Healing body image does not happen overnight. It is a process and - TopicsExpress


Healing body image does not happen overnight. It is a process and it requires daily reminders, self-care and authentic connections to remember that YOU are not your size, weight or shape. Daily recognition that you are on a path to healing and consistently working with the distorted THINKING that has you stuck will bring freedom to this obsession. What body part do you want to bring more healing attention to? If you could accept yourself as you are, how would that feel today? How would you live your life differently if you were in this space of radical acceptance? Please share below. Sit comfortably in a quiet space and begin to watch your breath. Ground the body to begin by taking 3 deep, full belly breaths and open the mouth to exhale fully on each. Sit tall, long spine and heavy lower body. Relax the shoulders and the back and concentrate for a few minutes on the normal breath- each inhale and exhale as it comes in and leaves the body. Once you are feeling centered and relaxed begin to scan your outer body from head to toe, acknowledging each and every body part for all it does for you. Start with the head, and then the face (eyes, ears, nose, mouth). Travel to the neck, shoulders, arms and hands towards the chest, abdomen and pelvic floor. Move to the legs, calves, feet and toes. Pause for a moment on each spot and name at least 2 things that this body part does for you, and why it is so precious. If you are scanning a body part that has been more susceptible to criticism in the past, then pause a bit longer and really focus your attention on how grateful you are for that part of your body. After you scan your entire body, imagine a beautiful white, clear light entering your crown and flooding your entire body of all its negativity- all the old hate. Imagine as every body pat and organ is filled with this luminous brilliant white light, it is healed of criticism and judgment. Imagine your body as this divine light itself, moving through the Universe in its own unique way- allowing for its own unique experience, necessary to the planet. When you are complete, thank your body for being there for you, and dedicate the meditation to others who also might be struggling with their bodies, that they too may be healed of judgment and criticism and free of negative body image. If it fits, join us here : https://facebook/groups/Problematiceaters/?fref=ts
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 10:03:53 +0000

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