He begins: As a pleasure-seeking meat eater, I am increasingly - TopicsExpress


He begins: As a pleasure-seeking meat eater, I am increasingly disappointed by grain-fed supermarket beef. Rib eyes require a slick of steak sauce to taste meaty. Ground beef has a tacky, greasy consistency. Tenderloin, even with tender care, always leaves me underwhelmed. So I decided to stop complaining about mass-market beef and find a rancher. I wanted to know my cattle producer. ... And continues later: The National Cattlemens Beef Association notes that less than 1 percent of beef sold at retail is labeled as grass-fed. During the finishing, the animal begins to lay down more fat in relation to muscle and bone growth, says Cindy Daley, Ph.D., who studies beef at California State University. Until the 1950s, ranchers finished cattle exclusively on grass. But industrial producers realized that grain feeding improved fat marbling while cutting the days until slaughter. After decades of eating the stuff, we now prefer fattier beef. But at the same time, our rates of diseases linked to inflammation rose. Could grain-fed cows and inflammation be connected? A 2011 Irish study found that people who replaced their regular red meat with three weekly servings of grass-fed red meat for a month improved their inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acid profiles by 37 percent over those of people who ate the same amount of grain-finished red meat. The mistake made then and now in the US is to ignore grass farming. When you grow good grass for your cattle forage then they finish quickly and finish well fattened with good marbling. Theres a contradiction in saying that we only like well marbled beef because we have gotten used to it, as if we had to be trained to like it, while also noting that the omega-3 fatty acids are good for us. Thats an old and mistaken prejudice based on junk science that is being shredded ever more, every week. Humans have always sought fats and for good reason; they are healthful. Its true that industrial fats are not healthful, and processed plant oils are not healthful, but fats from grass fed ruminants are healthful as well as delicious. menshealth/nutrition/grass-fed-beef
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 00:47:40 +0000

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