. The wife is afraid of further beatings. Their pastor is trying to help, but he lives in another village 15 miles away. 92% of Vietnamese people are Buddhist and only 1% are Christian, according to NationMaster. Christians in the communist state of Vietnam are seen as agents of the West and are regarded with suspicion. The government requires permits for larger gatherings--but will issue them last minute or not at all to make it difficult on churches. Furthermore, it’s illegal to import Christian materials; last year over a dozen Christians were arrested for their faith. The World Watch List labels Vietnam as a nation with “severe persecution,” the second worst rank for oppression of Christians. Please pray for safety and provision for this family. Read it and weep or do something. I choose to do something. Join me, or not. bobbywatts.org/index.html
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 10:41:19 +0000

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