Headcannon. (Lara Timpson, Daughter of Hades :D OC) Lara ran, - TopicsExpress


Headcannon. (Lara Timpson, Daughter of Hades :D OC) Lara ran, her breath rattled in her chest and every step hurt, she winced and drew her stygian iron sword, it wasn’t enough, so she kept running, tripping and stumbling over every root she saw. She heard it, thundering behind her and she only just managed to hold back a scream, it ended as a whimper in her throat. Her feet felt heavy, she had only tried to shadow travel about 50 times and as for summoning, she couldn’t summon a dog bone. She wheezed out another breath, her insides felt like fire, petrifying fire that consumed you. But she kept running. She knew she couldn’t defeat this thing by herself but she hadn’t seen another demigod for miles. So she did what any sensible person would do. She turned to face it alone. Brandishing her sword she let out a cry and leaped towards the Drakon, she slashed and it immediately smacked her into a tree, she groaned as a lump began forming on her head, but she pushed herself to her feet and attacked again. Being careful to keep her eyes on the ground, she ran towards the monster again. *CLANG* her sword raked off its scales harmlessly, and she winced at the sound. She needed to get the elevation and... Flying. Suddenly she was flying; through the air, her arms and legs flailing and she tried to stop her impact with the tarmac, but then she looked. Letting out a violent cuss in Greek, she thrashed and flailed harder, plummeting straight towards the Drakon’s mouth. She bounced and leaped off every claw strike, but only succeeded in plummeting faster. Then she was in his mouth, his slimy tongue came in contact with her feet and she hissed, her senses awakened by the horrid smell of acid. The teeth snapped shut behind her and he swallowed, she screamed, being dragged towards the back of its throat. She expected death; she knew she was going to die. But then she grabbed her sword, plunging it into the Drakon’s tongue, locking it and grabbing onto the handle. The acid burned at her feet and body, the pain making it even harder to move, to even think. She slashed down and put all her weight on it, the sword beginning to slip and cut open the Drakon’s mouth more, it screamed and thrashed, stomping around, which jolted Lara around in his mouth. She could feel the Drakon’s soul being vacuumed into her sword, it stung her hands, making it harder to hold on, she felt her boots; or what’s left of them slide off her feet and she just managed to grab onto her hunting knife. With a yell she plunged it into the roof of the Drakon’s mouth, collecting more of its soul, she grinned manically and began to hack with her knife, cutting and chopping more of the inside of the Drakon… Pain. That’s what I remembered, stinging, burning acrid pain. My body feels like it’s on fire, my mind singed and distorted, I remember flying through the air out of the Drakon’s mouth. *BOOM* Flown further, debris falling around us, acid soaking my body, my mind, poisoning me. Then…Blackness. I groaned, opening my eyes, everything felt blurry and distorted; I notice my surroundings, the fields, the red walls. I’m in the infirmary. I looked around for nectar, trying to grab it but my whole body aches, like a Drakon used me for a chew toy. I wince. I run my hand over my face, feeling the scars, the burns and the… Eye patch. My head is bandaged heavily and I run my hands over the eye patch that adorns my eye. Grabbing a mirror I look over myself, as I expected my image shows that of a monster, singed hair, bandaged head, bruises, cuts, scars and burns. I must have hit the floor pretty hard. “Well. The sleeper finally awakes.” I look towards the voice, the action making my head throb. “A..Aeon?” I whisper, wincing at the roughness in my voice. “What? Did you forget me or something?” He grins as he walks towards me, putting his sword aside, and then placing mine down on the table. “I found this.” He mutters and sits beside me on my bed. “T-Thanks.” I mutter, coughing out the roughness and he smirks. “Here.” He hands me a cup of Nectar and I gratefully gulp it down. Instantly I feel regenerated. I feel better. He grins. “Better?” I nod, licking the taste of home-grown strawberry pie off my lips. “Much.” I mutter in response, stretching out, still in pain from the explosion. “What happened?” I ask quietly and he frowns. “No-one knows. We just found you like this. Your