He knows the way I will take when He has tests me, I WILL come - TopicsExpress


He knows the way I will take when He has tests me, I WILL come forth as Gold- 23: 10. Job. Count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations knowing this, the trying of your Faith works Patience and when Patience has her Perfect work, you will be mature and entire, lacking nothing- 1: 2-4. James. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind, and God is faithful. He will Not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so you can endure it- 10: 13. 1Corinthians. Temptation means: pushed BEYOND what natual man has the ability to control or stop. Temptation (evil) starts with a thought, and when thought becomes action, so is sin (flesh) acted out. Where theres a continuing acting out of the flesh, so is this the land of the dead as sin continues repeaing itself, unconcsious (sleeping) one is Spirit, Never having been tempted by or subject too it. Sin is Not as the natual mind determines it to be, as being the action following the belief producing it, but is the flesh in its entirety, and what youre Overcoming in its ENTIRETY, as being how youre Inheriting the Kingdom of God by Faith. You are Overcoming temptation as youre awakening in Spirit as Never having been tempted by or bound too sin, thus the Strength and Power by which youre Overcoming it in its entirety. Youre Not being Saved by works, rather by Grace through Faith, and why youre experiencing tempations of many kinds unable to escape them by natual ability, experiencing moments of escape as your Faith is being Rewarded, disclosing the Living God is in complete control of this trial of your Faith which has come upon you. The Finshed Work of the Cross is realized as one is experiencing the trial of ones Faith, unable to escape it by natual ability, causing one to completely rely and depend upon the Spirit of God for this reason. God already knows the way youre taking, because the trying of your Faith is happening for the specific purpose of completing it in you, as Patience has had its Perfect work. The working of Faith and Patience withn you is transpiring, as youre relying and depending upon the Spirit of God for ALL things, continuously bringing into view EVERYTHING needed for this purpose, as a result of doing so. As Faith and Patience has had their Perfect Work in you, so have you settled entirely into the Process of your Transfromation from death to Life, having AWAKENED where you exist in Spirit- RIGHT NOW, whole and complete lacking nothing, as youve placed complete reliance and dependence upon the Spirit of God, for this reason.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 17:16:23 +0000

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