Healing in Class and on the Streets: Today five of my students - TopicsExpress


Healing in Class and on the Streets: Today five of my students (at a secular community college) with short legs all had their legs grow out (see the video below; it is a bit rough at the ending). I said almost nothing and let Holy Spirit do what He does very well. Afterwards, I explained that Jesus had done the miracle and shared the love of God with the class. As class ended, about half of the students remained to talk. One woman from Sri Lanka wanted prayer for a migraine; she gets them a few times a month and they stay for days. It lifted off of her after one prayer. This bewildered her; she stood there saying, “Really, really! The migraine is gone. Thank you.” Two of the other students started to testify to her about Jesus. They then started praying and blessing their classmates, the class, the college and even their professor. They then wanted blessing and to feel God’s presence. Three asked for prayers for improving their learning. One young man from a Buddhist background (whose leg grew out) stuck around to the end, listening to the talk about Jesus, Holy Spirit and Father God. He asked me whether I would be willing to pray with his mother who had been in a car accident and suffered hearing loss. One young lady stayed to the very end. I had sensed some things going on in her life. She seems like a wonderful person, but had some issues with being extremely oppressed. We prayed at that thing lifted off her. She said, “I feel so light, like I am walking on air!” She had been crying for some time, but the former tears of sadness turned to tears of joy. She then asked for prayer for her back, which had been injured several years ago in an accident. With three prayers in Jesus’ name, the pain went from 8/10 to 2/10 to 0/10. She was so very thankful and happy. And I was able to speak some words into her life. I was vibrating and shaking in the glory while leaving the classroom. Later in the afternoon, I was walking down a major street in my neighbourhood and noticed a South Asian man with a slight limp. As he was smoking a cigarette, I asked him whether he had pain in his back. He told me of the pain in his back and both arms showing stitches on one arm and the hospital bracelet just below—He had recently been released. He allowed me to pray for him in Jesus’ name and the pain left his back and both arms. He was smiling, laughing and almost dancing. I had him sit down and we measured his legs. One was 1 inch shorter than the other. It grew out. He jumped up and reaching in his pocket to show me a picture he carries of Padre Pio (the Catholic miracle worker); he kept pointing to the picture and then to me. I talked with him more about Jesus. In broken English, he kept saying, “Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me.” It was a beautiful encounter with a lovely man. This was a fun day in the fellowship of Abba, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Glory! youtu.be/Wrz7qAXpQog
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 02:24:51 +0000

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