leg was stuck in a machine which we only just managed to save, but your eye? Your eye was too badly corroded to spare, we had to cut it out.” I let out a pained sob. He nods and puts his arms around me. “Don’t worry Lara. We can replace it with a genetically modified new one... But it will take some getting used to, with or without the surgery.” I nod. “I need to get back to the fighting. I need to protect Camp.” Aeon frowns. “Didn’t anybody tell you? The War’s been over for days. You’ve been out for two weeks.” He pauses. “We honestly didn’t know if you were gunna wake up.” In that moment I felt all the air rush from my lungs. I looked over at him, licking my cracked and dry lips. “Two weeks?” I ask softly, then look over my body again, the hair on my forearms pink and raw like just replaced skin. I suck in another breath. Aeon nods. “The Acid did more damage to you than we thought. At first you were barely breathing, we gave you surgery and even then you proved unresponsive, only letting out small sounds, as if in a dream.” I nod, trying to push myself out of my bed, but immediately collapsing on the cold floor; Aeon hurries to my side and picks me up. “Hey. Easy there.” He helps me to my feet. I choke back a sob running a hand through my hair; it feels like straw under my fingers. “I have to go shower.” I mutter, pushing past him. The concept of walking is new to me again, my mind feels miles away from my feet and every step is a struggle. I feel unbalanced, like only seeing out of one side, which I am. Aeon just watches me, moving towards me and helping me every time I fall. Finally I get to the door, feeling the Nectar running through me. I grip the railing and slowly make my way to the showers, my body aches, so it’s not like I can shadow travel. I frown, opening the door to the showers and stepping inside, I turn back to Aeon. “T-Thanks.” He nods and slumps against the wall. “I’ll be waiting” I nod and venture inside, finding a cubicle and shutting the door behind me. Half an hour later I come back out, dressed in the same burnt clothes I fainted in, but otherwise clean. Aeon smiles. “Thought you Drowned in there.” I snort and roll my eyes. “Come on you lovesick puppy.” I smirk, taunting him and he rolls his eyes back. “Me lovesick? Never.” With that he gets to his feet and leads me towards the Hades cabin. Years Later “I still stumble” A 35 year old woman sits in a rocking chair, a young girl on her lap, the girl giggles and raises her hand to the woman’s face, running her hand over the eye patch, she smiles softly. “Now, Eloise” the woman says, removing the girls hand. “Yes Ma?” Eloise states, tilting her head, her eyes a startling brown, and her hair matching that of her fathers. “Any other stories you want to hear?” the woman rocks back and forth with her child, looking around the room with her one working eye. “Why didn’t you get the surgery, mommy?” she smiles softly. “I didn’t want anything like that. I just wanted to get on with my life.” She states and gets to her feet, hoisting the child up onto her hip. “I’M HOME!” A voice rings out from the front door, the woman laughs and puts down her child, to which she runs towards the voice. “DADDY!” She calls with childhood innocence and he chuckles, picking her up and swinging her around. “Hey Pumpkin, how’s my perfect princess today.” She giggles. “Good.” He nods and kisses her forehead. “Why don’t you get ready for bed and daddy will come read you a story?” She nods and hops down, running to her bedroom. The woman stands in the doorway, watching her husband intently. “Hey there.” She says softly and walks towards him, he smirks and kisses her cheek. “Hey there lovesick puppy.” She smiles and wraps her arms around his neck. “I’m sorry we had that argument.” He chuckles and lifts her up, spinning her around. She smiles softly. “Can we get past it.” He leans down and kisses her softly, passionately. She breaks away with a smile. “I love you..” She whispers, and he chuckles again, shaking his head. “I Lo-““DADDY!” Eloise calls from her bedroom. “I’M READY NOW!” He laughs and brushes his long locks from his face. “COMING DEAR!” He calls back and takes the woman’s hand. “You coming with me?” She nods and he leads her to the stairs, letting her go up the stairs first. “I love you too. Lara.” ~Apolloslittlelullaby
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 18:37:37 +0000

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